



  • 外文名:timely
  • 詞性:形容詞、副詞
  • 英式讀音:ˈtaɪmli
  • 美式讀音:ˈtaɪmli


根據《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典 》:
ADJ If you describe an event as timely, it happens exactly at the moment when it is most useful, effective, or relevant. 適時的 [表讚許]


timely adjustment 適時調節


  • 1A nasty incident was prevented by the timely arrival of the police.警察的及時到來阻止了一次嚴重事故。《牛津詞典》
  • 2The incident served as a timely reminder of just how dangerous mountaineering can be.這次事故及時地提醒了人們登山運動有時會多么危險。《牛津詞典》
  • 3The recent outbreaks of cholera are a timely reminder that this disease is still a serious health hazard.最近幾次爆發的霍亂是一個適時的提醒,該疾病依然是個嚴重的健康危害。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 4This is a timely rain indeed.這場雨下得真及時呀!《新英漢大辭典》
  • 5It may prevent making a timely decision.這可能會妨礙及時做出決定。
  • 6Most of them get timely help from their teachers.他們中的大多數人都得到了老師的及時幫助。
  • 7It might have saved me a lot of money had I withdrawn timely from the stock market this July.如果我今年7月及時從股市撤資,可能會省下一大筆錢。
  • 8The timely action of the firefighters prevented the fire from reaching the Cathedral's bell towers.消防隊員的及時行動阻止了大火蔓延到大教堂的鐘樓。
  • 9Adequate and timely IT support should also be available to enable users to cope with technological issues at work.我們還應提供充分和及時的 IT 支持,使用戶能夠處理工作中的技術問題。
  • 10With the high-quality and timely information at their fingertips, today's children are rising above the fears and biases of their parents.有了指尖上的高質量和及時的信息,今天的孩子正在超越父母的恐懼和偏見。
  • 11They will coordinate with the Social Security Administration to make sure that Social Security checks reach the right people in a timely fashion.他們將與社會保障局協調,確保社會保障支票及時到達正確的人手中。
  • 12This has been a timely reminder to us all.對我們大家來說這個提醒非常及時。《牛津詞典》
  • 13Read articles from government news platforms which usually give timely fact checks.閱讀政府新聞平台上的文章,這些平台通常會提供及時的事實核查。
  • 14Scott even gave Senator a timely bath, during which he hoped Dad could notice how responsible he was with unwilling Senator.斯科特還及時給塞納托爾洗了個澡,期間他希望爸爸能注意到他對不情不願的塞納托爾是多么負責任。
  • 15Nicole Farmer, who studies how food influences our biology, behavior and mental health, told BBC online that "Cooking represents the human experience of food, and growing people through food, so there is no doubt it can bring us timely positive feelings."研究食物如何影響我們的生物學、行為和心理健康的尼科爾·法默線上上告訴 BBC:“烹飪代表人類對食物的體驗,並通過食物讓人成長,所以毫無疑問,它可以給我們帶來及時的積極感受。”
  • 16Some mail can be extremely sensitive and timely.有些郵件可能內容極其敏感,對時間的要求也很高。
  • 17But some mail can be extremely sensitive and timely.但有些郵件可能內容極其敏感,對時間的要求也很高。
  • 18More timely signs suggest that the Ameican economy could stall in this quarter.更多即期數據顯示,美國經濟可能會在這個季度暫緩。
  • 19With Britain voting to leave the European Union, and GDP already predicted to slow as a result, it is now a timely moment assess what Kennedy was referring to.隨著英國投票決定退出歐盟,且英國國內生產總值被預測將因此而放緩,現在正是評估甘迺迪觀點的好時機。
  • 20The timely rain revived the droughtstricken crops.這場及時雨使受旱的禾苗都緩過來了。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 21It was a timely reminder.這是一個及時的提醒。
  • 22This was certainly a timely approach.這當然是個及時的措施。
  • 23Brown's intervention was timely.布朗的介入可謂來的正是時候。
  • 24Never have “arrears” proved so timely.從來沒有被證明的如此及時的“欠薪”。
  • 25This news is timely.這則訊息是適時的。
  • 26Is the data timely?數據是否及時?
  • 27It is also timely.同時,這也是及時的。
  • 28This is a timely book for several reasons.這本書的及時出版有以下幾個理由。
  • 29The example is timely.印度的例子來的很及時。


