



  • 外文名:unskilled
  • 詞性:動詞、形容詞
  • 英式讀音: [ˌʌnˈskɪld]
  • 美式讀音: [ˌʌnˈskɪld]


  1. ADJ People who are unskilled do not have any special training for a job. 未經專門訓練的
  2. ADJ Unskilled work does not require any special training. 無需專門技能的


unskilled labor n. 非技術性工種;做粗活的工人;不熟練工人


  • 1Most car thieves are opportunist unskilled petty criminals; many are under 20.大多數偷車賊是機會主義者、不熟練的小罪犯;許多人不到20歲。
  • 2At first, thousands of unskilled laborers were recruited; by the 1730's, however, American employers demanded skilled artisans.起初,數千名非熟練工人被招募;然而,到了18世紀30年代,美國的僱主需要有技術的工匠。
  • 3After 1815 this older form of manufacturing began to give way to factories with machinery tended by unskilled or semiskilled laborers.1815年後,這種古老的生產方式開始讓位於那些由無技能或半熟練工人操作機器的工廠。
  • 4The notion of a sharp division between the working young and the idle old misses a new trend, the growing gap between the skilled and the unskilled.有工作的年輕人和無所事事的老年人之間存在尖銳分歧這一觀點忽視了一個新趨勢,即有技能的人和無技能的人之間差距的日益擴大。
  • 5But the notion of a sharp division between the working young and the idle old misses a new trend, the growing gap between the skilled and the unskilled.但是,有工作的年輕人和無所事事的老年人之間的尖銳分歧沒有考慮一個新趨勢,即有技能的人和無技能的人之間差距的日益擴大。
  • 6Once, when I was a mere lad and had never ridden a horse before, he made me mount one and gallop by his side, with no qualms about his unskilled companion.有一次,在我還是個小毛孩,從來沒有騎過馬的時候,他讓我騎上一匹馬在他的旁邊疾馳,對於他那不熟練的同伴,他一點也不擔慮。
  • 7Industrialized countries that have trained numerous skilled workers and technicians are better placed to produce wealth than countries whose workers are largely unskilled.那些訓練了大量熟練工人和技術人員的工業化國家比那些工人大多沒有技能的國家更能創造財富。
  • 8He worked as an unskilled labourer.他是一個未經專門訓練的工人。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 9There's already a blanket ban on foreign unskilled labour in Japan.日本已經有一項禁止使用外國非熟練工人的通用禁令。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 10In the U.S., minorities and immigrants have generally gone into low-paid, unskilled jobs.在美國,少數民族和移民通常從事低報酬、無需專門技能的工作。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 11This gap is part of a deepening divide between the well-educated well-off and the unskilled poor.這種差距是受過良好教育的富人和沒有技術的窮人之間日益加深的鴻溝的一部分。
  • 12Even entry-level workers and those in formerly unskilled positions require a growing level of education.即使是初級工人和那些以前不需要技能的職位也需要不斷提高教育水平。
  • 13Employment rates are falling among younger unskilled people, whereas older skilled folk are working longer.年輕的非技術人員的就業率在下降,而年長的技術人員的工作時間則變長了。
  • 14Rapid technological advance has raised the incomes of the highly skilled while squeezing those of the unskilled.科技的迅猛發展提高了高技術人員的收入,同時使非技術人員的收入縮水了。
  • 15And these industries were large enough to offer jobs to each class of worker, from unskilled laborer to manager or engineer.這些行業的規模足夠大,可以為每一類工人提供工作,從非技術工人到經理或工程師。
  • 16However, even with the development of computers and robotics, there are always plenty of boring, repetitive and mechanical jobs, and lots of unskilled people who have to do them.然而,即使計算機和機器人技術不斷發展,社會上總存在著大量的枯燥、重複和機械的工作,以及許多沒有一技之長而不得不做這些工作的人。
  • 17Automation has obsoleted many unskilled workers.自動化使很多非技術工人受到淘汰。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 18But unskilled laborers are going back, too.但是,沒有技能的工人也在回去。
  • 19Uncertain Future for Unskilled workers.非熟練工人所面臨的不確定性。
  • 20The movie is unnecessary, but not unskilled.這部電影或許是可有可無的,但影片的製作卻不是那么簡單拙劣。
  • 21Many unskilled workers are certain to lose their jobs.許多技術不熟練的工人肯定會失業的。
  • 22Plentiful unskilled jobs encouraged youths to drop out of school.大量非技術的工作促使年輕人輟學工作。
  • 23But Taylor bristles at the suggestion that cleaning rooms is unskilled.然而,對所謂清潔房間是不需要熟練技能的說法,泰勒表示非常憤怒。
  • 24In the Bottom of the Pyramid there is plentiful labor but often unskilled.而在金字塔底座上,有著大量豐富的勞工,但往往毫無技能。
  • 25But though I am unskilled in speech, yet I am not unskilled inknowledge.我的言語雖然粗俗,我的知識卻不粗俗。
  • 26Like most Amerasians still in Vietnam, she was uneducated and unskilled.她像大多數仍留在越南的美亞混血兒一樣,沒有受到良好的教育,也沒有什麼技能。
  • 27Now relatively unskilled youngsters are bearing the brunt of the recession.現在,相比之下沒有特殊技能的年輕人首當其衝的受到蕭條的影響。


