- 外文名:linguistic
- 英式讀音: [lɪŋˈɡwɪstɪk]
- 美式讀音: [lɪŋˈɡwɪstɪk]
- 詞性:形容詞
The article analyses the internal connotation and linguistic character of Mongolian's ballad. It's significance to explore linguistical culture of the Mongolian in Qinghai.文章分析了青海蒙古族民歌的思想內涵和語言特點,了解這些...
《Linguistic Reconstruction》是1995年3月出版的圖書,作者是Fox, Anthony。內容簡介 How and why are languages constantly changing? Historical lingustics seeks to find out by going beyond the history of individual languages to ...
《Linguistic Truth-Valued Concept Lattice》是2018年科學出版社出版的圖書,作者是Li Yang。內容簡介 In philosophy, a concept is understood as an idea unit with two parts: extension and intension. Based on the philosophic ...
《Linguistic Universals and Language Change》是2008年OUP Oxford出版的圖書,作者是Good, Jeff。內容簡介 This book looks at the relationship between linguistic universals and language change. Reflecting the resurgence of work in ...
《Linguistic Theories in Dante and the Humanists》是Brill Academic Publishers出版的圖書,作者是Angelo Mazzocco 內容簡介 One of the burning issues of late medieval and early Renaissance Italy was the question of language. The...
Linguistic Action 《Linguistic Action》是1987年1月出版的圖書,作者是Freedle, Roy O、Verschueren, Jef。
《The Linguistic Individual》是1996年出版的圖書,作者是Johnstone, Barbara。內容簡介 Linguists usually discuss language or dialects in terms of groups of speakers. Believing that patterns can be seen more clearly in the group ...
《BasicLinguisticTheory》是2009年OxfordUniversityPress,USA出版社出版的圖書,作者是Dixon,R.M.W.。內容簡介 In Basic Linguistic Theory R. M. W. Dixon provides a new and fundamental characterization of the nature of human ...
語言符號學(linguistic semiotics)是一門從語言角度研究意義的科學,從現代語言學之父瑞士語言學家索緒爾開始,直到今天各國學派都在為之付出不懈的努力。索緒爾關於語言符號的基本理論包括:語言符號的界定,語言符號的特性、價值,符號間的...
linguistic variable,英語等語言顯著區別於漢語的語言現象,是數理語言學的重要概念。不同於漢語句子結構及謂語動詞等都是不隨時、態、稱、數、語氣等因素變動的常量,英語中除了作為賓語的名詞等是常量外,時、態、稱、數、語氣等因素及...
NLP是神經語言程式學(Neuro-Linguistic Programming)的英文縮寫。在香港,也有意譯為身心語法程式學。N(Neuro)指的是神經系統,包括大腦和思維過程;L(Linguistic)是指語言,更準確點說,是指從感覺信號的輸入到構成意思的過程;P(...
語言相對性 語言相對性(linguistic relativity),美國語言學家沃夫(Banjamin Lee Whorf,1897—1941)提出的概念。使用不同語言的人有不同的思維結構,不同的語言有不同的決定人的認知的方式。
語言直覺(linguistic intuition)是2011年公布的語言學名詞。定義 指人們對於自己使用的語言的判斷能力,特別是判斷一個句子是否能夠接受以及句子之間是否具有關聯性。既指對語言的直覺,也指如何對語言作分析的直覺。出處 《語言學名詞》第...
語言決定論(linguistic determinism)是2011年全國科學技術名詞審定委員會公布的語言學名詞。定義 關於語言與思維關係的一種觀點。由德國文化人類學家洪堡特(WilhelmvonHumboldt)提出。認為語言決定人們認識和理解外部世界的方式。20世紀發展...
NLP是Neuro Linguistic Programming的英文縮寫。N代表Neuro,指的是人類在用眼睛看、用耳朵聽、用身體去感覺、用舌頭去嘗,以及用鼻子去聞的過程中,同時也發生在神經系統內的一些心理歷程--也就是我們在進行內在思考的過程中,以及在體驗...
1.1.2 the process of linguistic study 1.1.3 the scope of linguistics 1.1.4 important distinctions in linguistics 1.2 language 1.2.1 why study language?1.2.2 what is language?1.2.3 design features of language ...
1.26 What is the difference between linguistic potential and actual linguistic behavior?語言潛勢和實際語言行為有何區別?Chapter 2 Phonetics and Phonology語音學與音位學 2.1 What is phonetics?什麼是語音學?2.2 What makes ...
I.28 What is the difference between linguistic potential and actual linguistic behavior?語言潛勢和實際語言行為有何 I.29 In what way do langue competence and linguistic potential agree?And their counterparts?語言、語言能力和...
l.26 What is linguistic potential? What is actual lin- guistic behaviour?l.27 In what way do langue ,competence and linguis- tic potential agree? In what way do they differ?And their counterparts?l.28 What is ...
1 Introducing linguistic typology 1.1 What do linguistic typologists study?1.2 Typological analysis 13 Typology of language universals 1.4 Language universals and linguistic typology 1.5 Assumptions and problems in typological...
《語言學導論(修訂本)》是1999年6月吉林大學出版社出版的圖書,作者是陳林華。內容簡介 Linguistic science has developed very rapidly in the last few decades.Books on this subject number in hundreds Courses in linguistic ...
《語義學引論》是外語教學與研究出版社,劍橋大學出版社2000年出版的圖書,作者是萊昴斯。內容簡介 《語義學引論》內容簡介:Linguisticsemantics:AnIntroducitionisthesuccessortoSirJohnLyons'stextbookLanguage,Meaningandconteext(1981).While...
2 High Levels of Socially Neutral Linguistic Variationin Three SocioeconomYically Undifferentiated Minority-Language Enclaves 3 Exposure to Standard-Language or Mainstream Normsand Deviations from Those NOfms in English and in ...
5.3.3 Theory of linguistic onomatology 5.3.4 Theory of functional syntax: the movement of the mind in FSP 5.3.5 Linguistics and poetics 5.4 Assessment 5.4.1 Merits 5.5.2 Issues Chapter Six The Copenhagen ...