


  • 中文名:鄭國砥
  • 出生日期:1976年
  • 性別:男
  • 學歷:博士研究生
  1. 國家重點研發計畫課題:西南糧食主產區農田重金屬污染分區分級治理與安全種植區劃,主持,2018.7—2020.12
  2. 國家重點研發計畫專題:臭味物質識別與控制技術研發,主持, 2016.7—2020.12
  3. 國家自然科學基金面上項目:污泥堆肥過程中三氯生的降解轉化規律及其環境風險研究,主持, 2014.1—2017.12
  4. 國家科技支撐計畫課題:生活垃圾收運與處理系統智慧型監控技術及裝備開發,主持, 2014.1—2017.12
  5. 國家科技支撐計畫專題:城市垃圾厭氧發酵處理廠臭氣快速監測技術及線上監測設備研發,副主持, 2013.1—2015.12
  6. 中國科學院特色所項目課題:土壤和地下水修復技術的集成與示範,主持, 2015.10—2018.10
  7. 國家自然科學基金青年基金:環境激素壬基酚(NP)在城市污泥好氧發酵過程中的降解與調控,主持, 2012.1—2014.12
  8. 環保公益項目專題:污泥處置設施環境安全評價技術研究,負責人, 2012.1—2014.12
  9. 亞洲開發銀行合作項目:Promoting Municipal Solid Waste Management through Composting(ADB TA-7450),負責人
  10. 中國科學院科教結合教育創新項目:廢棄物資源化與污染環境修復工程實驗技能培訓(科發人教函字〔2011〕65號),項目執行人
  1. Xiankai Wang, Tongbin Chen,Guodi Zheng*. Perlite as the partial substitute for organic bulking agent during sewage sludge composting, Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 2019, doi.org/10.1007/s10653-019-00353-z
  2. Erqi Nie,Guodi Zheng*, Ding Gao, Tongbin Chen, Junxing Yang, Yuewei Wang, Xiankai Wang. Emission characteristics of VOCs and potential ozone formation from a full-scale sewage sludge composting plant, Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 659, 664-672
  3. Xiankai Wang,Guodi Zheng*, Tongbin Chen, Xiaoxiao Shi, Yuewei Wang, Erqi Nie, Junwan Liu. Effect of phosphate amendments on improving the fertilizer efficiency and reducing the mobility of heavy metals during sewage sludge composting, Journal of Environmental Management, 2019, 235,124-132
  4. Bao Yu,Guodi Zheng*, Xuedong Wang, Min Wang, Tongbin Chen. Biodegradation of triclosan and triclocarban in sewage sludge during composting under three ventilation strategies, Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering, 2019, 13(3): 41
  5. Xiankai Wang,Guodi Zheng*, Tongbin Chen, Erqi Nie, Yuewei Wang, Xiaoxiao Shi, Junwan Liu. Application of ceramsite and activated alumina balls as recyclable bulking agents for sludge composting, Chemosphere, 2019, 218, 42-51
  6. 聶二旗,鄭國砥*,高定.通風量對雞糞好氧堆肥過程及氮素轉化的影響,植物營養與肥料學報, 2019
  7. Guodi Zheng*, Tieyu Wang, Mingjie Niu, Xijuan Chen, Changli Liu, Yuewei Wang, Tongbin Chen. Biodegradation of nonylphenol during aerobic composting of sewage sludge under two intermittent aeration treatments in a full-scale plant, Environmental Pollution, 2018, 238, 783-791
  8. Erqi Nie,Guodi Zheng*, Zhuze Shao, Jun Yang, Tongbin Chen. Emission characteristics and health risk assessment of volatile organic compounds produced during municipal solid waste composting, Waste Management, 2018, 79, 188-185
  9. Guodi Zheng*, Yuewei Wang, Xiankai Wang, Junxing Yang, Tongbin Chen. Oxygen monitoring equipment for Sewage-Sludge Composting and Its Application to aeration optimization, Sensors, 2018, 18, 4017
  10. 劉長利,鄭國砥*,王磊,陳同斌,邵珠澤,陳 琳.養豬場空氣中抗性基因和條件致病菌污染特徵,套用生態學報, 2018, 29: 2730-2738
  11. Lu Cai, Sheng-Wei Zheng, Yu-Jun Shen,Guo-Di Zheng, Hong-Tao Liu, Zhi-Ying Wu. Complete genome sequence provides insights into the biodrying-related microbial function of Bacillus thermoamylovorans isolated from sewage sludge biodrying material, Bioresource Technology, 2018, 260, 141-149
  12. Han-Yan Zhang, Thomas Krafft, Ding Gao,Guo-Di Zheng, Lu Cai. Lignocellulose biodegradation in the biodrying process of sewage sludge and sawdust. Drying Technology, 2018, 36:3, 316-324
  13. Lu Cai, Tong-Bin Chen, Sheng-Wei Zheng, Hong-Tao Liu,Guo-Di Zheng. Decomposition of lignocellulose and readily degradable carbohydrates during sewage sludge biodrying, insights of the potential role of microorganisms from a metagenomic analysis, Chemosphere, 2018, 201: 127-136
  14. 聶二旗,張心昱,鄭國砥,楊洋,王輝民,陳伏生,孫曉敏.氮磷添加對杉木林土壤碳氮礦化速率及酶動力學特徵的影響,生態學報, 2018, 2018,38(2) :615-623
  1. 國家標準化管理委員會:農用污泥污染物控制標準(GB 4284)
  2. 住房和城鄉建設部標準:城鎮污水處理廠污泥處置 農用泥質(CJ/T 309)
  3. 住房和城鄉建設部標準:城鎮污水處理廠污泥處置 林地用泥質(CJ/T 362)
  4. 住房和城鄉建設部標準:堆肥自動監測與控制設備(CJ/T 369)
  5. 住房和城鄉建設部標準:好氧堆肥氧氣自動監測設備(CJ/T 408)
  6. 住房和城鄉建設部標準:垃圾源臭氣實時線上監測設備(CJ/T 465)
  7. 住房和城鄉建設部標準:一體化好氧發酵設備(CJ/T 505)
  8. 住房和城鄉建設部標準:堆肥翻堆機(CJ/T 506)
  9. 廣西城鎮污水處理廠污泥產物土地利用技術規範(DBJ/T45-003)
  10. 河南省城鎮污水處理廠污泥土地利用技術規範(DBJ41/T178)
(1)一種有機廢物處理設施惡臭氣體檢測設備, 2018,第1發明人,專利號: 201721170426.7
(2)基於感測器的有機廢物處理設施惡臭監測系統, 2018,第1發明人,專利號: 201721170563.0
(3)一種惡臭氣體感測器匯流裝置, 2017,第1發明人,專利號: ZL201720557296.6
(4)一種用於堆肥的除臭材料及製法和套用, 2014,第1發明人,專利號: ZL201210148460.X
參與研製的“污泥好氧生物發酵處理成套設備研發與套用” 2013年獲北京市科學技術一等獎(排名第3)


