v. (身體)變僵硬,繃緊;(使)變強硬,變堅定;使(材料)變硬(挺);變僵硬,變得不靈活;變酸痛僵直;變生硬,變得拘謹
When those boundaries are crossed, an American's body will visibly stiffen and his manner will become cool and aloof. 如果越過了這些界限,美國人的身體會明顯變得僵硬,他的態度也會變得冷漠。
The blood supply to the skin is reduced when muscles stiffen. 肌肉發僵時,皮膚的供血量就會減少。
These clothes restrict your freedom of movement and stiffen up the whole body. 這些衣服使你的手腳難於自由活動,使整個身體也僵硬起來。
The jelly will stiffen as it cools. 果凍冷卻後會變硬。
Stiffen the cream by adding gelatine. 通過增加白明膠使奶油變硬。
At the same time their tissues stiffen. 在此同時他們組織變硬。
We must stiffen them all up and allow no weakness. 我們一定要使他們都堅強起來,不允許有絲毫軟弱。
The shape helps stiffen the glass against wind loads. 這一形狀可以幫助玻璃減少風的負荷。
The promise of a reward might stiffen their resolve. 答應給他們獎勵可以堅定他們的決心。
The boy was seen to stiffen and then to fall from the tree. 人們看到男孩蹬了一下腿,然後從樹上掉了下來。
This lignification serves to stiffen and strengthen the cells. 木質化足以使細胞變硬和增強。
The glass will also stiffen the foam so that the rod won't dig into it . 玻璃也將變硬泡沫,使棒將不會挖掘到它。
Glue the ends of the ribbons to stiffen them up and make threading easier. 用膠水使絲帶的兩端變硬,可以讓孩子們在穿洞的時候更容易些。
To stiffen the shells, we added narrow carbon covered foam ribs on the inside. 僵硬的炮彈,我們增加了狹隘的碳泡沫肋骨涵蓋在裡面。
I wish you'd stiffen-that I might enclose Your royal limbs, and measure to the toes. 我希望你能死去——這樣我才能把你尊貴的四肢裝好,然後從頭測量到腳趾。
Dry the tears, push back against the malaise, burn away the fog and stiffen the spine. 擦乾淚水,抑制莫名的不安,驅散迷霧,挺直脊樑。
Congress will stiffen oversight of offshore drilling and boost the penalties for lapses. 國會將嚴格監管近海石油開採並加大對出現差錯的懲罰力度。
When her handlers tried to take her into a building, she would stiffen her legs and resist. 每當她的訓練員帶她走進一座建築時,她總是四肢繃緊不肯前行。
Even though it may be difficult, during a fall try to relax your body rather than stiffen. 即使這有些困難,在跳下來的瞬間要儘量使身體放鬆,不僵硬。
He was a solider whose mere mention would cause Skywalker's back to stiffen and face to scowl. 他是個一旦被提到就令天行者站姿僵硬,表情糾結的士兵。
Results 110 patients all recover, have no occurrence of excrescent circumstance of stiffen knee joint. 結果110例病人全部獲得治癒,無膝關節僵直等異常情況的發生。
He can stiffen midfield if required or exchange Jermain Defoe for Heskey, or Rooney, if goals are needed. 他能夠在需要時加強中場的硬度,又或者在需要進球時用傑梅·迪福換下赫斯基或者魯尼。
The state propaganda tries to stiffen the people's resolve to resist NATO and defend their Brother Leader. 國家試圖通過宣傳戰的方式加強人民抵抗北約以及保護自己領導人的決心。
Another will be to stiffen official resolve in America and elsewhere to tackle cyber aggression more forcefully. 另一個結果是,強化在美國或者其他地區的官方,解決網路入侵的強硬手段。
Some are calling for more drastic action, though that would stiffen the headwinds blowing against a fragile economy. 有些措施在號召更劇烈的動作,即使這會加劇已將經濟吹的搖搖欲墜的逆風。
Hips often stiffen, particularly if a child sits for much of his time. Prone lying each day helps stretch them out. 款管家僵直,特別是經常坐著的小孩兒。推薦每天俯臥幫助關節延伸。