n. 下沉;沉澱;陷沒
1.N-UNCOUNT When there is subsidence in a place, the ground there sinks to a lower level. (地面)下沉
So, naturally, their first calendar was divided up into three seasons, each based on the river's changes: inundation, subsidence and harvest. 因此,他們的第一個日曆系統被自然地分為三個季節,每個季節都是根據河流的變化而劃分:淹沒期、下沉期和豐水期。
Afterwards during the season of subsidence, the water would subside, or recede, revealing a new layer of fertile black silt and allowing for the planting of various crops. 在隨後的沉降季節,水會退去,並露出一層新的肥沃的黑色淤泥,可以在這上面種植各種作物。
Land subsidence has been aggravated by overpumping of underground water and the construction of thousands of high-rise buildings. 過度抽取地下水和建造成千上萬的高層建築加劇了地面沉降。
The railway line was closed because of (a) subsidence. 鐵路線和那條道路平行。
Overexploiting underground water will cause land subsidence. 過分的開採地下水,會造成地面下陷。
Many basins were formed by the subsidence of the earth'scrust. 許多盆地都是由於地殼陷落而形成的。
Now the barren river bed is pitted with cracks and subsidence holes. 而現在,乾涸的河床布滿凹坑,處處是裂縫和孔洞。
The horizontal stress is high in the uplift and low in the subsidence areas. 隆起區多屬高水平應力區,沉降區多屬低水平應力區。
Surface subsidence (ground depression) caused by the overuse of ground water. 過度抽取地下水引起的地面沉降。
One patient developed titanium mess cage subsidence, but revision was not necessary. 一個病人出現混亂鈦籠的下沉,但並無必要去修正。
Compared to the color and canvas still warm, the lonely, it is easier to subsidence. 相比於色彩和畫布的溫暖,靜物的清寂,更容易使人沉陷。
The calculation value of land subsidence from 1969 to present agrees the measured value well. 從1969年至今的地面沉降實測值與計算值也相吻合。
Theories include sea level changes, ground subsidence as the result of earthquakes, or a tsunami. 海平面變化;地震造成的地平面下降和海嘯。
The influence of mining subsidence on land is one of important factors of mine environment impact. 礦山開採沉陷對土地產生的影響是礦山開採對環境影響的一個重要方面。
The industry is expecting rising cost and frequency of claims for flooding, subsidence and storm damage. 保險行業期望提高因洪水、地面下沉以及暴風雨損毀的索賠費用和頻率。
On the background of a large-scale subsidence, there are many subsidence centers with different size. 在大範圍的下降背景上,又分布著許多大大小小的沉降中心。
The problem is not limited to Mexico and China - dozens of cities worldwide face subsidence each year. 面對這個問題的國家不僅僅是墨西哥和中國,每年世界上都有一堆城市有下陷問題。
The layer structure and the change of groundwater level are the major factors to influence the ground subsidence. 地層結構和地下水位變化是影響地面沉降的主要因素。
This decrease in the water table is a major contributor to land subsidence - New Orleans, like Venice, is sinking. 地下水位的降低則是地表陷沒的元兇,而紐奧良,和威尼斯城一樣,正在下陷。
Changes in tree ring growth from coastal old-growth also suggest a sudden, widespread subsidence and drowning of roots. 沿海原始森林的生長變化也暗示地面普遍沉降以及樹根淹溺。
The rise and subsidence of different points of the Earth is not restricted to the exact locations of the plate boundary. 地球上不同地方的的隆起和和沉降不受板塊邊界確切位置的局限。
The result showed that, the point subsidence of the building was even, and the volume extent and velocity was limited. 分析結果表明,施工各階段,建築物主體體沉降速率及幅度均較小,各點沉降基本均勻。
The leaning is due to ground subsidence caused by over-pumping of groundwater. In 1996, the amount of inclination surpassed 1m. 大雁塔傾斜的原因是長期超采地下水導致地面沉降,在1996年時最大傾斜超過1米。
In this paper, the ground subsidence hazard of Shanghai city is prognosticated and analyzed with data constitution method. 本文套用數據本構分析對上海市地面沉降災害進行了預測分析。
There are three models of ground subsidence: cave in ground subsidence, sink ground subsidence and graben ground subsidence. 地面塌陷有三種模式,即冒落式地面塌陷、沉陷式地面塌陷和地塹式地面塌陷。
Where relevant, the design should include the effects of phenomena such as subsidence, heave, freezing, thawing, erosion, etc. 設計時應考慮相關現象的影響,例如下沉,上升,冰凍,融化,腐蝕等。
According to this theory, subsidence of sedimentary rocks is accompanied by the formation of fluid-saturated zones of dilatation. 按照這一理論,沉積岩的沉降伴隨有擴張的流體飽和帶的形成。
The ratification of Korus without the support of opposition parties could cause further subsidence of the GNP's ratings in opinion polls. 美韓自貿協定的批准沒有得到在野黨的認同,這可能導致大國家黨的民調支持率進一步下滑。