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  • 外文名:sustainable
  • 詞性:形容詞
  • 單詞發音:英 [səˈsteɪnəbl] 美 [səˈsteɪnəbl] 


Sustainable Construction 可持續建築 ; 可持續建設 ; 可持續的建築
Sustainable Tourism 可持續旅遊
commercially sustainable 商業化可持續


  • 1The creation of an efficient and sustainable transport system is critical.一個高效而可持續發展的交通系統的創建是非常重要的。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 2The farming methods of ants are at least sustainable.螞蟻的養殖方式至少是可持續的。
  • 3We've talked recently about the importance of sustainable energy.最近我們談到了可持續能源的重要性。
  • 4The concept of sustainable development has been defined as profitable.人們認為可持續發展的概念有利可圖。
  • 5Government should encourage business to invest more on sustainable energies.政府應該鼓勵企業加大對可持續能源的投資。
  • 6Its conservation is key to the sustainable propagation of Antarctic species.對它的保護對維持南極物種繁衍可持續性來說很關鍵。
  • 7These things are not sustainable; they don't make us happy in the long term.這些事情不具有可持續性;從長遠來看,這些事情並不會讓我們快樂。
  • 8The industry in Brazil employs a huge number of people, but is it sustainable?巴西的工業僱傭了很多人,但是這可持續嗎?
  • 9So, these things are not sustainable; they don't make us happy in the long term.因此,這些事情不具有可持續性;從長遠來看,這些事情並不會讓我們快樂。
  • 10You can read the summary published by the Sustainable Development Commission (11).你可以閱讀可持續發展委員會發表的摘要(11)。
  • 11It is our government's strategy to maintain the sustainable development of society.保持社會的可持續發展是我們政府的戰略。
  • 12This is an approach that is described as the sustainable growth of global agriculture.這是一種被稱為全球農業可持續增長的方法。
  • 13When asked if she owned any sustainable clothes, she replied : "Not that I'm aware of."當被問及她是否擁有任何可持續的衣服時,她回答說:“據我所知沒有。”
  • 14There are solutions that could light a path toward a more sustainable and fair farm economy.一些解決方案可以為實現更可持續和公平的農業經濟指明道路。
  • 15Sainz Breeze insist that such food is no joke and could be a new, sustainable source of protein.Sainz Breeze 堅持認為這種食物絕不兒戲,它可能是一種新的可持續的蛋白質來源。
  • 16How to maintain sustainable development is a matter of significant importance facing all countries.如何保持可持續發展是所有國家面臨的一個重大問題。
  • 17Sustainable tourism, which differs from other kinds of tourism, will do no harm to our environment.與其他類型的旅遊不同,可持續發展的旅遊不會破壞環境。
  • 18Above all, we intend to campaign for the universal adoption of sustainable and equitable lifestyles.最重要的是,我們打算為可持續和平等生活方式的普及進行宣傳。
  • 19What is crucial is recognizing that sustainable agriculture is not just about sustainable food production.關鍵是要認識到,可持續農業不僅僅是可持續糧食生產。
  • 20The sustainable success of small farmers, though, won't happen without fundamental changes to the industry.小農戶們想要獲得持續的進展,這個產業就得進行大力改革。
  • 21However, a new imperative—sustainable development—offers an opportunity for adapting the EU's common transport policy.然而,一項新的緊迫任務——可持續發展——為修正歐盟的共同運輸政策提供了機會。
  • 22For example, we need to move away from the idea that traditional practices are inevitably more sustainable than new ones.比方說,傳統做法一定比新做法更有可持續性這樣的想法,是我們該擺脫的。
  • 23The developing countries also need to take due adaptation and mitigation actions in the context of sustainable development.開發中國家也需要在可持續發展的背景下採取適當的適應和減緩行動。
  • 24It could go a long way, he says, to shifting consumers as well as farmers towards a more sustainable system of agriculture.他說,要讓消費者和農民都轉向更加可持續的農業體系,還有很長的路要走。
  • 25The last of these—in particular the introduction of vehicles powered by electricity—is ultimately the only sustainable option.最後一項——尤其是電動汽車的引入——最終會是可持續的唯一選擇。
  • 26Sustainable development is all about creating better health care, education, housing and improved standard of live for everyone.可持續發展就是要為每個人創造更好的醫療、教育、住房條件和更高的生活水平。
  • 27In Brazil, the multinational corporation Adidas has been running a shoe-recycling program called "Sustainable Footprint" since 2012.在巴西,跨國公司愛迪達自2012年以來一直在運作一個名為“可持續足跡”的鞋子回收項目。
  • 28To conduct comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development, we should always consider economic development as our primary task.要實現全面、協調、可持續發展,我們應該始終把經濟發展作為我們的第一要務。
  • 29With production anticipated to increase by 25% between now and 2030, sustainable energy sourcing will become an increasingly major issue.從現在到2030年這段時間,石油產量預計將增加25%,而可持續能源的來源將成為一個日益重要的話題。
  • 30Work on designs for the new turbine blades and sites are well advanced at the University of Southampton's sustainable energy research group.南安普頓大學的可持續能源研究小組在設計新型渦輪葉片和選址方面進展良好。


