國外於1997年設計了QUALITY MERIC(QM),經過臨床試驗,發展為哮喘控制測試表(Asthma Control Test,ACT)。經過2001-2002年及2002-2003年兩次大規模多中心臨床觀察,ACT被確認為是監測和評估哮喘病情的有效工具。
- 中文名:哮喘控制測試
- 外文名:asthma control test
- 成立時間:2002-2003年
- 概述:哮喘是一種發病率逐年增加的疾病
⒈ In the past 4 weeks,how much of the time did your asthma keep you from getting as much done at work,school or at home?(在過去的4周內,在工作、學習或家中,您有多少時候因哮喘發作妨礙日常生活,)
All of the time(所有時間) Most of the time(絕大部分時間) Some of the time有的時候 A little of the time很少的時候 None of the time沒有時間
⒉ During the past 4 weeks,how often have you had shortness of breath?在過去的4周內,您有多久氣促?
More than once a day每天不止一次 Once a day一天一次 3 to 6 times a week每周3至6次 Once or twice a week每周一次或兩次 Not at all完全沒有
⒊ During the past 4 weeks,how often did your asthma symptoms (wheezing,coughing,shortness of breath,chest tightness or pain) wake you up at night or earlier than usualin the morning?在過去的4周內,您有多少次因哮喘症狀(喘息、咳嗽、呼吸急促、胸悶或疼痛)在夜間醒來或比平常早醒?
4 or more nights a weeky 4晚或更多 2 or 3 nights a week每周二、三夜 Once a week每周一次 Once or twice一次或兩次 Not at all沒有
⒋ During the past 4 weeks,how often have you used your rescue inhaler or nebulizer medication (such as albuterol)?在過去的4周內,你有多少次使用急救藥物(如沙丁胺醇)?
3 or more times per day每天三次或更多 1 or 2 times per day每日1或2次 2 or 3 times per week每周2或3次 Once a week or less每周一次或以下 Not at all沒有
⒌ How would you rate your asthma control during the past 4 weeks您如何評價你在過去4周哮喘控制?
Not controlled at all沒有受控 Poorly controlled控制不佳 Somewhat controlled有點控制 Well controlled控制較好 Completely controlled完全控制。