



  • 中文名:語言學重點難點探析
  • 作者:宋英傑
  • 出版社:成都西南交大出版社
  • 出版時間:2014年1月1日
  • 頁數:254 頁
  • 開本:16 開
  • ISBN:9787564327538
  • 外文名:General Linguistics:Research on Foci and Difficulties
  • 語種:簡體中文, 英語




Chapter 1 Language and Linguistics語言和語言學
1.1 What is language?什麼是語言?
1.2 What is linguistics?什麼是語言學?
1.3 What are the major branches of linguistics?語言學有哪些分支學科?
1.4 Why is language human specific?為什麼語言是人類特有的?
1.5 What is arbitrariness?什麼是任意性?
1.6 What is duality?什麼是雙重性?
1.7 What is productivity?什麼是能產性?
1.8 What is displacement?什麼是移位性?
1.9 What is cultural transmission?什麼是文化傳遞性?
1.10 What is interchangeability?什麼是互換性?
1.11 What functions does language have?語言有哪些功能?
1.12 What is phatic function?什麼是酬應功能?
1.13 What is interpersonal function?什麼是人際功能?
1.14 What is informative function?什麼是信息功能?
1.15 What is interrogative function?什麼是詢問功能?
1.16 What is emotive function?什麼是表情功能?
1.17 What is evocative function?什麼是感染功能?
1.18 What is performative function?什麼是施為功能?
1.19 What is recreational function?什麼是娛樂功能?
1.20 What is metalingual function?什麼是元語言功能?
1.21 What are synchronic and diachronic studies?什麼是共時研究和歷時研究?
1.22 What is the difference between speech and writing?語言和文字有什麼差別?
1.23 What is the difference between descriptive and prescriptive study?描寫性研究與規定性研究有何區別?
1.24 What is the difference between langue and parole?語言和言語有何區別?
1.25 Whatis the competence/performance distinction?語言能力和語言運用有何差異?
1.26 What is the difference between linguistic potential and actual linguistic behavior?語言潛勢和實際語言行為有何區別?
Chapter 2 Phonetics and Phonology語音學與音位學
2.1 What is phonetics?什麼是語音學?
2.2 What makes the speech organs?發音器官是如何構造的?
2.3 What is place ofarticulation?什麼是發音部位?
2.4 What is manner ofarticulation?什麼是發音方式?
2.5 How to describe the English consonants?如何描述英語輔音?
2.6 How to classify vowels?元音如何分類?
2.7 What is meant by assimilation and deletion?什麼是同化和省略?
2.8 What is IPA?什麼是國際音標?
2.9 What is narrow and broad transcription?什麼是嚴式標音和寬式標音?
2.10 What is phonology?什麼是音位學?
2.11 What is the relationship between phonetics and phonology?語音學和音位學有什麼聯繫?
2.12 What are phones, phonemes and allophones?什麼是音子、音位和音位變體?
2.13 What is a minimal pair?什麼是最小對立體?
2.14 What is contrastive distribution?什麼是對比分布?
2.15 What is free variation?什麼是自由變異?
2.16 Whatis complementary distribution?什麼是互補分布?
2.17 How tojudge whether the sounds distinguish meaning?如何判斷音是否區別語義?
2.18 What are distinctive features and non—distinctive features?什麼是區別性特徵和非區別性特徵?
2.19 What are sequentialrules?什麼是序列規則?
2.20 What is suprasegmental phonology?什麼是超音段音位學?
2.21 What is syllable, stress, tone and intonation?什麼是音節、重音、聲調和語調?
Chapter 3 Morphology and Lexicology形態學與辭彙學
3.1 What is morphology?什麼是形態學?
3.2 How to distinguish between inflectional affixes and derivational affixes?如何區別屈折詞綴和派生詞綴?
3.3 What are morphs, morphemes and allomorphs?什麼是語子、語素和語素變體?
3.4 How to classify morphemes and what are free and bound morphemes?如何給語素分類?什麼是自由語素和粘著語素?
3.5 What is the difference between root, stem, base and affix?詞根、詞幹、詞基和詞綴有何區別?
3.6 What is a word?什麼是詞?
3.7 How to classify words?如何把詞分類?
3.8 What is lexicology and what is word—formation?什麼是辭彙學和構詞法?
3.9 What is affixation?什麼是詞綴法?
3.10 What is conversion?什麼叫轉類法?
3.11 What are compounds?什麼是合成詞?
3.12 What is clipping?什麼是截短法?
3.13 What is acronymy?什麼是首字母縮略法?
3.14 What is blending?什麼是拼綴法?
3.15 What is back—formation?什麼是逆生法?
3.16 What is analogical creation?什麼是類比構詞?
3.17 What is borrowing?什麼是外借詞?
Chapter 4 Grammar/Syntax語法學
4.1 Whatis grammar and whatis syntax?什麼是語法?什麼是句法?
4.2 What is a sentence?什麼是句子?
4.3 What are the syntactic relations?什麼是句法關係?
4.4 What is IC Analysis?什麼是直接成分分析法?
4.5 What are endocentric and exocentric constructions?什麼是向心結構和離心結構?
4.6 What is grammatical category?什麼是語法範疇?
4.7 What is number?什麼是數?
4.8 What is gender?什麼是性?
4.9 What is case?什麼是格?
4.10 What is tense and aspect?什麼是時態和體?
4.11 What is Transformational—Generative Grammar?什麼是轉換生成語法?
4.12 What is special about TG Grammar?轉換生成語法的特殊之處是什麼?
4.13 What is Innateness Hypothesis?什麼是語言天賦說?
4.14 What is Universal Grammar?什麼叫普遍語法?
4.15 Whatis X—BarTheory? X—槓理論指什麼?
4.16 What is case grammar?什麼是格語法?
4.17 What is systemic—functional grammar?什麼是系統功能語法?
4.18 What is scale and category grammar?什麼是階和範疇語法?
4.19 What is transitivity?什麼是及物性?
4.20 What is appraisal system?什麼是評價系統?
4.21 What is text linguistics?什麼是語篇學?
4.22 What is cohesion?什麼是銜接?
4.23 What is coherence?什麼是連貫?
4.24 What is the difference between theme and theme?主位和述位有何區別?
4.25 What is functional sentence perspective?什麼是句子功能觀?
Chapter 5 Semantics語義學
Chapter 6 Cognitive Linguistics認知語言學
Chapter 7 Pragmatics語用學
Chapter 8 Sociolinguistics社會語言學


