



  • 中文名:尹斕
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:新型可降解電子器件,儲能電池,材料腐蝕,環保綠色冶金
  • 任職院校:清華大學


2007/08-2011/01 美國卡內基梅隆大學材料科學與工程系,博士,導師:Prof. Sridhar Seetharaman
2003/08-2007/07 清華大學材料科學與工程系,學士
2012/05-2015/10 伊利諾伊大學厄巴納香檳分校,博士後,合作導師:Prof. John A. Rogers
2011/02-2012/04 麻省理工學院,博士後,合作導師:Prof. Donald R. Sadoway




一系列代表性成果在Nature、Advanced Materials、Advanced Functional Materials等權威雜誌上發表並被選為封面和亮點文章,多次參加Gordon-Kenan Seminar, TMS, MRS 等學術會議,受到國際同行和媒體的高度評價。
1.S.-K. Kang, G. Park, K. Kim, S.-W. Hwang, H. Cheng, J. Shin, S. Chung, M. Kim, L. Yin, J. Chul Lee, K.-M. Lee and J.A. Rogers, “Dissolution Chemistry and Biocompatibility of Silicon- and Germanium-Based Semiconductors for Transient Electronics”, ACS Appl. Mater. Inter. 7, 2015, p9297-9305.
2.L. Yin, A.B. Farimani, K. Min, N. Vishal, J. Lam, Y.K. Lee, N.R. Aluru and J.A. Rogers, “Mechanisms for Hydrolysis of Silicon Nanomembranes as Used in Bioresorbable Electronics”, Adv. Mater. 27, 2015, p1857-1864.
3.C.H. Lee, J.-W. Jeong, Y. Liu, Y. Zhang, Y. Shi, S.-K. Kang, J. Kim, J.S. Kim, N.Y. Lee, B.H. Kim, K.-I. Jang, L. Yin, M.K. Kim, A. Banks, U. Paik, Y. Huang and J.A. Rogers, “Materials and Wireless Microfluidic Systems for Electronics Capable of Chemical Dissolution on Demand”, Adv. Funct. Mater. 25, 2015, p1338-1343.
4.L. Yin, C. Bozler, D.V. Harburg, F. Omenetto and J.A. Rogers, “Materials and Fabrication Sequences for Water Soluble Silicon Integrated Circuits at the 90 nm Node”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 106, 2015, 014105. doi: 10.1063/1.4905321.
5.L. Yin, X. Huang, H. Xu, Y. Zhang, J. Lam, J. Cheng, J.A. Rogers, “Materials, Designs and Operational Characteristics for Fully Biodegradable Primary Batteries”, Adv. Mater. 26(23), 2014, p3879-3884, Frontcover.
6.S.-W., Hwang, G. Park, H. Cheng, J.-K. Song, S.-K. Kang, L. Yin, J.-H. Kim, F.G. Omennetto, Y. Huang, K.-M. Lee and J.A. Rogers, “Materials for high performance biodegradable semiconductor devices”, Invited paper, Adv. Mater. 26(13), 2014, p1992-2000, Frontcover
7.Y. Zhang, S. Wang, X. Li, J.A. Fan, S. Xu, Y.-M. Song, K.-J. Choi, W.-H. Yeo, W. Lee, S.N. Nazaar, B. Lu, L. Yin, K.-C. Hwang, J.A. Rogers and Y. Huang, “Experimental and theoretical studies of serpentine microstructures bonded to prestrained elastomers for stretchable electronics”, Adv. Funct. Mater. 24(14), 2014, p2028-2037.
8.L. Yin, H. Cheng, S. Mao, R. Haasch, Y. Liu, X. Xie, S.-W Hwang, H. Jain, S.-K. Kang, Y. Su, R. Li, Y. Huang and J.A. Rogers, “Dissolvable metals for transient electronics”, Adv. Funct. Mater. 24(5), 2014, p645-658, Frontispiece.
9.A. Allanore, L. Yin and D.R. Sadoway, “A new anode material for oxygen evolution in molten oxide electrolysis”, Nature, 497, 2013, p353-356.
10.R. Li, H. Cheng, Y. Su, S.-W. Hwang, L. Yin, H. Tao, M.A. Brenckle, D. Kim, F.G. Omenetto, J.A. Rogers and Y. Huang, “An analytical model of reactive diffusion for transient electronics”, Adv. Funct. Mater.Vol. 23(24), 2013, p3106-3114.
11.L. Yin, E. Sampson, J. Nakano and S. Sridhar, “The effects of nickel/tin ratio on Cu induced surface hot shortness in Fe”, Oxid. Met. Vol. 76(5), 2011, p367-383.
12.L. Yin and S. Sridhar, “Effects of residual elements arsenic, antimony, and tin on surface hot shortness”, Metall. Mater. Trans. B Vol. 42(5), 2011, p1031-1043.
13.L. Yin and S. Sridhar, “Effects of small additions of tin on high temperature oxidation of Fe-Cu-Sn alloys for surface hot shortness”, Metall. Mater. Trans. B Vol. 41(5), 2010, p1095-1107.
14.L. Yin, S. Balaji and S. Sridhar, “Effects of nickel on the oxide/metal interface morphology and oxidation rate during high-temperature oxidation of Fe–Cu–Ni Alloys”, Metall. Mater. Trans. B Vol. 41(3), 2010, p598-611.
15.L. Yin, S. Balaji and S. Sridhar, “Effects of nickel on interface morphology during oxidation of Fe-Cu-Ni Alloys”, Defect and Diffusion Forum, Vol. 297-301, 2010, p 318-329.
16.B. Webler, L. Yin and S. Sridhar, “Effects of small additions of copper and copper + nickel on the oxidation behavior of iron”, Metall. Mater. Trans. B Vol. 39(5), 2008, p725-737.




