



  • 外文名:sonde
  • 詞性:名詞
  • 英式音標:[sɒnd]
  • 美式音標:[sɑːnd]


英 [sɒnd] 美 [sɑːnd]
n. (Sonde)人名;(瑞典、德)松德;(英)桑德


radar sonde 雷達探空儀 ; 雷達測風儀 ; 雷達送
low altitude sonde 低空探空儀
limestone sonde 石灰岩電極系
ozone sonde 臭氧探測儀
sonde body 探頭體 ; 線圈系
sonarTV sonde 聲納 ; 聲吶
contact sonde 接觸探頭
transponder sonde 應答探空儀
dry chemical sonde 乾式化學探空儀


  • At least one current source electrode is disposed on the sonde. 至少一個電流源電極布置在所述探測器上。
  • The outside steel case of a cartridge or a sonde in a wireline logging tool. 電纜式下井儀器中電子線路或探測器外面的金屬套筒。
  • Selecting optimum sonde of laterolog is the key to "quick look"interpretation. 選好側向測井儀電極系是直觀識別產層的關鍵環節。
  • The combination of a deep-induction and a medium-induction array on the same sonde. 在同一支儀器中組合了深感應和中感應線圈系。
  • Any wireline well log made by a sonde which is held against the wellbore well with a skid or pad. 用滑板或者極板使下井儀器貼井壁測量的測井方法。
  • Ozone sonde is widely used for in situ measurements of atmospheric ozone profiles from ground to 35 km. 臭氧探空儀是一種主要而又直接的探測大氣臭氧垂直分布的技術手段。
  • Sonde Housings have a special anti-vibration structure, the effective protection of prober, wired and wireless dual-use. 探棒腔設有特殊防振結構,有效保護儀器,有線無線兩用。
  • The experimental results of this article could be the basis for designing the remote exploration acoustic reflection logging sonde. 實驗結果可作為遠探測反射波聲波測井聲系設計的依據。
  • The plant has sonde Depot, the electronic branch, machine plants, electroplating plants, plant parts, electronic sonde Depot six plants. 全廠設有探空儀分廠、電子分廠、機加工分廠、電鍍分廠、零件分廠、 電子探空儀分廠等六個分廠。
  • As there are anisotropy in the media surrounding the sonde, the stress coefficients may be fitted with the analytical function of the ellipsoid. 探頭周圍介質若非各向同性時,應力係數可用橢圓的解析式擬合。
  • This paper introduces the preparatory work, the receiving and sorting out of the sounding data before flying the TD2-A digital electronic sonde. 介紹了TD2—A型數字式電子探空儀施放前的準備工作、探測資料的接收工作和探測資料的整理工作。
  • In this paper, an optical-sonde system for measuring the shape of a two-dimensional flying plate and the corresponding data treatment method are described. 本文介紹了一種測量二維形狀飛片的光探測系統及其數據處理方法。
  • This system consists of sonic sonde, magnetic locator sub, gamma ray tool, depth system, surface preprocessing unit, data acquisition interface, PC486 and thermal plotter. 該系統由聲波、磁定位和自然伽馬下井儀、深度系統、地面預處理電路、數據採集控制接口電路、486微機和熱敏繪圖儀等構成。
  • The ships are also equipped with a range of weather forecasting equipments including weather radar, sonde, and weather balloon, meteorological satellite image receiving terminal. 測量船也裝備多種天氣預報裝置包括天氣雷達、探測裝置和氣象氣球,氣象衛星圖像接收終端機。
  • The section of a wireline logging tool that contains the telemetry, the electronics and power supplies for the measurement, as distinct from the sonde that contains the measurement sensors. 電纜式測井儀器的一部分,包括遙測、電子線路、測量用供電電源,以便與下井儀器(包括探頭)區分。


