

-Eden Mist,寧靜清新的水樣氣息,來自於Eden Project的熱帶生物群系,充滿活力。 平衡Eden Mist寧靜氣氛的柑桔類,如充滿活力的汽泡一樣,凸顯了Blue Hyacinth的優美和Orange Flower Templar(第一次用於香水中)的活潑。


  • 中文名: 霓彩伊甸淡香氛
  • 外文名:Beyond Paradise Eau de Parfum Spray
  • 參考價格:690.00美元
  • 產品規格: 50ml
  • 產品分類雅詩蘭黛女性香水
  • 產品功效:女士香水
  • 上市時間:2007年11月


雅詩蘭黛Beyond Paradise,似夢似真,令人沉醉,讓你看到只屬於自己的天堂,那就是心靈的終點。""三棱之花香"",為花香香氛帶來全新的定義:
取自於熱帶的南美和西印度的 Philodendron Vines,添加了一縷鮮嫩的青草香,而Brazilian Jabuticaba Fruit隱約而迷人的果香,增強了香氛的芳醇和高雅品質。
Beyond Paradise帶來各種超乎想像的組合,令人沉醉。
Lealia Orchid,墨西哥山脈地區的野生小花,優美的純潔花香。Mahonia Japnoica,同樣來自於Eden Project,傳遞著一種木蘭和新鮮薔薇果的沉醉。Pink Honeysuckle,帶來一股奇幻而親密的花香格調。
Beyond Paradise讓前所未有的溫暖感覺擁抱你。
Natal Plum Blossoms,如蜂蜜般的香味,原產於南非。
Zebrano Wood,卡麥隆的野生熱帶樹,創造出豐富的奶油香,Golden Melaleuca Bark,令感官依戀不捨,兩種香氛配合得天衣無縫。
在Beyond Paradise的研發過程中,雅詩蘭黛在世界各地搜尋了很多不同的資源,只為得到一些引人入勝而迷人的成份。通過與世界最大的自然管理局Eden Project的合作,獲取大量稀有而獨特的精華。為保護珍貴稀有的植物,Eden Project為自然界開創一個繁茂天地,在那裡,熱帶、沙漠和雨林可以和諧地共存,就象一個天堂。坐落於英國康瓦爾的Eden Project,收藏了100,000種植物和花卉,包括專為很多花草特別創造生物群系,設計出它們最佳的天然生存環境。雅詩蘭黛與Eden Project的合作,就是一次伊甸園之旅,通向大洋洲、馬來西亞、西非和熱帶的南美。這是一次超越天堂的旅程。
Beyond Paradise的瓶身,猶如輕輕划過的優雅雨點,線條簡潔而流暢,再加上三稜鏡的光感和色彩交織其中,牽引出紛飛交錯的激情和感覺,這般難以形容的情緒,或許只有置身於天堂之外才感受得到。


香水有語言有品性,每一種香水都有自己獨特的品位。“毒藥”,是桃花香水,性感、嫵媚、多姿、妖嬈;“沙丘” ,是蔥鬱自然的綠色植物型香氣,生命氣息撲面而來,猶如如身臨其境處碧海藍天之中;“鴉片”是經典的中性香氣,集男人的精明幹練、成熟灑脫和女人的清香於一體,默默地散發著永不褪色的愛情。


Product efficacy
Estee Lauder Beyond Paradise, illusory dream seems real, very drunk, so you see only your own paradise, and that is the end of mind. "" Triangular of flowers "," floral fragrance to a whole new definition:
Before the transfer, through the dew is fresh vitality
-Eden Mist, Ning Jingqing new breath of water samples from the Eden Project tropical biome, full of energy. Balance Eden Mist Citrus quiet atmosphere, such as dynamic as the bubbles, highlighting the beauty and the Blue Hyacinth Orange Flower Templar (the first time for perfume) is active.
From the tropical South America and West India Philodendron Vines, added a ray of fresh grass aroma, while the Brazilian Jabuticaba Fruit subtle and charming fruit and enhance the mellow fragrance and elegant quality.
In tone, full and mellow the flavor
Beyond Paradise brings a combination of all kinds of unimaginable, it is absorbed.
Lealia Orchid, Mexico Mountains wild flowers, beautiful flowers pure. Mahonia Japnoica, also from the Eden Project, delivered a kind of magnolia and fresh fruit rose intoxicated. Pink Honeysuckle, brought a floral fantasy and intimate style.
Last tune, warm sensuality
Beyond Paradise for ever feel the warmth embrace you.
Natal Plum Blossoms, such as honey-like scent, originated in South Africa.
Zebrano Wood, Cameron's wild tropical trees, creating a rich cream incense, Golden Melaleuca Bark, so sensual attachment dismay, the two fragrances perfect match.
R & D in the course of Beyond Paradise, Estee Lauder search in many different parts of the world's resources, only to get some interesting and fascinating composition. With the world's largest natural Eden Project in cooperation with the Authority to obtain a large number of rare and unique essence. For the protection of rare plants, Eden Project to create a lush natural world, where tropical, desert and rain forest can coexist in harmony, like a paradise. Located in the United Kingdom Cornwall's Eden Project, a collection of 100,000 species of plants and flowers, including many plants for the special creation of biological formations, designed their natural living environment best. Estee Lauder co-operation with the Eden Project is a Garden of Eden tour, leading to Oceania, Malaysia, West Africa and tropical South America. This is a journey beyond paradise.
Beyond Paradise of the bottle, like a gentle rain across the elegant, clean lines and smooth, plus prism of light and color weaving them, pulling out the swirling cross the passion and feeling so indescribable feeling, perhaps only exposure to heaven only felt outside.


