

比較級就是將二者進行比較產生的詞形,是由形容詞或副詞原級轉化而來,一般是在原級後面加er,也有一些不規則的轉化,比如good—better,bad—worse,有很多。相對二者的比較,還有三者及以上的比較,這時就產生了最高級。在英語中通常用下列方式表示的詞:在形容詞或副詞前加more(如 more natural,more clearly )或加後綴 -er(newer,sooner )。典型的是指形容詞或副詞所表示的質、量或關係的增加。英語句子中,將比較兩個主體的方法叫做“比較句型”。其中,像“A比B更……”的表達方式稱為比較級。組成句子的方式是將形容詞或副詞變化成比較級的形態。


  • 中文名:比較級
  • 外文名:comparative degree
  • 類型英語
  • 加後綴:-er或r(newer,sooner等僅限於單音節詞)
  • 加前綴:more


  1. 單音節形容詞和部分雙音節詞(大多是以y、ly、er、ow、ble結尾的雙音節形容詞),一般在詞尾加-er。如tall—taller
  2. 以字母e結尾的詞,在詞尾直接加-r。如nice—nicer
  3. 以一個元音加一個輔音結尾的詞,且元音發短音時,雙寫尾字母,再加er。如fat—fatter
  4. 以"輔音字母+y“結尾的詞,變”y“為”i“,再加-er。如early—earlier
  5. 多音節詞(三音節及以上)和部分雙音節詞,在詞前加”more“。
  6. 部分形容詞和副詞的比較級是不規則的,如:good/well-better,bad/badly-worse。
  7. 由“動詞+後綴-ing/-ed”構成的形容詞,在詞前加more構成比較級。如:interesting-more interesting,bored-more bored。
  8. 由“形容詞+後綴-ly”構成的副詞,在該副詞前加more構成比較級。如:slowly-more slowly,happily- more happily。



1. 表示"比...更"。用比較級形容詞+than+比較成分, than後主詞述語動詞往往省略, 非正式用法的than後的人稱代名詞可用賓格
He is younger than me.
I am a better swimmer than he.
2. 表示"較...低; 不及..."用less+原級形容詞+than+比較成分。
I am less young than he .
3. 表示兩者之中"較...",用the+比較級+of the two。
This one is the bigger of the two houses.
4. 定冠詞或指示形容詞+比較級+名詞表示比較。
The taller boy is John.
5. 有少數以ior結尾的形容詞, 如inferior(次於), junior(年幼的;下級的), posterior(之後), prior(之前), senior(年長的,上級的), superior(優於)等本身就有比較的意思, 常與介系詞to連用。
This method is superior to that one.
6. 比較形容詞可以被副詞如a little(一點),much(得多), even(更加), still(更加), far(...的多)等修飾, 但不可用very修飾。
翻譯: 現在的生活簡單得多了。(誤)Life is very easier than it was twenty years ago.(正)Life is much easier than it was twenty years ago.


  1. no more… than… 與……一樣不……not more…than… 沒有……那樣……,不如……not less… than… 不亞於……
  2. more than… 不止,僅僅,非常,極其 This more than satisfied me.
  3. more than a little 非常
  4. not more than 不多於 no (not any) more than不過,僅僅
  5. no less than 有……之多,多達 not less than 至少,不下於
  6. neither more nor less than 恰好,不多不少,簡直,和……完全一樣
  7. better than 多於,超過 It is better than 20 km to the station.
  8. (in) less than no time 立即,一會兒
  9. (be) little/no better than 實際上,簡直就是
  10. nothing less than 完全是,和……一模一樣
  11. all the more 越發,更加
  12. any (the) less 較小/更小一些,小的
  13. all the better 更好,更加
  14. so much the better/worse (for sb./sth.) 甚至更好/更壞
  15. go one better (than sb./sth.) 勝過……一籌
  16. more…than… 與其說……不如說……
  17. would sooner/rather…than 與其……寧願
  18. (be) more like…than 不像……倒像
  19. rather…than…/rather than 寧可……而不
  20. other than 除了……,除……之外
  21. rather…than otherwise 不是別的而是
  22. no/none other than 正是,除……之外無其他
  23. no more 不再,不復存在,也不,也沒有
  24. less than 不……
  25. more often than no 經常,多半
  26. see more/less of someone 更常/少見;再/少見到……
  27. none + the + 比較級 毫不……,毫無……
  28. have seen better days 情況轉壞
  29. think better of sth. 改變……的念頭
  30. for better or (for) worse 無論好壞,同甘共苦
  31. all the better 因……而更加
  32. more than meets the eye/ear 另有隱情,並非表面那么簡單的
  33. More is meant than, meets the ear. 意在言外
  34. There is more ( to it ) than meets the eyes. 現象背後有文章
  35. the+比較級……,the+比較級……. 越……,越……


  1. 表示國籍的形容詞沒有比較級和最高級.例如:Chinese(中國的),English(英國的),Japanese(日本的)等等
  2. 表示方位時間的形容詞沒有比較級和最高級.例如:east(東邊的,東方的),west(西邊的,西方的)past(過去的)等等
  3. 表示絕對概念的詞和已達極限的形容詞沒有比較級和最高級.例如:perfect(完美的),blind(瞎的),dead(死的)等等
  4. 說明物體材質和形狀的形容詞沒有比較級和最高級.例如:solid(固體的),round(圓形的),plastic(塑膠的)等等
  5. 表示數字順序或者時間的形容詞沒有比較級和最高級.例如:next(下一個),several(若干的),daily(每天的)等等
  6. 語法上做表語的表示狀態的形容詞沒有比較級和最高級.例如:alone(孤獨的),awake(醒來的),alive(活著的)等等
  7. 本身就有比較級含義的形容詞沒有比較級和最高級例如:junior(年少的),minor(次要的),superior(上等的)等等
同樣,此類辭彙的另一個特點是:不能用表示程度的副詞如(very ,so)等等來修飾.
例如:very dead, so awake是錯誤的



  1. 由“···as + 形容詞原型 + as···”或“···as + 形容詞 + 名詞 + as···”構成。My grandpa is as energetic as a young man.Exercise is as useful a way as any other to lose unwanted weight.I try to find as much information as I can about what happened.
  2. 由“···not so (as) + 形容詞或副詞原型 + as···”或“···not so (as) + 形容詞 + 名詞 + as···”構成。Luckily, the weather is not so wet as it is today.


  1. 由“···形容詞比較級+ than···”構成。He is more concerned about others than about himself.
  2. 由“···many / much more + 可數 / 不可數名詞 + than···”My friend earned much more money than I did last year.


  1. 表示“越來越……”的意思: “比較級 + and + 比較級”或“more and more / less and less + 原級”結構,與這類結構搭配的常用動詞有grow,get,become等。She felt herself becoming more and more nervous.As the winter is drawing near,it's getting colder and colder.
  2. 表示兩者之間更···the + 比較級 + of the two + 名詞。Jane is the taller of the two children in our family.
  3. 表示“越……”:“the + 比較級···,”,The more magazines you sell,the more money you will get.
  4. “否定 + 比較級” 相當於最高級。— Wait until we get a satisfactory reply,will you?— I couldn't agree more. The idea sounds great to me.
  5. “a + 比較級 + 名詞(than...)” 結構常出現在以never構成的完成時態動詞後面。How beautifully she sings!I have never heard a better voice.
  6. 倍數表示法:...times as +形容詞原級 + as···;···times + 形容詞比較級 + than···;···times the + 性質名詞 + of···。The dining hall is three times as large as that one.The dining hall is three times larger than that one.The dining hall is three times the size of that one.
① How beautiful she sings! I've never heard a better voice. = She has the best voice I've ever heard. ② I have never read a more interesting novel. = It is the most interesting novel I've ever read.
any other + n.(單)
2、比較級+ than + the other +n.(復)
any of the other + n.(復)
① She goes to school earlier than the other girls. ② He works harder than any other student.
③ China is larger than any of the other countries in Asia.
3、比較級 + than + anything/ anyone else ① George did more work than anyone else.
② Tom cared more for money than for anything else.
4、在比較句型中使用 "no", "nobody", "nothing" + better than… 等詞。 ① I like nothing better than swimming. ② Nobody can do the work better than he did. ③ No other building is as grand as the new hotel.


  1. 為了避免重複,需要用替代詞替代前面已經提到過的東西。用the one代替單數可數名詞;that代替不可數名詞;the ones, those代替複數名詞。The film is not as good as the one I saw yesterday.這部電影沒有我昨天看的那部好看。The weather in Beijing is colder than that in Shanghai. 北京的天氣比上海的天氣冷。The new designs are much better than the old ones.這些新的圖樣比舊的好多了。
  2. 當比較對象屬於同一範圍時,需使用other來排除自身,否則會造成與自身相比較的矛盾。Canada is larger than any other country in North America.
  3. “no + 形容詞的比較級 + than”結構表達對兩者均否定。Don't be proud so early. You are no better than me.
  4. 比較級前面可以用even,still,yet,any,much,a little,a lot,by far等修飾語用以加強語氣或表示比較程度。To tell you the truth,my boyfriend is much older than me.
  5. 兩個比較對象用and連在一起可表達全面增加或減少,意為“越來越……”。The weather is getting warmer and warmer. 天氣越來越暖和She is becoming more and more beautful. 她越來越漂亮


⒈ The new group of students is better-behaved than the other group who stayed here ______.
A. early B. earlier C. earliest D. the earliest
⒉ —Do you need any help,Lucy?
—Yes,the job is ______ I could do myself.
A. less than B. more than C. no more than D. not more than
【解析】答案選B。做此題要抓的關鍵字是yes,由於答話者對問話者的“你需要幫助嗎?”作了肯定回答,說明答話者獨自完成工作有困難,故填more than。
⒊ Of the two coats,I’d choose the ______ one to spare some money for a book.
A. cheapest B. cheaper C. more expensive D. most expensive
⒈ There is an old proverb,“Love me,love my dog. ” But there is ______ wisdom in this: “Love me,love my book.”
A. some B. much C. more D. most
【解析】答案選C。這道題出得非常巧妙,句中既沒有顯示比較級的關鍵字,也沒有暗示用比較級的than。而是將“Love me,love my dog”與“Love me,love my book”兩句進行比較,要求考生根據這兩句話的內容確定哪句話更有wisdom。
⒉ With April 18’s railway speedup,highway and air transport will have to compete with ______ service for passengers.
A. good B. better C. best D. the best
⒊ The melon the Smiths served at dinner would have tasted ______ if it had been put in the fridge for a little while.
A. good B. better C. best D. well
⒋ Speaking of all the songs he has written,I think this is probably his ______ one.
A. better-known B. well-known C. best-known D. most-known
⒈ After two years’ research,we now have a ______ better understanding of the disease.
A. very B. far C. fairly D. quite
⒉ Work gets done ______ when people do it together,and the rewards are higher too.
A. easily B. very easy C. more easily D. easier
【解析】C。根據題意可知,說話者是將 when people do it together 和 when people don’t do it together 這兩種情況比較,故選比較級。注意不要選 D,因為在此題是要用副詞修飾動詞,不能用形容詞。另外,根據句末的 higher too 也可知道此題是考查比較級。


⒈ Of the two sisters,Betty is _________ one,and she is also the one who loves to be quiet. (安徽卷)
A. a younger B. a youngest C. the younger D. the youngest
【解析】答案選C。根據句中的of the two sisters可知,此題涉及的是兩者比較,故用比較級;另外,由於是特指兩者中的一個,故其前用定冠詞,不用不定冠詞
⒉ Of the two coats,I’d choose the _________ one to spare some money for a book. (四川卷)
A. cheapest B. cheaper C. more expensive D. most expensive
⒊ Speaking of all the songs he has written,I think this is probably his _________ one. (全國卷Ⅱ)
A. better-known B. well-known C. best-known D. most-known
⒈ I don’t think this film is by far the most boring. I have seen _________. (江西卷)
A. better B. worse C. the best D. the worst
That doesn’t sound very frightening. Paul,I’ve seen _________. What did you like most about the film? (湖南卷)
A. better B. worse C. best D. worst
⒊ There is an old proverb,“Love me,love my dog. ” But there is _________ wisdom in this: “Love me,love my book.” (湖南卷)
A. some B. much C. more D. most
【解析】答案選C。由於是將“Love me,love my dog”與“Love me,love my book”進行比較,故用比較級。此題的巧妙之處在於句中沒有出現than,而是給出兩個待比較的proverb
⒋ With April 18’s railway speedup,highway and air transport will have to compete with _________ service for passengers. (江蘇卷)
A. good B. better C. best D. the best
⒈ Your story is perfect. I’ve never heard _________ before. (全國卷Ⅲ)
A. the better one B. the best one C. a better one D. a good one
【解析】答案選C。“否定詞(尤其是never)+a+比較級”的意思是“從來沒有……一個更……的”,這類結構通常可視為在其後省略了一個than…短語,做題時要注意根據具體的語境作出正確的理解,如:I have never read a better article. 我從未讀過(比這篇文章)更好的文章(=這是我所讀過的最好的文章)。I have never seen a worse film. 我從沒看過(比這部電影)更糟的電影(=這是我所看過的最糟的電影)。本題中的I’ve never heard a better one before的意思是“我從未聽到過(比你這個故事)更好聽的故事”。
⒉ —Did you enjoy yourself at the party?
—Yes. I’ve never been to _________ one before. (四川卷)
A. a more excited B. the most excited C. a more exciting D. the most exciting
【解析】答案選C。I’ve never been to a more exciting one before實為I’ve never been to a more exciting one before than this one. 其意為“我從未參加過比這個晚會更令人興奮的晚會”,即“這是我參加過最令人興奮的晚會”。又如:I’ve never had a worse morning than today. 我哪一天早上也不像今天早上這樣倒霉。若意思明確,有時可省略than結構:He is fine,never better. 他很好,比以往任何時候都好。
No news could be more delightful to me. 這訊息最令我高興。
I have never drunk better beer. 我從來沒喝過這么好的啤酒
After two years’ research,we now have a _________ better understanding of the disease. (全國卷Ⅱ)
A. very B. far C. fairly D. quite
—Do you need any help,Lucy?
—Yes. The job is _________ I could do myself. (福建卷)
A. less than B. more than C. no more than D. not more than
【解析】答案選B。比較:less than意為“少於”;more than意為“多於,超過”;no more than意為“只有,只是”;not more than意為“不多於,至多”。做好此題的關鍵是注意句中的Yes,由於答話者做了肯定回答,說明答話者工作有些力不從心,所以填more than。
This washing machine is environmentally friendly because it uses _________ water and electricity than _________ models. (北京卷)
A. less; older B. less; elder C. fewer; older D. fewer; elder
⒈ It is reported that the United States uses _________ energy as the whole of Europe. (廣西卷)
A. as twice B. twice much C. twice much as D. twice as much
【解析】答案選D。由energy後的as可知,此題是考查as…as…結構。根據英語語法習慣,修飾as…as…結構的副詞只能置於as…as…結構之前,不能置於其中。又如:Du Jiejie went out with a man twice as old as her. 杜姐姐和一個年齡比她大一倍的男子來往。It cost three times as much as I had expected. 它花的錢比我預期的多兩倍。
⒉ He speaks English indeed,but of course not _________a native speaker. (上海卷)
A. as fluent as B. more fluent than C. so fluently as D. much fluently than


