the little book of big dividends: a safe formula for guaranteed returns

the little book of big dividends: a safe formula for guaranteed returns

《the little book of big dividends: a safe formula for guaranteed returns》是2010年Wiley出版的圖書,作者是Charles B. Carlson。


  • 中文名:the little book of big dividends: a safe formula for guaranteed returns
  • 作者:Charles B. Carlson
  • 出版社:Wiley
  • ISBN:9780470567999 
Everyone needs to invest, but where do you invest during bearmarkets? The massive stock declines over the past year have erodedsavings, but this doesn't mean you should stuff your money under amattress. It needs to be put to work getting some return so that itwill grow. Smart investors will turn to high dividend paying stocksto get a stable and growing stream of income. Dividendinvesting-that provides an income beyond any gain in the shareprice-may be the investor's best weapon. Dividends are safe,largely reliable, and maybe at the their cheapest levels in manyyears. While the best paying dividend stocks of recent years, suchas financials, took a huge beating in 2008, opportunities willabound in 2010 and beyond-if you know where to look. In "The LittleBook of Big Dividends, " dividend stock expert Chuck Carlsonpresents an action plan for dividend-hungry investors. You'll learnabout the pitfalls, how to find the opportunities, and will learnhow to construct a portfolio that generates big, safe dividendseasily through the BSD (Big, Safe Dividends) formula. If you're abit adventurous, Carlson has you covered, and will teach you how tofind big, safe dividends in foreign stocks, preferred stocks, ETFs,real estate investment trusts, and more. Contains the simple tools,strategies, and recommendations for finding big, safe dividendsHelps you put a complete portfolio together that pays dividendsevery month Show you the top dividend paying stocks with theirdividend payment dates It doesn't get any easier than this, and inthese turbulent times, you can't afford to ignore the power ofdividends. Read "The Little Book of Big Dividends" and gain abetter perspective of how you can protect yourself for thefuture.

