tonic water

tonic water

tonic water譯為湯利水,是一種加入了具有一定滋補成份和療效物質的飲料。根據加入的物質奎寧(quinine)又稱其為奎寧水,正因此,本飲品有一種淡淡的苦味。本飲品廣泛地與烈性酒特別是杜松子酒(gin)混合飲用。


  • 中文名:湯利水
  • 外文名:tonic water
  • 類型:飲料
  • 定義:一種加入了具有一定滋補成份和療效物質的飲料
Tonic water (or Indian tonic water) is a fizzy soft drink flavoured with quinine. The drink gains its name from the medicinal effects of this slightly bitter flavouring.
tonic water
The quinine was added to the drink as a prophylactic against malaria, since it was originally intended for consumption in tropical areas of India and Africa where that disease is endemic.
Tonic water originally contained only carbonated water and quinine, and it contained a large amount of the latter. However, most tonic water today contains a medically insignificant amount of quinine, and is thus used for its flavor only. It is consequently less bitter, and is also usually sweetened. Some manufacturers also produce diet tonic water.
Tonic water is often used as a mixer for alcoholic spirits, especially gin (the mixture commonly known as a gin and tonic).
Tonic water with lemon or lime flavor added is known as bitter lemon or bitter lime, respectively. Such soft drinks are more popular in Europe than in the United States.
Tonic water will glow under ultraviolet light, due to the quinine in it.
Brands of tonic water:
tonic water,奎寧水,廣叫湯利水.
Generic terms for carbonated soft drinks vary widely in the United States. Probably the two most common words competing for precedence are soda, used in the northeast United States, and pop, used from the Midwest westward. In the South all soft drinks, regardless of the flavor or brand name, are referred to as cold drinks. Speakers in Boston and its environs have a term of their own: tonic. Such a variety of regional equivalents is unusual for a product for which advertising is so aggressive and universal; usually advertising has the effect of squeezing out regional variants. On the other hand, because there are so many types and flavors of soft drinks, perhaps no single generic word has ever emerged to challenge the regionalisms.
在美國,含碳軟飲料的名稱各地截然不同。其中有兩個詞正競爭著統治地位,一個是用於美國東北部的soda, , 另一個是用於中西部以西的pop 。 在美國南部,所有的軟飲料,不管味道或品牌如何,都統統叫作cold drinks 。 波士頓及其周圍地區有其自己的名稱:tonic 。 對於一種廣告做得滿天飛的產品來說,這種各地區名字不同的情況十分不尋常;因為廣告通常有減弱方言的作用。另一方面,由於軟飲料有如此多的種類和風格,所以可能還沒有哪一個泛稱能夠取代這么多地方變體
在美國,含碳軟飲料的名稱各地截然不同。其中有兩個詞正競爭著統治地位,一個是用於美國東北部的soda, , 另一個是用於中西部以西的pop 。 在美國南部,所有的軟飲料,不管味道或品牌如何,都統統叫作cold drinks 。 波士頓及其周圍地區有其自己的名稱:tonic 。 對於一種廣告做得滿天飛的產品來說,這種各地區名字不同的情況十分不尋常;因為廣告通常有減弱方言的作用。另一方面,由於軟飲料有如此多的種類和風格,所以可能還沒有哪一個泛稱能夠取代這么多地方變體


