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  • 外文名:strut
  • 詞性:動詞、名詞
  • 英式音標:[strʌt]
  • 美式音標:[strʌt]


英 [strʌt] 美 [strʌt]
v. 趾高氣揚地走,昂首闊步;<非正式>展示自己的本領(或外表),炫耀(strut your stuff);支撐,撐開
n. 支柱,撐桿;趾高氣揚的步態,昂首闊步的樣子
【名】 (Strut)(英、俄、美)史魯特(人名)
[ 複數 struts 第三人稱單數 struts 現在分詞 strutting 過去式 strutted 過去分詞 strutted ]


MacPherson strut 麥弗遜懸吊 ; 麥花臣臂桿 ; 懸吊系統
interplane strut 翼間支柱
strut one's stuff 大顯身手 ; 大顯神通 ; 賣弄自己的身材
SHOCK STRUT [航] 減震支柱 ; 減振支柱 ; 由減震支柱
Strut Assembly 撐桿裝配
inclined strut [機] 斜撐
angle strut 角鋼撐 ; 支撐角材 ; 角材支柱 ; 角鋼
anchor strut 撐桿 ; 系泊柱


  • One strut had fractured and been crudely repaired in several places. 一根支柱斷裂了,好幾處已做了粗略修補。
  • Peacocks strut in the surrounding meadow. 孔雀在周圍的草地上昂首闊步。
  • When you strut your stuff, you're not being a show-off. 當你高視闊步的時候,你並不是在炫耀。
  • In birds the second finger is the principal strut of the wing, which consists primarily of feathers. 鳥類的第二根手指是翅膀的主要支柱,翅膀主要由羽毛組成。
  • A major invention was the adjustable strut that could precisely set the depth of the plow by altering the distance of the blade and the beam. 一個重大的發明是可調節的支柱,通過改變刀板與橫樑的距離來精確地設定犁的深度。
  • This was a dance where the participants would quite literally just strut around like a turkey, in circles around one another. 這是一種舞蹈,參加者會像火雞一樣昂首闊步,繞著對方轉圈兒。
  • It was therefore quite surprising when John William Strut (Lord Rayleigh), discovered a gaseous element in 1894 that did not fit into the previous classification scheme. 因此,當約翰·威廉·斯特拉特(瑞利勳爵)於1894年發現了一種不符合先前分類方案的氣體元素時,人們感到相當驚訝。
  • One of gymnastics strut movements. 體操支撐動作之一。
  • Then he'd strut off to the studio and work all night. 然後他退回工作室,整晚作畫。
  • Frame rail or strut tower out of position or damaged. 車架梁或支柱塔位置不正或損壞。
  • Or Mr Kim now determined to strut his stuff regardless? 或者金先生現在已經決定不顧後果的大顯其身手了?
  • Filipinos love to strut their wares in front of spectators. 菲律賓愛支撐他們的商品在前面的觀眾。
  • MacPherson strut suspension system is wildly used in small cars. 麥花臣式懸吊普遍用於小車上。
  • The nosewheel strut USES a single heavy-duty bungee for shock absorbency. 在前輪支撐蹦極使用稅為吸收衝擊單重。
  • The modern military also gets an opportunity to strut its stuff doing the show. 現代軍事也得到一個機會,支撐它的東西做展示。
  • Chickens and ducks, which families raise for extra food, strut along the shore. 疍家人餵養雞和鴨以獲得額外的食物,它們在沿岸遊蕩。
  • KINGPOST - vertical strut on top of glider that supports negative rigging and luff line systems. 主桅桿—滑翔機頂部的垂直立柱,懸掛負面張線索具和反曲線掛繩系統。
  • Mounting the panel model on a short strut has the advantage of decreasing the tare drag of the setup. 把翼段模型安裝在一個短支柱上,其優點是減少了安裝支架的阻力。
  • THE cockerels strut and stamp, heads jerking, chests puffed, in a swaggering display of mock aggression. 降旗士兵們昂首闊步,用力跺著腳,頭抽動著,胸口鼓足了氣,大搖大擺地表演著故意為之的挑釁。
  • The general walked in front of the regiment again with his quivering strut, and scanned it from some distance. 團長又用那微微發抖的步態走到兵團的前面,從遠處望它一眼。
  • The peacock has to accept his raucous voice but he can still 'strut his stuff' and display his beautiful plumage. 孔雀得要承認自己聲音是沙啞的,不過,他照樣還是可以去“炫耀”,去展示出自己美麗的羽毛。
  • It takes an unusual degree of social confidence to take a solo strut into a bar, much less to enjoy the experience. 只有擁有不同尋常的社交自信,你才能獨自一人昂首闊步地走進酒吧,這樣的話能所能享受的就會少一些。
  • The Middle East is just an annoyance, an arena for the big powers to strut their stuff as we are now seeing with Libya. 中東的確是個麻煩的地方,像個競技場一樣,眾多勢力在那裡耀武揚威,就像我們在利比亞看到的一樣。
  • Cyber models do not strut the catwalk. They pose for pictures that get posted online for stores to showcase their products. 她們工作時不用像專業模特那樣走貓步,而是為網店產品的展示做圖片模特。
  • This is L.A. 's steamiest1 health club, where ladies love to lounge and strut stuff in front of a mirror and even in the shower. 這是洛杉磯最火熱的健康俱樂部。女士們愛在此閒晃。


