n. [木]鋸屑
adj. 撒木屑的;無實質的
vt. 在……上撒木屑;用木屑填塞
The smell of sawdust and glue pervaded the factory. 鋸屑和膠水的氣味瀰漫在工廠里。
He bought an aquarium, installed the wipers in it, filled the tank with a mixture of oil and sawdust to simulate a load on the wiper. 他買了一個養魚缸,在上面安裝了雨刷,並填充了油和鋸末的混合物,以模擬負載的雨刷器。
The humankind can culture shii-take with sawdust. 人們可以用木屑栽培香菇。
Some had their mouths stuffed with sawdust. 有人嘴裡被塞滿了鋸木屑。
Wood cuttings and sawdust can be compressed into boards. 木頭的碎渣和鋸末可以壓成木板。
Wood cuttings and sawdust can be compressed into boards. 木屑和鋸末可壓製成板。
Frost collected in the window corners like sawdust. 窗角邊結了一層鋸末般的白霜。
The loveliest Doll in the last analysis is merely sawdust. 說到底,最可愛的布娃娃也只不過是鋸末做成的。
And sawdust and filbert husks to make red wine more astringent. 鋸末和榛子殼使紅酒口感更加澀。
I stuffed his socks with sawdust and filled his shoes with clay. 我在他的襪子裡塞了些木屑還有泥土填滿他的鞋。
Pine tree by the side of the road full of crystal sawdust, shine. 路旁的松樹上掛滿了了“水晶屑末”,發出耀眼的光芒。
Her veins are bursting, I tell you, and your talk is all sawdust. 她的血管快炸了,我告訴你,你的話一點意思也沒有。
Mable commenced sweeping up the sawdust while I packed up my tools. 梅布爾開始打掃地上的鋸末,我則收起工具。
So the sawdust pellet machine equipment can help them to achieve it? 那么木屑顆粒機設備可以幫他們實現嗎?
The body was then stuffed with dry materials like sawdust and wrapped in linens. 接著人們在屍體裡塞滿像木屑之類的乾物料,然後用床單將屍體包裹起來。
These are two containers of the flavored sawdust used in the Smoking Gun system. 這是兩個在確鑿的證據制度中使用的調味木屑容器。
Others had greatcoats tied over their heads; some had their mouths stuffed with sawdust. 有人被厚外套蒙住頭;有人嘴裡被塞滿了鋸木屑。
Upper night will hear a plank of wood borers in defoliation, and the sawdust on homeopathy. 晚上會聽見上鋪有蛀蟲在啃食木板,木屑就順勢而下。
New Year'sresolutions usually don't stick and a big reason is that it's alllike eating sawdust. 新年決心常常無法堅持下去,一個主要原因是這個過程味如嚼。
She called down something about coal dust and sawdust, someone called back up to her, and she laughed. 她朝樓下說了一句煤灰和鋸屑的話,有個人回了她一句,她發出笑聲。
A block of compressed coal dust, charcoal, or sawdust and wood chips, used for fuel and kindling. 煤磚,炭磚把煤灰,木炭或鋸木灰和木片壓縮製成的磚塊狀物,用作燃料和點火。
New Year's resolutions usually don't stick and a big reason is that it's all like eating sawdust. 新年決心每一每一沒有辦法堅持下去,一個主要原因是這個過程味如嚼。
New Year's resolutions usually don't stick and a big reason is that it's all like eating sawdust. 新年決心常常無法堅持下去,一個主要原因是這個過程不太好受。
After the gentlest of swirls, the buttery brioche bouquet gave way to a blast of dark fruit and sawdust. 拿在手上輕輕搖了搖,那黃油蛋卷花變成了一股股黑色的水果和屑末。
The women mix sawdust and clay to make flower pot shaped filters that they use to purify drinking water. 婦女們將鋸屑和黏土混在一起,製造花盆狀的濾水器,用來淨化飲用水。
The workers survived underground by subsisting on sawdust, tree bark and turbid water, rescuer Chen Yongsheng told reporters. 救護隊員陳永生告訴記者,被困人員在井下靠吃木屑,樹皮,喝涼水來維生。
A piglet, who looks like it has been truffling through sawdust, is photographed in Paris during an international agricultural fair 一隻看樣子在鋸末堆里打過滾的小豬仔,在巴黎舉行的國際農業展覽會上被人拍了下來。