- 外文名:sufism
- 詞性:名詞
- 英式發音:[ˈsuːfɪzəm]
- 釋義:(伊斯蘭教的)蘇非派禁慾神秘主義
Sufism Introduction 《Sufism Introduction》是Books LLC, Wiki Series出版的圖書,作者是Source Wikipedia,Books, LLC。
A Culture of Sufism 《A Culture of Sufism》是一本圖書,作者是Gall, Dina Le
Ghulam Ahmad)為先知,將古拉姆阿赫默德的信仰視為真正的伊斯蘭教。新派拉合爾派則僅承認古拉姆阿赫默德是改革者。阿赫默德教派又指蘇菲派教團(參閱Sufism)的若干支派,特別是巴達維(A al-Badawi)創立的巴達維派。阿赫默德教派是埃及最流行的教派之一。號稱此教派支派的小教團散見於穆斯林世界。
5. Islamic history, philosophy, Sufism, Shi‘ism, and Islamic literatures in Arabic, Persian and South Asian languages,多倫多大學宗教研究中心項目, 子項目主持 6.齊齊哈爾軌道交通裝備有限責任公司科技信息資源整合模式研究,主持完成 7.游泳水中專項力量能力檢測及水陸力量能力轉換訓練的方法研究,國家體育總局,...
《ZIKR: A Sufi Revival》是2018年Gabo Arora導演的一部紀錄片。劇情簡介 Sufism is a branch of Islam that is often cast as esoteric. But in Tunisia, Sufism is deeply bound to national heritage and popular culture. In the aftermath of the Arab Spring, Tunisia is also looking to Sufism as a...
Judaism and Sufism PAUL B. FENTON Philosophy and kabbalah: 12oo-16oo HAVA TIROSH-SAMUELSON Arabic into Hebrew: The Hebrew translation movement and the influence of Averroes upon medieval Jewish thought STEVEN HARVEY Philosophy in southern France: Controversy over philosophic study and the influence of...
《The Garden of Truth》是HarperOne出版的圖書,作者是Seyyed Hossein Nasr 內容簡介 The headlines are filled with the politics of Islam, but there is another side to the world's fastest-growing religion. Sufism is the poetry and mysticism of Islam. This mystical movement from the early ninth ...
1821年法國東方學者托洛克用“蘇菲主義”(Sufism)稱呼該學派。左農與蘇菲派 左農是蘇菲神智學說的奠基者。他首創了只有“入神”(Wajd)才能真正認識安拉這一觀念,從而使蘇菲主義得以定型。他把知識和神智加以區別。他認為,一般知識可通過個人的感官感覺或理性思維而獲得,而神智卻不同,它既不是“天啟”,也不是...
蘇非思想是伊斯蘭的神秘主義(mysticism,或說密契主義),相對於一般信仰者努力遵守和落實伊斯蘭法對人世生活的種種規範,遵循蘇非之道的蘇非(Sufi)們更想探究的是隱藏在這種種義務和規範之後的神秘義理。內容介紹 關於“Sufism”(蘇非主義/蘇非思想),有人將之視為伊斯蘭的一個教派。然而教派一說卻是訛論。因為...
《Islamic Mystical Poetry》是Penguin Classics出版的圖書,作者是Jamal, Mahmood 內容簡介 New to Penguin Classics-a transcendent selection of poetry from the early Islamic era. Poetry has been the most powerful vehicle for conveying Sufism-the mystical dimension of Islam-from the early flowering of ...
《Persian Sufi Poetry》是1997年出版的圖書,作者是Bruijn, J.T.P.De。內容簡介 Islamic mysticism, or Sufism, has found its finest expression in the classical poetry of Persia, in particular during its most creative period up to the late 15th century. Focusing on the poems themselves rather than...