n. 身體享受(尤指性快感);感官享受
These perfumes have warmth and sensuality. 這些香水溫暖且令人愉悅。
The wave and curl of her blonde hair gave her sensuality and youth. 波浪式的捲曲金髮使她顯得性感並富有青春活力。
There was the faint, cool kiss of sensuality when dew came to my cheeks and shins as I ran down the wet green garden paths in the early morning. 清晨,當我沿著濕漉漉的綠色花園小徑奔跑時,露水打在我的臉頰和小腿上,給予我淡淡的,清涼的一吻。
Study in Shadows and sensuality. 關於陰影與感官體驗的研究。
Sensuality is the sin of the age. 耽於聲色口腹之樂乃是這個時代的罪行。
They created life with sensuality and love. 用感官和愛來創造生命的。
Venus is physical; it's about beauty and sensuality . 金星是實體的,關於美麗和感性。
Sensuality is important when buying a car or a house. 在買車或買房子時,感受是很重要的。
Sensuality is only one force pushing the Net toward intelligence. 官能性只是驅動網路智慧型化的一種力量。
Red, for example, is associated with strength, vitality and sensuality. 例如紅色,能與力量、生命力和愛聯繫在一起。
My aim is to try to preserve this unique fruit and sensuality in my wines. 我們的目的是使我們的葡萄酒保持這種特有的果香和感官感受。
So the music stepped sideways into house-inspired sensuality, with speed garage. 隨後音樂另闢新路,把house的縱情聲色與speedgarage結合。
This time I was asked to convey sensuality - my beau the object of my imagination. 這次我要表現的是妖冶---我的寶兒這正是我想要的形象。
A fragrance introduced by the sensuality of birch wood bergamot and bitter orange; 前香味以樺木、香檸檬和苦柑橘為主,洋溢著感性的芬芳;
The result was a new style full of natural movement, sensuality and poetic atmosphere. 其結果是一個全新的充滿自然活動、感性和詩意的氛圍。
Vera Wang 's style celebrates the romance, sensuality and spirit of modern young women. 王薇薇氏風格的慶祝浪漫,感性和現代精神的年輕婦女。
I love romanticism and sensuality, maybe because I come from a family with eight sisters. 我喜歡浪漫主義和感官體驗,這也許是因為我來自一個有8個姐妹的家庭。
I like a lady who doesn't mind being feminine and is comfortable with her own sensuality . 外表並不是最重要的但是心態和交流是必須的。
If you're looking for sensuality these 10 best French lesbian movies are at the top of the pack. 如果你正在追尋一種感官享受,這10部法國女同電影將是最佳首選。
But the way in which those moments are handled, with their circumscribed sensuality, is moving. 但以何種方式,這些時刻處理,其感官變得優柔寡斷,是感人。
If you're looking for sensuality, these 10 best French lesbian movies are at the top of the pack. 如果你正在追尋一種感官享受,這10部法國女同電影將是最佳首選。
He had an innate talent for sensuality, so he built a modern architecture critique of modernity. 他有與生俱來的感官天賦,因此他建造了現代性的當代批判。
The sensuality, the effortlessness, the sculptural quality of her work resonated with me immediately. 她作品中的那種視覺享受、遊刃有餘和雕塑般的質感立即引起了我的共鳴。
We will talk about a new sensuality: creating a new nonchalant behavior and focusing on all body curves. 我們會談論到一種新的感官享受:持有一種全新的漫不經心的態度而把注意力放在我們的身體曲線上。
The beauty of Italian art has a concentrated perfection and transcendent sensuality that is incredibly addictive. 義大利藝術具有濃縮的完美和超乎絕倫的感官享受,讓人如醉如痴,覺得不可思議。
Some of the observations are well judged, if familiar: the sensuality of preparing and sharing food, or tasting fine wine; 很多觀察給出了很好的依據,如果是熟人:準備和分享食物,或者品嘗名酒的感官刺激;
Thus the plant becomes an architectural element, which develops various characteristics during the seasons expressing sensuality. 因此,植物也成為一項建築要素,在表達感性的季節中呈現出千姿百態的特徵。