- 外文名:scarcity
- 詞性:名詞
- 單詞發音:英[ˈskeəsəti]美[ˈskersəti]
《The Art of Scarcity:A Narratological Study of Samuel Beckett's Prose Trilogy》共分五個部分序言總體評價了貝克特小說三部曲的藝術特色,對其中的“Scarcity”(貧乏)進行定義;第一章到第三章從敘事學角度分別探討三部曲的背景、情節和人物刻畫中體現出的信息貧乏但內涵豐富的特點;結論部分總結了小說中“...
Scarcity, Entitlements and the Economics of Water in Developing Countries 《Scarcity, Entitlements and the Economics of Water in Developing Countries》是Edward Elgar Pub出版的圖書,作者是Anand
《Coping with Water Scarcity》是一本圖書,作者是Iacovides, Iacovos。內容簡介 One of the main problems confronting the world of the 21st Century is a shortage of water. There is already severe scarcity in many regions of the world, causing tremendous problems for local populations and indeed ...
則經濟學當然也就不再是一個有用的學科。然而,任何現實社會都決不可能是“烏托邦”,而是一個到處都充滿著經濟品的稀缺的世界。介入兩個基本概念方便對於經濟品的理解:稀缺(scarcity)是指這樣的一種狀態:相對於需求,物品總是有限的 效率(efficiency)是指最有效地使用社會資源以滿足人類的願望和需求。
水資源匱乏(scarcity)是一個地理學術語,分為兩類,一類叫自然性水資源匱乏(Physical scarcity),另一類叫經濟性水資源匱乏(Economic scarcity)。自然性水資源匱乏(Physical scarcity):當一個地方的水需求超過其水供給能力時,該地就存在這種類型的水資源匱乏。一般來說,世界上的乾旱地區都伴有這種類型的水資源...
礦產資源稀缺性 礦產資源稀缺性scarcity of mineral resources 礦產資源稀缺性
2 Scarcity, Choice, and Economic Systems 3 Supply and Demand PART ll MlCROECONOMlCS: FUNDAMENTAL CONCEPTS 4 Elasticity: Concept and Use 5 Consumer Choice 6 Production and Cost 7 How Firms Make Decisions: Profit Maximization PART lll PRODUCT MARKETS 8 Pure Competition 9 Monopoly 10 Monopolistic ...
propagation length of tens of meters.. Another difficulty resides in the plethora of nonlinear effects involved at these high intensities, including beam diffraction, group-velocity dispersion, self-phase modulation, multi-photon ionization, and plasma absorption and defocusing, along with the scarcity ...
Unit 1 Scarcity and Efficiency:the Twin Themes of Economics Exercises Unit 2 The Three Problems of Economic Organization Exercises Unit 3 The Principle of Comparative Advantage Exercises Unit 4 What Is Logistics Exercises Unit 5 Logistical Operation Exercises Unit 6 Tips to Establish Your Good ...
Scarcity of Women Expatriates Unit 8 Networking and Business Communication Before You Read Reading Passage Networking and Business Communication After You Read Supplementary Reading Business Communications Unit 9 Depression in the Workplace Before You Read Reading Passage Depression in the Workplace After ...
1.6 稀缺(過剩)定律(S-Scarcity稀缺) 1.6.1 稀缺(過剩)定律 1.6.2 稀缺定律案例 1.6.3 過剩定律案例 1.7 常見的四大市場心理 第二節 市場的二十二大效應 2.1 共生效應 2.2 排斥效應 2.3 傳染效應(骨牌效應) 2.4 污染效應(破窗效應) 2.5 腎上...
The Economic Problem: Scarcity and Choice17 Scarcity, Choice, and Opportunity Cost 18 ECONOMICS IN PRACTICE Frozen Foods and Opportunity Costs 20 Economic Systems and the Role of Government 31 Summary 34Problems 35 Demand, Supply, and Market Equilibrium39 Firms and Households: The Basic Decision...
PART 1 The Power of Economics CHAPTER 1 Economics and Life 3 Making an Impact with Small Loans 3 The Basic Insights of Economics 4 Scarcity 5 Opportunity Cost and Marginal Decision Making 6 Incentives 9 Efficiency 11 An Economist’s Problem-Solving Toolbox 13 Correlation and Causation 13 M ...
We face a probable future of nuclear-armed states warring over a scarcity of resources; and that scarcity is largely the consequence of capitalism itself. 我們所面對的未來,很可能是核武器大國為資源短缺而戰;而這種短缺大部分是資本主義本身的結果。The Congress is ignorant of the consequence of fire...
PART B Supplementary Reading(the Coming Age of Water Scarcity)PART C Translation(詞義引申)PART D Writing(標題的寫作)UNlT 3 PART A Text(Historical Basis of Pollution)PART B Supplementary Reading(Snowball Earth)PART C Translation(詞性轉換)PART D Writing(摘要的寫作)UNIT 4 PART A Text(...
28Inflation, resource scarcity, reduced personnel levels and budget cuts have all underscored the need for better coordination in organizations.通貨膨脹、資源短缺、人才水平降低和預算削減都突出了各組織中進行更好協作的必要性。29The product is a new resource food made of main raw materials, including ...
088WaterScarcity182 089CitiesGoingGreen184 090FireIce:ANewSourceofEnergy?186 Fashion091BlueJeansandtheLittleBlackDress188 092TheOriginofHighFashion190 093WhyWeImitateCelebrities192 094EthicalFashions194 095HighFashionRealityShows196 Taboos096TheOriginofTaboos198 097CulturalDifferencesaboutPersonalSpace200 098Taboos...
Scarcity of Production Resources Social-Responsibility Issues Operations Strategy Competitive Priorities of Production Elements of Operations Strategy Operations Strategy in Services Forming Operations Strategies Evolution of Positioning Strategies Linking Operations and Marketing Strategies Variety of Strategies Can Be...