n. 言論,言辭;發聲,表達;(語言學)話語
1.N-COUNT Someone's utterances are the things that they say. 言辭; 話語 [正式]
They lack the kind of structure that enables us to divide a human utterance into words. 它們缺乏那種能讓我們把人類的話語分解成詞語的結構。
Its images, allusions, and diction are conspicuously remote from the common "range of utterance". 它的形象、典喻和措辭明顯遠離普通的“話語範圍”。
You begin to infer a context for the text, for instance, by making decisions about what kind of speech event is involved: Who is making the utterance, to whom, when and where. 例如,你可以通過判定文本涉及何種類型的語言情景,來推測文章的語境:是誰在說話,對誰說話,何時何地。
His every utterance will be scrutinized. 他說的每句話都會被細查。
Upon the utterance of this word, Dan and Harry exchanged a quick, meaningful look. 這個字一出口,丹和哈里馬上交換了一個意味深長的眼神.
We can change an utterance by replacing one word in it with another. 我們可以通過替換一個單詞來改變一句話。
This utterance of his was greeted with bursts of uproarious laughter. 他的講話引起陣陣哄然大笑。
This heroic utterance by Comrade Wang Jinxi voices the lofty aspirations of the workers and caders of Daqing and their families. 王進喜同志的這句豪言壯語,表達了大慶工人、幹部和家屬的雄心壯志。
Personal utterance was only egotism. 個人言語的表達不過是自我中心主義罷了。
The speaker had great powers of utterance. 那個演講人很有口才。
To each of his utterance I answered with a laughing "Yes." 他每說一次,我就笑道:“是的。”
Some unwise Suggestions also found utterance at the meeting. 一些不高明的意見也在會上提了出來。
Such is rather a time when the utterance is thick with emotion. 倒不如說,那個時候是豐沛情感的吐露。
I is the most true most true expression, utterance but silence. 最真最真的表白,是我欲言又止的沉默。
When he or she says a word or simple utterance, expand on what they say. 當他或她說一個字或簡單的話語,擴大對他們說什麼。
After all those months of deliberation, was this prosaic utterance the pay-off? 經過這么多個月的斟酌,結果就是這些平淡的話語嗎?
His every utterance could cause hundreds of billions to be made or lost in the market. 他的任何話語都可能造成市場上幾千億的盈利或虧損。
In other words the language of an utterance is crafted to say some particular thing. 換言之,說出口的語言實際像是經過精心雕琢,來表達特定的意思。
There was a momentary silence, profound as what should follow the utterance of oracles. 那一剎那的靜穆,如同宣告了神諭之後一般深沉。
Seasoned observers like to think that Mourinho's every utterance is calculated for effect. 老練的觀察者傾向於認為,穆里尼奧說的每一番話都別有用心。
The utterance is not often mistaken because we're really actually good at understanding context. 說出的話語通常不會被誤解,因為我們很擅長理解上下文語境。
It is not conceived or programmed to take into account the purpose, real-world context or style of any utterance. 這不是構想或程式考慮的目的,現實世界中或任何話語風格。
We allow inner complexity of the language because it enables us to shift the complexity away from the individual utterance. 我們允許語言的內在複雜性,因為這使得我們把複雜性從每個個體的表達中移走。
Only, it does not perceive that all which it has denied it admits in the lump, simply by the utterance of the word, mind. 不過,他絲毫沒有發現,他所否認的一切在他一提到“精神”一詞時,又都被他一總接受了。
Not everything that goes through our heads is a genuine thought, and far from everything we say is a meaningful utterance. 並非每一個經過我們大腦的東西都是真實的思想,我們說的只有少部分是有意義的談話。
In reality, the computer recognition system must have a set of valid utterances from which to choose to match the user utterance. 實際上,計算機識別系統必須有一組有效的話語,我們可以從這些話語中選擇一種與用戶的話語相匹配。
"I do forgive you, Hester," replied the minister, at length, with a deep utterance, out of an abyss of sadness, but no anger. “我一定原諒你,海絲特,”牧師終於回答了,同時深深地嘆了一口氣,那是發自悲傷而不是氣憤的深淵的。