- 外文名:strangles
- 詞性:名詞、動詞
- 英式發音:['stræŋg(ə)lz]
- 美式發音:['stræŋglz]
strangle,英語單詞,主要用作動詞,作動詞時譯為“把……勒死;使哽咽,使窒息;掐死,扼死;抑制;妨礙,阻止”。單詞用法 柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典 strangle /ˈstræŋɡəl/ CET6+ TEM4 ( strangling, strangled, strangles )...
馬腺疫(Equine strangles),二類傳染病、寄生蟲病,是由馬鏈球菌馬亞種引起馬屬動物的一種急性接觸性傳染病,屬於三類動物疫病。以發熱、上呼吸道黏膜發炎、頜下淋巴結腫脹化膿為特徵。病原學 馬鏈球菌馬亞種舊稱馬腺疫鏈球菌,為...
She strangles for a good time And she kills my self-control She's my man don't be too sad sonny 'Cause she'll never be your woman no more All you need's just a fist of a tear-stained bunny When the good ...
Boredom strangles the life from the printed page Masking vapor trails from Mercury for a killer on Umbria Who crippled birch mares now briars replace Their old cotton limbs Who will tell I mean would it make a ...
I shut my eyes and once again the pleasure strangles me I taste the tears of sweet indulgence,pain and fantasy.Oh,the visions inside my head The emptiness will haunt you ( sick reflection...
She strangles for a good time And she kills my self-control She's my man don't be too sad sonny 'Cause she'll never be your woman no more Someday soon this dank lagoon's Gonna sink right into hell They'...