n. 減去;(數)減,減法
1She's ready to learn simple addition and subtraction.她準備學習簡單的加法和減法。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
2There will be simple tests in addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.將會有加減乘除的簡單測試。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
3We can use the magic of subtraction.我們可以利用減法的魔力。
4Not long ago, researches learned that four-day olds could understand addition and subtraction.不久前,研究人員發現4天大的嬰兒能夠理解加減法。
5This service is a simple math calculation service, providing addition and subtraction operations.該服務是一個簡單的數學計算服務,提供了加法和減法運算。
6Bees are capable of addition and subtraction — using colors in the place of plus and minus symbols.蜜蜂會做加減法——它們用顏色來代替加號和減號。
7Most of these are probably self-explanatory, like addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.其中大多數可能都是不言自明的,比如加法、減法、乘法和除法。
8Recently, a study showed that bees could perform arithmetic operations like addition and subtraction.最近一項研究表明,蜜蜂可以進行加減法的運算。
9I've got one test there, and then I've just got one thing to do here, which has got a subtraction and a multiplication.我在這裡做了一個測試,然後我在這裡做了一件事,就是做減法和乘法。
10It also lets you perform mathematical operations like addition, subtraction, division, and multiplication on two statistics.它還允許您對兩個統計數據執行諸如加、減、乘、除等數學運算。
11Some of this work's been done at Yale in Karen Wynn's lab, where they look at babies' understanding of addition and subtraction.其中一些研究是在耶魯大學的凱倫·韋恩實驗室完成的,他們在那裡觀察嬰兒對加法和減法的理解。
12Soul grows more by subtraction than by addition, and by getting rid of these limitations that are preventing us from fulfilling our potential.靈魂的成長更多的是通過減法而不是加法,通過擺脫這些阻礙我們實現我們的潛能的限制。
13Atomicity enables the two operations—the subtraction from the savings account and the addition to the checking account—to be treated as a single transaction.原子性使得這兩個操作——從儲蓄帳戶減錢和向支票帳戶加錢——被當作單個事務處理。
14The trees cut down are counted as income but no subtraction is made for using up the forests.砍伐的樹木被算作收入,但被耗盡的森林資源卻沒有計入損失。
15One of these is the subtraction of water from the ocean by means of evaporation—conversion of liquid water to water vapor.其中之一是通過蒸發的方式,把液態水轉化為水蒸氣——來減少海洋中的水分。
16In other words, we can use the magic of subtraction.換句話說,我們可以藉助減法的魔力。
17And that brings us to the point of subtraction of vectors.同時也是,矢量相減的原理。
18The service accepts two Numbers for addition or subtraction.該服務接受兩個數字進行加減運算。
19Pressing return a couple more times will show an addition and subtraction.再按兩次回車將顯示加法和減法表達式。
20We elves never need that. And addition and subtraction and division and fractions?什麼加法,減法,除法,分數,我們從來不用它們。
21The mathematics of weight loss is, in fact, quite simple, involving only subtraction.其實,減肥的數學相當簡單,只有減法。
22Sums involving two-digit numbers or multiplication or subtraction were beyond him.當加法的和是一個兩位數或做乘法和減法時,查爾斯便無能為力。
23So the adding and the subtraction of vectors is way more complicated than just scalars.因此矢量的加法和減法,要比標量複雜。
24Your impatient self clearly suffers from a similar fixed cost of carrying out subtraction.你身上那個急躁的自我,顯然在實施減法時承受著類似的固定成本。
25What is the difference between the unary minus operator and the binary subtraction operator?一元操作符負號和二元操作符減號的區別是什麼?
26The subtraction operators are also available, providing the converse of the add and increment operations.也可用減號運算符,它的作用與相加和遞增操作相反。
27As a kid, when I first learned enough subtraction, I figured out how old I would be in the momentous year 2000.在我的孩提時代,當我學會了如何做減法運算後,我成功的計算出到2000年的時候我會是幾歲。
28The Mark I could handle 23-decimal-place numbers and perform addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.Mark I能夠處理23位小數並執行加、減、乘和除。
29Instead symbols like + or * are used to define functions that can do things like normal numerical addition and subtraction.相反,使用 + 或 * 等符號定義可以執行普通數字加減法的函式。