the fall of every season

the fall of every season

the fall of every season挪威的單人大氣厄運金屬,抒情主題:悲傷,憂鬱,孤獨

樂隊簡介,專輯曲目,Her Withering Petals (Demo) 2004,Neglected's Motif (Demo) 2005,From Below 2007,Amends 2013,


The fall of every season挪威的單人大氣厄運金屬,抒情主題:悲傷,憂鬱,孤獨
the fall of every season
當前陣容:Marius Strand - Vocals/All Instruments (Nyctanthous)
摒棄了以往對北歐音樂的那種看法,他不在是嘈雜的吉他音色和低沉的鼓點,反而清新的旋律和低沉的深喉帶給我們的是北歐秋日一縷陽光的午後,也許這並不是我們眼中的DOOM METAL。但是TFOES告訴我們DOOM同樣也可以這么乾淨和清爽。From Below是很多人最喜歡的一首開始的部分完全沒有厄運金屬的那種低沉壓抑的氛圍,反而一段清新的木琴旋律讓我們感受到一種安靜和舒服,仿佛置身於一個廣闊的山間,主唱的低沉嗓音並沒有破壞那種安逸的氛圍反而是訴說這那些曾經的噩夢Lived in this nightmare, this prideless coffin,乾淨的男聲帶著淡淡的哀傷。沒有絕望沒有抑鬱,只是一個訴說,只是一個接受。從安逸到抑鬱往往只需要一個過程,然而FROM BELOW就擁有這個巧妙的過程。從開頭的清新到結尾厄運的本質,都是那么巧妙的結合起來。不用擔心會不會偏離厄運的主題。一切都讓聽者在旋律中想起你那些曾經的厄運。這張From Below是讓人坐下並放鬆,閉眼並被聲音靜靜帶走的專輯,溫煦的洗滌著心靈的Doom Metal。絕望,無助;落光葉子的樹,望不穿,哀傷緊隨;一切帶著灰色,帶憂鬱的味道。


Her Withering Petals (Demo) 2004

1.Her Withering Petals Pt.l
the fall of every season
2.Her Withering Petals Pt.ll
3.Her Withering Petals Pt.lll
Total playing time14:25

Neglected's Motif (Demo) 2005

1. Scornful, Crowned By Leaves 07:00
the fall of every season
2. Mere Wind Remained 07:25
3. A Porcelain Facade 07:00
Total playing time 21:25

From Below 2007

1. From Below 11:53
the fall of every season
2. Sisyphean 04:27
3. The Triumphant Beast 12:35
4. Escape Of The Dove 03:39
5. Her Withering Petals 15:12
Total playing time 47:48
"From Below" is a concept album about a family that knows nothing but agony and death. The songs tell the chronological story of an imprisoned son of that family and his release.

Amends 2013

1.Sole Passenger 11:45
2.The Mammoth 13:27
3.A Portrayal 2:23
4.Aurelia 11:38
5.Waves 14:06
Total playing time 53:19


