《醫龍-Team Medical Dragon-》系列配樂,電視劇《BOSS》配樂,動畫《機動戰士高達unicorn》系列﹑《戰國BASARA》系列、《青之除魔師》、《罪惡王冠Guilty Crown》﹑《進擊的巨人》、《KILL la KILL》、《ALDNOAH ZERO》兩季、《七大罪》配樂等。澤野弘之
&Z 君(きみ)の手(て)が広(ひろ)げた 何(なに)もない空(そら)よ
理屈(りくつ)の海(うみ)だけの 解(かい)を游(あそぶ)べば
ほどいては溢(こぼ)れた 互(たが)いのナミダ 降下(こうか)した言葉(ことば)·噓(うそ)·キマグレ soul·art リズムを 奏(かな)でて 合図(あいず)を リングに 繋(つな)ぐ 形(かたち)だけのシズテムと 形見(かたみ)だけの呪(まじな)いも 逃亡人(とうぼうにん)の恥(は)じらい音(おん) 想像(そうぞう)Drive CarryOn 意地(いじ)なTIRE 誤解(ごかい)あるドアに ゼロが眠(ねむ)りかけた 時計抱(とけいだ)いた人(ひと)と天使(てんし) 永久(とわ)に飽(あ)くドール達(たち) また同(おな)じ風邪(かぜ)に モガいて Come on tell me why we are here? This endless bloody war Why I’m crying in the sky You guys are not little boys? Just stop what you’re doing for me It’s not really good for you We should know where we’re going? Nobody knows
Fly High,How we got lost in here Bullets pour like rain Our chances like shooting starsYou can hear something in your heart Everything is linked around the world Break your door to get out the other side Face reality You can hear my heart say only one It always feels so good It’s so good for me Every hope around the world Take my hand How long must we bear this sadness in the world this chaos We don’t know what we should do I believe that justice can be found Be brave keep your chin up Did you hit the cross roads in your life? You don’t know Nobody know 想像(そうぞう)Glide Rage 音(おん) 意地(いじ)&(and)time 誤解(ごかい)あるドアに ゼロが語(かた)りかけた 時計抱(とけいだ)いた人(ひと)の世界(せかい) 未來描(みらいえが)くコード達(たち) ただ同(おな)じ場所(ばしょ)に 向(むかい)っ How long must we beat this sadness in the world this chaos 消(き)えない 無意味(むいみ)なDEAD 詩(し)に飾(かざ)られた 疑似(ぎじ)の輪(わ Be brave keep your chin up Did you hit the cross roads in your life? 廃(すた)れたストレートを
kimino tega hirogeta nanimonai sorayo rikutsuno umidakeno kaiwo asobu beba hodoiteha koboreta tagaino namida koukashita kotoba·uso·kimagure soul·art rizumuwo kanadete aizuwo ringuni tsunagu katachidakeno shizutemuto katamidakeno majinaimo doubouninno hajirai on souzou Drive CarryOn ijina TIRE goukaiarudoani zeroga nemurikaketa tokeidaita hitoto tenshi towani akudo^rutachi mataonajikazeni mogaite Come on tell me why we are here? This endless bloody war Why I’m crying in the sky You guys are not little boys? Just stop what you’re doing for me It’s not really good for you We should know where we’re going? Nobody knows Fly High,How we got lost in here Bullets pour like rain Our chances like shooting stars You can hear something in your heart Everything is linked around the world Break your door to get out the other side Face reality You can hear my heart say only one It always feels so good It’s so good for me Every hope around the world Take my hand How long must we bear this sadness in the world this chaos We don’t know what we should do I believe that justice can be found Be brave keep your chin up Did you hit the cross roads in your life? You don’t know Nobody knows souzouGlide Rage on iji&time gokaiarutoani zeroga katarikaketa tokeidaita hitono sekai miraiegaku ko^dotachi tadaonajibashoni mukaitte How?long?must?we?beat?this?sadness in?the?world?this?chaos kienai muimina DEAD shini kazarareta gijinowa Be brave keep your chin up Did you hit the cross roads in your life? sutareta sutore^towo