wretches and kings是
a thousand suns中的歌曲,歌曲以麥克信田的RAP和
Mario Savio於1964年12月2日在伯克利分校名的為 '直面齒輪機'(put your bodies upon the gears)的一次演講中的高潮部分,與歌曲渾然一體。
林肯公園今日在官網上宣布,樂隊就在9月14發行全新的錄音室大碟《A Thousand Suns》。專輯的首波主打單曲《The Catalyst》將會在8月2日全面登入電台以及iTunes下載商店。
超級製作人和樂隊的成員Mike Shinoda再次聯手製作了樂團這次的新專輯《A Thousand Suns》,兩人上次聯手打造
林肯公園的專輯是在2007年發行的《Minutes to Midnight》。而
《A Thousand Suns》是2007年
林肯公園發行《Minutes to Midnight》之後闊別三年的全新作品,上一張專輯的銷量已經突破了300萬張。
Wretches and Kings
"There's a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious, makes you so sick at heart, that you can't take part. You can't even passively take part, and you've got to put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels, upon the levers, upon all the apparatus, and you've got to make it stop. And you've got to indicate to the people who run it, to the people who own it, that unless you're free, the machine will be prevented from working at all" -Mario Savio
To save face, how low can you go? 為了挽回顏面,你能做到何般低賤
Talk a lotta game, but yet you don't know. 紙上談兵多年,仍不知其中玄妙
Static on the wind, makes us all say whoa! 逆風而行,紋絲不動,眾人皆嗚呼哀哉
The people up top push the people down low. 上層儘是壓迫我輩草民之人
Get down, and obey every word. 我等只能逆來順受,忍氣吞聲
Steady, get in line if you haven't yet heard. 站穩,如果仍未聞其聲,請排成一排
Wanna take what I got, don't be absurd. 想得到我擁有的嗎?簡直是痴人說夢
Don't fight the power, nobody gets hurt. 不要試圖反抗當權之人,大家好才是真的好
If you haven't heard yet, then I'm lettin' you know 如果你還未知曉,我就讓你知道
There ain't ** we don't run when the guns unload 槍未上膛,一切都是白扯
And no one make a move, unless my people say so在廣大人民言語之前,沒人會採取行動
Got everything outta control, now everybody go 天下大亂,人走房空
Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey
Feel alone, final blow 感到寂寞,最終失敗
We, the animals, take control 我等粗人最終統治天下
Hear us now, clear and sure 你給我聽清楚
Wretches and Kings, we come for you 村中草民,皇親國戚,我們為你們而來
So keep face, how slow can you go? Talk a lotta **, and yet you don't know. Fire on the wind, makes you all say whoa! 慾火於風中,眾人皆嗚呼哀哉
The people up top and the people down low.Get down, and I'm runnin' it like that. 笑而不語,我如此般運籌帷幄
The front of the attack is exactly where I'm at. Somewhere in between the kick and the hi-hat The pen and the contract, the pitch and the contact 戰火紛飛,陰謀密布的前線總能看到我的出現
So get with the combat, I'm lettin' them know 伴隨著戰爭,我將讓你們知道
There ain't ** you can say to make me back down, no. 沒有什麼東西能讓我退卻,不!絕不!
So push the button, let the whole thing blow. 按下按鈕,讓所有事物都化為灰燼
Spinning everything outta control, now everybody go. 天下大亂,人走房空
Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey
Feel alone, final blow We, the animals, take control Hear us now, clear and sure
Wretches and Kings, we come for you
Still alone, fight our blow 仍舊孤單,為災禍而抗爭
Filthy animals beat down low 污穢的動物最終狠狠擊敗你們
Steel and bone, black and blue 鋼筋,鐵骨,遍體鱗傷
No more the sunshine, We done for you 再也沒有陽光,為了你,我們完蛋了!
From the front to the back and to side to side 從頭至尾,自始至終
If you feel what I feel, put'em up real high 如果你感同身受,請將它們高高舉起