- 外文名:shortness
- 詞性:名詞
- 英式發音:[ˈʃɔːtnəs]
- 美式發音:[ˈʃɔːrtnəs]
However, the stipulations are crude, curtness and lack of manipulation, which leads to ambiguity in judicial practice.然而,我國法律對其規定極為粗疏、簡略,缺乏操作性,司法實踐中易生歧義。同近義詞 shortness,slapdashery ...
The time of life is short, to spend that shortness basely, it would be too long. — Shakespeare.人生的時間都短促,如果把這短促的人生浪擲虛度,那就太長了。——莎士比亞。Thee time of life is short; to spend that ...
[short of breath;be disprited] 喪氣;缺乏自信心。普天下灰心短氣之事,未有甚於老大者。——清· 梁啓超《飲冰室合集·文集》引證解釋 1. 指呼吸短促,難以接續。《靈樞經·癲狂》:“短氣,息短不屬,動作氣索。”2. 灰心喪氣...
11.L. Yin, E. Sampson, J. Nakano and S. Sridhar, “The effects of nickel/tin ratio on Cu induced surface hot shortness in Fe”, Oxid. Met. Vol. 76(5), 2011, p367-383.12.L. Yin and S. Sridhar, “...
⒉ During the past 4 weeks,how often have you had shortness of breath?在過去的4周內,您有多久氣促?More than once a day每天不止一次 Once a day一天一次 3 to 6 times a week每周3至6次 Once or twice a week每周...
truncation,英文單詞,常作名詞,譯為“截斷;切掉頂端”。單詞用法 英英釋義 truncation [ trʌŋ'keiʃən ]n.1、the property of being truncated or short 同義詞: shortness 2、the replacement of an edge or solid ...
briefness,英語單詞,主要用作名詞,作名詞時譯為“簡單;短促”。短語搭配 Briefness Love 純粹愛 Modern briefness 現代主義 briefness s 短暫 Briefness Life 簡單生活 briefness method 簡易診斷 briefness simpleness 簡單 shortness or ...