“一帶一路”年度發展報告(2018)-(Report on BRI Progress(2018))

“一帶一路”年度發展報告(2018)-(Report on BRI Progress(2018))

《“一帶一路”年度發展報告(2018)-(Report on BRI Progress(2018))》是2019年4月1日中國社會科學出版社出版的圖書,作者是趙白鴿、蔡昉、史育龍。


  • 書名:“一帶一路”年度發展報告(2018)-(Report on BRI Progress(2018))
  • 作者:趙白鴿、蔡昉、史育龍
  • 出版社:中國社會科學出版社
  • ISBN:9787520341547


《一帶愉悼一路年度發展報告(2018 英文版)》發展報告,既展望了“一帶一路”倡導的人類命運共同體的美好願景,也客觀記述了“一帶一路”起步維艱、來路不易;既描繪了新型優選化、第四次剃拜企工業項組捉紋革命背景下,“一帶一路”帶來的各種靠前合作機遇,也分析旋戰恥了世界大變化大變革大調整暗藏的諸多挑戰;既鎖定了優選治理轉型等重大方向性問題,又探討了政策溝通、設施聯通、貿易暢通、資金融通、民心通道等中觀問題的解決方案;既強調了“一帶一路”建設首重實踐,千里之行、始於足下,也充分證明了前瞻性和預見性的研究具有開啟思路、推進共識、領方向的重要價值。總的來說,這本報告全面系統,有深度旋辨芝、有高度,是高質量的智庫成果,對“一帶一路”辣雄跨發展具有重要的借鑑價值。


Foreword by the Editor
Chapter Ⅰ Progress, Status and Prospects of the Belt and Road Construction
Ⅰ.New Progress of the Belt and Road Construction
Ⅱ.Current Situation Facing the Beh and Road Construction
Ⅲ.Further Promotion of Main Tasks in the Bell and Road Construction
Chapter Ⅱ The Belt and Road Construction and GlobalGovernance
Ⅱ.Achievements and Experience in Promoting Global Governance Reform through the Belt and Road Construction
Ⅲ.Prohlems and Challenges in Promoting Global Governance through the Belt and Road Initiative
Ⅳ.Measures to Foster a New Driving Force for Global Governance by Relying on the Belt and Road Construction
Chapter Ⅲ The Belt and Road Initiative as a Practical Platform for the Building of a Community with a Shared Future for Mankind
Ⅰ.Background of the Proposal of a Community with a Shared Future for Mankind
Ⅱ.The Profound Connotation of a Community with a Shared Future for Mankind
Ⅲ.The Relationship between the Belt and Road Initiative and the Community with a Shared Future for Mankind
Ⅳ.Build a Community with a Shared Future for Mankind through the Belt and Road Platform
Chapter Ⅳ Strategic Synergy and Coordination between the Belt and Road Initiative and China's Domestic Strategies
Thematic Chapters
Ⅱ.The Profound Connotation of a Community with a Shared Future for Mankind
Ⅲ.The Relationship between the Belt and Road Initiative and the Community with a Shared Future for Mankind
Ⅳ.Build a Community with a Shared Future for Mankind through the Belt and Road Platform
Chapter Ⅳ Strategic Synergy and Coordination between the Belt and Road Initiative and China's Domestic Strategies
Thematic Chapters


