- 外文名:whitish
- 詞性:形容詞
- 英式發音:[ˈwaɪtɪʃ]
- 美式發音:[ˈwaɪtɪʃ]
顥,漢語二級字,讀作顥(hào),“顥”字主要有形容詞和名詞兩種詞性。【形】1.白而發光,光明、光亮、白的樣子。2.大,浩大。【名】1.古通“昊”,泛指天空。漢字釋義 (1)〈文〉〖形〗本指白而發光。引申為白色[whitish;white]顥,白貌。——《說文·頁部》天白顥顥。——《楚辭·大招》。洪註:...
otorrhea,英語單詞,主要用作名詞,作名詞時譯為“[耳鼻喉] 耳漏;耳液溢”。短語搭配 whitish otorrhea 纏耳 cerebrospinal otorrhea[耳鼻喉] 腦脊髓性耳病 ; [耳鼻喉] 腦脊液耳漏 ; 翻譯 otorrhea otorrhoea 耳漏 otorrhea a 耳液溢 CSF otorrhea 腦脊液耳漏 cerebrospinal fluid otorrhea induced 腦脊液耳漏 Ce...
nephelite,英語單詞,主要用作名詞,作名詞時譯為“[礦物] 霞石(等於nepheline)”。單詞用法 柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典 nepheline /ˈnɛfɪˌlaɪt/ (also nephelite)1.N a whitish mineral consisting of sodium potassium aluminium silicate in hexagonal crystalline form: used in the manufacture of ...
白灰色雲台觀砂岩 白灰色雲台觀砂岩(Whitish Gray Sandstone)是採集於湖北省的岩石標本。化石產地 湖北省 主要用途 科學研究。
白灰色塊狀石英岩 白灰色塊狀石英岩(Whitish Gray Massive Quartzite)是採集於煙臺市芝罘區芝罘島南岸的岩石標本。特徵描述 灰白色,粒狀變晶結構,塊狀構造,主要礦物組成:石英。主要用途 用於建築材料、工藝品雕刻、裝飾材料、耐火材料,且作為製造玻璃、陶瓷、冶金、化工等行業的重要原料。
白灰色花崗片麻岩 白灰色花崗片麻岩(Whitish Gray Granite Gneiss)是採集於煙臺市招遠市玲瓏鎮大蔣家村的岩石標本。特徵描述 白色,粒狀變晶結構,片麻構造,主要礦物為:長石、石英、黑雲母、角閃石。主要用途 用於建築石料和鋪路材料。
thenardite,英語單詞,主要用作為名詞,用作名詞譯為“[礦物] 無水芒硝”。短語搭配 thenardite e 無水芒硝 ; 無水鹼芒硝 thenardite at home 無水芒硝 單詞用法 柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典 thenardite /θɪˈnɑːdaɪt, tɪ-/ 1.N a whitish vitreous mineral that consists of anhydrous sodium ...
白灰色安山質含角礫岩屑晶屑凝灰岩 白灰色安山質含角礫岩屑晶屑凝灰岩(Whitish Gray Andesitic Breccia-bearing Lithic-Crystal Tuff)是採集於赤峰市阿魯科爾沁旗罕蘇木的岩石標本。化石產地 赤峰市阿魯科爾沁旗罕蘇木 主要用途 可用於建築建材等。
性狀 Appearance 白色或類白色結晶性粉末 White or whitish crystalline powder 比旋光度 Specific Optical Rotation -21°~-25°(C=1,H2O)異構體 Isomers 不得大於1.0%。 Not more than 1.0%.乾燥失重 Loss on drying 不得大於0.5%。 Not more than 0.5%.含量 Assay 不得少於98.5%。 Not less than ...
Description:Euphorbia abdelkuriis a very peculiar candelabra-like succulent plant lacking both leaves and spines, which looks like a grey candle with whitish-grey melted wax on it. It form densely branched candelabra-like clumps usually not more than 1 m hight by 1.5 in diameter on one clump...
Perennials, stemless. Rhizome internodes inconspicuous. Leaves basal, opposite; petiole 7-11 X 2.2-2.6 mm; leaf blade elliptic to ovate, 3-4.8 X 1.5-3 cm, papery, adaxially with short and long hairs, whitish along midrib and lateral veins, eglandular, abaxially puberulent, base ...
muenster,英語單詞,主要用作名詞,作名詞時譯為“門斯特乾酪(產於法國東北部的一種半軟、淡黃、味淡的乾酪)”。單詞用法 柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典 muenster /ˈmʊnstə/ 1.N a whitish-yellow semihard whole milk cheese, often flavoured with caraway or aniseed 門斯特乳酪 短語搭配 westfleisch mue...
snowblink,英語單詞,主要用作名詞,作名詞時譯為“雪地反射在天上之白色光輝”。單詞用法 柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典 snowblink /ˈsnəʊˌblɪŋk/ 1.N a whitish glare in the sky reflected from snow 雪照雲光 → compare iceblink 單詞釋義 白色光輝 ...snow-blind雪盲的snowblink白色光輝snow...
narwhal,英語單詞,主要用作名詞,作名詞時譯為“獨角鯨(等於narwal);[脊椎] 一角鯨(一種齒鯨,雄性有一長牙)”。單詞用法 柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典 narwhal (also narwal or narwhale)1.N an arctic toothed whale, Monodon monoceros, having a black-spotted whitish skin and, in the male, a long ...
nepheline,英語單詞,主要用作名詞,作名詞時譯為“[礦物] 霞石”。單詞用法 柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典 nepheline /ˈnɛfɪˌlaɪt/ (also nephelite)1.N a whitish mineral consisting of sodium potassium aluminium silicate in hexagonal crystalline form: used in the manufacture of glass and ceramics...
25Seeds with whitish elaiosomes are borne in long pods.種子白色油質體生長在長豆莢中。26She had borne him a daughter.她為他生了個女兒。27She was borne up to the ambulance.她被抬上救護車。28Some approaches have borne fruit.有些方法已經開花結果。29The project has borne some fruit.該項目已經...
30 檢驗項目ITEMS 性狀 類白色粉末 Appearance whitish Powder 熔點Melting point 236℃-242℃ 有關物質Related Substances 不大於1.0% 含量 Assay more than 98.0% 資料來源: /成都新恆創藥業有限公司 甲磺酸多拉司瓊/多拉司瓊/Dalasetron Mesylate 中文名:甲磺酸多拉司瓊 註:出售其原料及中間體。
smegma smegma,英語單詞,主要用作名詞,作名詞時譯為“陰蒂垢;陰莖垢”。單詞用法 柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典 smegma /ˈsmɛɡmə/ 1.N a whitish sebaceous secretion that accumulates beneath the prepuce 包皮垢 [physiol]短語搭配 smegma embryonum 胎脂 ...
diatomite,英語單詞,主要用作名詞,作名詞時譯為“[地質] 硅藻土(等於diatomaceous earth)”。單詞用法 柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典 diatomite /daɪˈætəˌmaɪt/ 1.N a soft very fine-grained whitish rock consisting of the siliceous remains of diatoms deposited in the ocean or in ponds or ...
leprose leprose,英語單詞,主要用作形容詞,作形容詞時譯為“鱗狀的”。單詞用法 柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典 leprose /ˈlɛprəʊs, -rəʊz/ 1.ADJ having or denoting a whitish scurfy surface 皮屑狀的 [biology]同近義詞 squamous,scalelike ...
太湖白土主要分布在太湖自然堤內,呈弧形環繞狀,質地以細砂壤為主,系濱湖沉積,14C測年為(1165±236)年。白土層通常在耕作層以下約20厘米深處,該層厚度可自十餘厘米至1米以上。其形成歷史:從微古化石證明曾經歷低鹽與淡水交替的沼澤過程;礦物經過還原與絡合漂洗過程 英文:Taihu Lake whitish soil 釋文:此外...
Was a whitish through back to the green Amazon leach It was interlocked between his angel eyes Which were bleached transparent And his marble lips were paralised We ran and swum knee deep in plasma The cello stairs redeced in size The sunken landscape eclipsing into A pair of blue Tazmain...
淮北崗地白土(hilly whitish soil in Huaibei area) 分布在中國淮北地區的一類土壤。特點 其特點是土壤有機質含量小於1%,無明顯的有機質層。上部40-60厘米厚是淺色、粉砂質、結構不良的白土層,有時白土層下段有鐵錳氧化物膠結的“爐底層”;60厘米以下為帶棕色、質地黏重、結構良好的粘化層,並向母岩過渡...
17-diol 雄甾-3,17-二醇,2-(4嗎啉基)-16-(1-吡咯烷基)-,(2b,3a,5a,16b,17b)-(9CI)檢驗標準Reference standard 企業標準 Enterprise standard 檢驗項目 Items 標準規定 Specification 性狀 Appearance 類白色結晶性粉末.Whitish Crystal Powder.含量 Assay 不小於9...
bloomy,英語單詞,主要用作形容詞,作形容詞時譯為“盛開的;多花的;有粉衣的”。單詞用法 ADJ having a fine whitish coating on the surface, such as on the rind of a cheese 有粉衣的 短語搭配 Bloomy spring 春生髮 ; 春暖花開 bloomy lustre 鮮明光澤 ; 絲絨光澤 Bloomy Girls 繽紛女孩 Bloomy ...
羅氏沼蝦白尾病,Infection with Macrobrachium rosenbergii nodavirus (white tail disease),(Macrobrachium rosenbergii whitish muscle disease,MRWMD)俗稱羅氏沼蝦肌肉白濁病(WTD),是一種急性病毒性疾病,我國將其列為二類動物疫病,是世界動物衛生組織(OIE)必須申報的疾病。病原 羅氏沼蝦野田村病毒(Macrobrachium ...