



  • 外文名:unconcerned
  • 詞性:形容詞
  • 英式讀音: [ˌʌnkənˈsɜːnd]
  • 美式讀音: [ˌʌnkənˈsɜːrnd]


ADJ If a person is unconcerned about something, usually something that most people would care about, they are not interested in it or worried about it. 不在意的


  • 1Young people are often unconcerned with political issues.青年人對政治問題往往漠不關心。《牛津詞典》
  • 2Paul was unconcerned about what he had done.保羅對自己所做過的事情並不在意。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 3He drove on, apparently unconcerned about the noise the engine was making.他繼續駕車前進,對發動機發出的噪聲顯然毫不在意。《牛津詞典》
  • 4The rejection of such initiatives by no means indicates that voters are unconcerned about the environment.對這些提案的不同意決不意味著選民們不關心環境。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 5Heidi was unconcerned, and saying good-night, climbed up the path with the basket on her arm.海蒂並不在意,她說了聲晚安,就提著籃子爬上了小路。
  • 6He seems unconcerned, but nothing escapes his attention.別看他大大咧咧的,什麼事他都很在心。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 7I felt entirely free and unconcerned.我感到完全自由,毫無顧忌。
  • 8He is unconcerned about personal appearance.他不注意個人的外表。
  • 9Yet many men seem unconcerned about their weight.到目前為止,男人們似乎並不關心他們的體重。
  • 10Investors, however, seemed completely unconcerned.但是投資者似乎全然不把這當回事。
  • 11You perfect disguise, I can only pretended to be unconcerned.你完美的掩飾,我只能裝作漠不關心。
  • 12I simply had been too offhand about it, lazy, too unconcerned.而我對這一切就是那么隨便,懶惰,毫不在意。
  • 13The gardener, spade on back, replied in the most unconcerned tone花匠背著一把鐵鏟,以極平常的口吻回答說
  • 14The largest obstacle between two people is not hate , but unconcerned.兩個人之間最大的鴻溝不是怨恨,而是冷漠。
  • 15And you may think God is unconcerned about the other parts of your life.你可能以為神對於你生活的其他部分不關心。
  • 16“ Has anybody been notified ?” I asked . “ No, “ says she , unconcerned .我問,“通知什麼人了嗎?” 她漠不關心地回答,“沒有。”
  • 17Nike, another major outlet for basketball kit, seem equally unconcerned about knock-offs.耐克作為另外一個主要的籃球裝備商家,似乎同樣也是對盜版不太在意。
  • 18In their matching white coats they appear as blank and unconcerned as three sheets of paper.他們都身穿著白色的上衣,看上去顯得茫然而冷淡,像是三張空白紙似的。
  • 19While expectant mothers should not hang out regularly in hot tubs my doctor was unconcerned.儘管孕婦不應該經常洗熱水浴,我的醫生卻並沒有太擔心。
  • 20While expectant mothers should not hang out regularly in hot tubs, my doctor was unconcerned.儘管孕婦不應該經常洗熱水浴,我的醫生卻並沒有太擔心。
  • 21If you're unconcerned about the quality of your data, you needn't concern yourself with transactions.如果不關心數據的質量,就不必使用事務。
  • 22Privacy Unconcerned: Up to 12% of consumers who are willing to exchange privacy for buying benefits.不關心隱私者:有12%的客戶願意為了利益而交換其隱私。
  • 23This is our Sade, more serious than we expect her to be and unconcerned if we find her a little solemn.這就是沙黛,比我們期待的更嚴肅,不在意我們是否覺得她有一點太莊嚴。
  • 24After that collapse, Mr Skilton said he was unconcerned and insisted the house was built on solid rock.據房屋原來的主人斯基爾頓先生透露,在那次的塌陷之後,他還以為屋子是結結實實的建在堅固的岩石之上。
  • 25Although no big environmental group is unconcerned with global warming, they view the threat in different ways.儘管沒有大的環保團體不關心全球暖化,但是他們看問題的角度卻不一樣。
  • 26If Adams seems unconcerned with appearing old-fashioned, Stephen Shore is, for want of a better word, a modernist.如果亞當斯看上去是對過時的東西漠不關心的話,那么史蒂芬·肖爾,用一個比較好的詞語來形容的話,他就是一個現代主義者。
  • 27It also began an hour earlier, but with their bellies full at that point, people were unconcerned by that, argues Shas.它也提前一個小時開始,但那時人們都已吃飽,禁食不禁食便不那么重要了。


