



  • 外文名:rejection
  • 詞性:名詞
  • 英式發音:[rɪˈdʒekʃn]
  • 美式發音:[rɪˈdʒekʃn]


英 [rɪˈdʒekʃ(ə)n] 美 [rɪˈdʒekʃ(ə)n]
n. (對提議、建議或請求的)拒絕接受;(對求職者、求學等者的)拒絕;拒聘函,拒絕錄取函;嫌棄,厭棄;(對移植器官的)排斥;被拋棄的東西
[ 複數 rejections ]


transplant rejection [免疫] 移植排斥 ; 移植排斥反應 ; 移植器官排斥
Rejection Risk 拒收險 ; [保險] 貨物拒收險
power supply rejection ratio 電源電壓抑制比 ; 電源抑制比 ; 電源供應抑制比率 ; 的電源抑制比
rejection region 拒絕域 ; [數] 否定區域 ; 否定區 ; 否定域
Spurious Rejection 假信號回響 ; 雜散輻射抑制 ; 鏡像抑制 ; 噪聲抑制度
acute rejection 急性排斥反應 ; 急性排斥 ; 排斥反應 ; Banff方案
rejection number 不合格判定數 ; 退件數
rejection rate 廢品率;報廢率
load rejection 甩負荷
interference rejection 抗干擾能力;干擾抑制;抗干擾度;抗擾性
rejection ratio 廢品率;衰減率;捨棄率
graft rejection 移植排斥
heat rejection 熱量放出,熱消耗;排熱
common mode rejection 共模抑制;共態抑制
noise rejection 噪音抑制,干擾抑制
image rejection 鏡頻抑制;圖象載波抑制


  • 1Jane still nurses the pain of rejection.簡依然懷著被拒絕的痛苦。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 2These feelings of rejection and hurt remain.這些遭到拒絕和傷害的感覺仍然存在。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 3of a rejection process, especially when they were first introduced in Europe.拒絕的過程,特別是當它們第一次被引入歐洲的時候。
  • 4Starting conversations with strangers is still well worth the risk of rejection.與陌生人開始對話仍然值得冒被拒絕的風險。
  • 5These papers deal with a kind of failure people have little control over rejection.這些論文探討的是一種失敗,即人們很難掌握拒絕的主動權。
  • 6Your gut reaction and dismissive rejection, even of a worthless idea, might not qualify as systematic or fair.你的本能反應和輕蔑的拒絕,即使是一個毫無價值的想法,可能也不符合系統或公平。
  • 7Three types of feedback from others are indicative of how they see us: confirmation, rejection, and disconfirmation.來自他人的三種反饋反映了他們對於我們的看法:認可、拒絕和不認可。
  • 8On the other hand, rejection occurs when others treat you in a manner that in inconsistent with your self-definition.另一方面,當別人對待你的方式與你的自我定義不一致時,你就會被拒絕。
  • 9It is symptomatic of the swing between the outright rejection and qualified acceptance of the medium that was fairly typical of the artistic establishment.它顯現了在徹底拒絕和有條件地接受這一媒介的兩者之間的搖擺不定,而這正是藝術機構的典型特徵。
  • 10Johnson's rejection of his patron's belated assistance has often been identified as a key moment in the history of publishing, marking the end of the culture of patronage.詹森拒絕了他的贊助人遲來的幫助,這通常被認為是出版史上的一個關鍵時刻,標誌著贊助文化的終結。
  • 11Group membership is of elementary importance to our wellbeing and because humans are very sensitive to signals of exclusion, a silence is generally taken as a sign of rejection.群體歸屬感對我們的健康至關重要,由於人類對排斥的信號非常敏感,沉默通常被視為拒絕的信號。
  • 12These should discourage retailers from wasteful practices that lead to the rejection of food on the basis of cosmetic characteristics, and losses in the home due to excessive purchasing by consumers.這些措施應該阻止零售商的浪費行為,因為這些做法會導致基於化妝品特性的食品被拒絕,以及消費者過度購買造成的家庭損失。
  • 13Her proposal met with unanimous rejection.她的建議遭到一致否決。《牛津詞典》
  • 14This is a rejection of most of what has gone before.這是對先前討論過的大部分內容的否定。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 15His rejection of our values is far more complete than that of D. H. Lawrence.他對於我們價值觀的擯棄遠比D. H.勞倫斯更徹底。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 16The rejection of such initiatives by no means indicates that voters are unconcerned about the environment.對這些提案的不同意決不意味著選民們不關心環境。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 17Teenagers might respond to their parents' rejection of their puppy love with resistance.青少年可能會用反抗的方式來回應其父母對其早戀的反對。
  • 18Reporters can tolerate rejection of their ideas if they believe they were given a fair hearing.如果記者們認為自己的觀點得到了公平的聽取,他們就可以忍受別人的反對。
  • 19Potatoes went through a similar sort of rejection process, especially when they were first introduced in Europe.土豆經歷了一個類似的被排斥的過程,尤其是在剛開始它們被引進到歐洲的時候。
  • 20It can feel like a personal rejection if, like Zoe's dad, if you have no interest in the spiritual life, and your daughter does.如果你對精神生活毫無興趣,而你的女兒卻一心嚮往,就像佐伊父親的處境一樣,你便會認為是針對個人的反叛。
  • 21The rejection of this measure aroused the people to indignation.對該議案的否決激起人民的憤慨。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 22They take every rejection to heart.他們對一切採取拒絕。
  • 23But resentment is not rejection.不過,牴觸而非拒絕。
  • 24My failure, and rejection, broke her.我的失敗和拒絕傷透了她的心。
  • 25The fear of rejection?害怕被拒絕呢?
  • 26This was the period of Israeli rejection.這是一段以色列拒絕和平的時期。
  • 27Again, the rejection notices were vague.又是那樣,那些拒絕通知都含糊不清。
  • 28When you're single, rejection is your friend.當你單身時,拒絕是你的朋友。
  • 29The real trap, however, is self-rejection.真正的陷阱,是自我棄絕。
  • 30Learn from rejection instead of being put down.從拒絕中學習而不是被打倒。


