- 外文名:typhoidin
- 英式讀音:[taɪ'fɔɪdɪn]
- 美式讀音:[taɪ'fɔɪdɪn]
- 詞性:名詞
typhoid是一個英語單詞,形容詞、名詞,作形容詞時意為“傷寒的;斑疹傷寒症的”。作名詞時意為“傷寒”。 短語搭配 typhoid vaccine[藥]傷寒菌苗 ; 傷寒疫苗 ; 滅活傷寒菌苗 Typhoid cell傷寒細胞 typhoid bacillus腸窒扶斯桿菌 ; 傷寒桿菌 ; 翻譯 bilious typhoid黃疸型回歸熱 ; 外耳氏病 typhoid grnulom傷寒...
傷寒(typhoid fever)是由傷寒桿菌引起的一種高熱傳染病,又稱傷寒症,它最主要的特點是持續高熱、腹痛、玫瑰疹、肝脾大等。傷寒的發病原因是由於傷寒桿菌感染引起的,主要通過攝入受糞便污染的食物或水而傳播。主要疾病分型有普通型傷寒、輕型傷寒、暴髮型傷寒、遷延型傷寒、逍遙型傷寒、頓挫型傷寒。傷寒最常見的臨床...
There's typhoid in the water Hysteria hysteria And he's giving out the orders Some say I'm a magician Some say I'm a magician Some say that I'm shy I missed the initiation I missed the initiation I'm ready to fly I'm ready to die I may not be around come rain or shine I ...
17Indications: It is indicated in the treatment of typhoid, paratyphoid, typhus and bacillary dysentery.適應症:主要用於治療傷寒、副傷寒、斑疹傷寒及細菌性痢疾。18One of these the plasmodium causes malaria. other protozoa cause sleeping sickness and amebic dysentery.虐原蟲就是其中的一種,引起虐疾。別...
5.3TyphoidandParatyphoidFever 5.4BacterialFoodPoisoning 5.5ShigeUosis 5.6Cholera 5.7Diphtheria 5.8Pertussis 5.9Anthrax 5.10Brucellosis 5.11Plague Chapter6SpirocheteInfection 6.1Leptospirosis Chapter7ProtozoonInfections 7.1Amebiasis 7.2Malaria Chapter8HelminthInfection 8.1Schistosomiasts ...
3 Du SD.Preliminary report on a fluke found in shrimps in Chengtu and its environs.Chin Med J,1930,43:679.4 Du SD,Best AE.Typhoid and paratyphoid fevers in Chengtu,Szechwan.Chin Med J,1931,45:325.5 Du SD.A simple and rapid method of staining blood sporochetes.Chin Med J,...
and Supreme Court & Consular Gazette,April 29,1916271Wenchow:Government Schools ArraignedThe North-China Herald and Supreme Court & Consular Gazette,May 27,1916273A Chinese Doctor on TyphoidThe North-China Herald and Supreme Court & Consular Gazette,November 4,1916275Opium Smoking Rife in Wench...
20The result may be an increase in diseases such as cholera, typhoid, malaria and dengue.結果可能是疾病增加,例如霍亂、傷寒、瘧疾和登革熱。21Dengue viruses are transmitted to humans through the bites of infective female Aedes mosquitoes.登革熱病毒通過傳染性雌性伊蚊的叮咬傳染給人類。22The conditions ...
Typhoid Bacilli 傷寒桿菌 aerobic spore-bearing bacilli 需氧芽孢桿菌 gas gangrene bacilli 氣性壞疽菌 雙語例句 For instance, they were used to stain previously invisible microbes and bacteria, allowing researchers to identify such bacilli as tuberculosis, cholera, and anthrax. 例如,用它們來給以前看不見...
引起虐疾。別的原蟲引起嗜睡症和阿米巴痢疾。The method in acute bacillary dysentery, typhoid, amebic colitis, or schistosoma enteritis 'emergency treatment will also have some clinical value.該方法在急性菌痢,傷寒、阿米巴或血吸蟲性腸炎的應急治療中也將有一定的臨床參考價值。
A bay in the Life of a Nobel Prize Winner A Bit of Medical History Hippocrates Rabies Piaget Describes Stages of Cognitive Development 1923—1952 Dinner with Typhoid Mary The Founders of Human Anatomy Alexander Fleming Salk Produces Polio Vaccine 1952 Amino Acids Are Created in Laboratory 1953 Wats...
25There were also cases of hepatitis, typhoid and yellow fever.還出現了肝炎、傷寒和黃熱病病例。26Different viruses can cause various forms of viral hepatitis.不同病毒可引起不同形式的病毒性肝炎。27What is WHO doing to support the fight against viral hepatitis?在與病毒性肝炎的鬥爭方面,世衛組織做...
Salmonella Infections (including Typhoid Fever)Shigellosis Brucellosis Tularemia and Other Francisella Infections Plague and Other Yersinia Infections Whooping Cough and Other Bordetella Infections Legionella infectons Granuloma inguinale (Donovanosis)Mycoplasma Infections Diseases Caused by Chlamydiae Syphilis Non...
第三節傷寒和副傷寒 Typhoid Fever and Paratyphoid Fever / 247 第四節耶爾森菌感染 Yersinia enterocolitica Infection / 255 第五節幽門螺桿菌感染 Helicobacter pylori Infection / 257 第六節抗菌藥物相關性腹瀉 AntibioticAssociated Diarrhea / 263 第七節彎曲菌感染 Campylobacter Infection /...
fowl,英語單詞,主要用作名詞、動詞,作名詞時意為“家禽;鳥;飛禽”,作動詞時意為“打鳥;捕野禽”。短語搭配 Fowl Pox[獸醫]禽痘 ; 雞痘 ; 傳染性上皮瘤 ; 翻譯 Fowl cholera禽霍亂 ;[禽]家禽霍亂 ; 雞霍亂 ; 雞瘟 Fowl Typhoid[禽]雞傷寒 ;[禽]禽傷寒 ; 翻譯 Silky fowl烏骨雞 ; 竹絲雞 ; ...
3Presumptive zygotes were cultured in mSOFaa medium supplemented with OCS or FBS had higher blastocyte yield than that in culture medium with free serum.受精卵在含血清 FBS 或 OCS 培養液中的囊胚發育率明顯高於在無血清培養基中的囊胚發育率。4The presumptive diagnosis was typhoid fever.推定診斷為...
TEXT: Abnormalities In Patients With Duodenal Or Gastric Ulcers LESSON FIFTEEN TEXT: Clinical Features of Typhoid LESSON SIXTEEN TEXT:Investigation of Haematuria LESSON SEVENTEEN TEXT:Four Trends In Health Care LESSON EIGHTEEN TEXT:A Trip To The Pharmacy In 2010 LESSON NINETEEN LESSON TWENTY LESSON ...
11Of the 14 million deaths that occur in the region annually, 40% are attributable to communicable diseases.該地區每年發生的1400萬死亡中,有40%歸因於傳染病。12Widespread communicable diseases include HIV/AIDS, malaria, TB, sleeping sickness, typhoid fever and meningitis.廣泛存在的傳染病包括愛滋病毒...
stay together for fourteen years before separating. He never returned to live in Staffordshire, even though he continued to draw inspiration from the area in his work. He died on 27 March 1931 from typhoid shortly after a visit to France. Following his cremation, his ashes were buried in ...
in vitro/in vivo irpny/satire -ise/-ize jam/preserve/conserve/marmalade judicial/judicious leave/iet lexicography /iexicology /etymology libel/slander lie/iay loathe/loath locate/situate luxurious/luxuriant macro/micro marriage/matrimony/wedlock/nuptials/wedding mass/weight masterful /masterly material/...
[usu ADJ n]短語搭配 peripatetic service 巡迴輔導服務 peripatetic philosopher 逍遙哲學家 peripatetic a 巡遊的 peripatetic school 逍遙學派 ; 或稱逍遙派學校 ; 遊方學校 peripatetic College 逍遙學院 the Peripatetic 逍遙學派 afoot peripatetic 徒步的 Peripatetic typhoid 最輕傷寒 peripatetic teacher 巡迴教師 ...
5A hospital consultant said conditions were ripe for an outbreak of cholera and typhoid.一位醫院的專家醫師說霍亂和傷寒爆發的條件已經成熟。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》6The four-day festival ended a day early after an outbreak of violence involving hundreds of youths.由於一起數百名年輕人參與的暴力事件...
1.N-UNCOUNTPleurisy is a serious illness in which a person's lungs are sore and breathing is difficult. 胸膜炎 短語搭配 Acute Pleurisy 急性胸膜炎 ; 翻譯 fibrinous pleurisy 纖維蛋白性胸膜炎 ; 翻譯 typhoid pleurisy 翻譯 ; 傷寒型胸膜炎 humid pleurisy 翻譯 ; 滲出性胸膜炎 encysted pleurisy 包裹...
1Once he had rheumatic fever an' once he had typhoid.有一次,他得了風濕病,有一次他得了傷寒。2I had rheumatic fever and spent that year feeling rotten.我得了風濕熱,那一年感覺很糟。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》3Synchronous apexcardiogram and echocardiogram were also studied in 25 normal persons ...
21A hospital consultant said conditions were ripe for an outbreak of cholera and typhoid.一位醫院的專家醫師說霍亂和傷寒爆發的條件已經成熟。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》22His work as a consultant consisted in advising foreign companies on the siting of new factories.他做顧問的工作主要包括就新工廠選址為...
chloramphenicol,英語單詞,主要用作名詞,作名詞時譯為“[藥] 氯黴素”。單詞用法 柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典 chloramphenicol /ˌklɔːræmˈfɛnɪˌkɒl/ 1.N a broad-spectrum antibiotic used esp in treating typhoid fever and rickettsial infections: obtained from the bacterium Streptomyces ...
28“To the End of the Land” follows the course of the feverish state of Israel in the lives of its three main characters.《走到國土盡頭》里的三個主角的生活是沿著以色列“發燒”的各個階段而展開的。29When children in one family contracted 10 typhoid fever 11, though feverish himself, he ...
《Table Talk》是由Hail Mary Mallon演唱的歌曲,由Hail Mary Mallon作詞,收錄於專輯《Are You Gonna Eat That》中,該歌曲由Rhymesayers公司於2011年6月7日發行。歌手簡介 Hail Mary Mallon Hail Mary Mallon是一支美國嘻哈音樂團體,成員包括Aesop Rock、Rob Sonic、DJ Big Wiz。樂隊的名字與Typhoid Mary有關。