- 外文名:riskiness
- 詞性:名詞
- 英式發音:[ˈrɪskɪnəs]
- 釋義:冒險的事;危險
friskily,英語單詞,主要用作為副詞,用作副詞譯為“歡躍地,活潑地”。單詞釋義 ... friskiest = 最活躍friskily=活躍friskiness = 活潑的性質 ...短語搭配 It's acomfortingperspectivewhenyou look atChristopherReeve. And it's even nicer tothinkthatmaybesomewherehe'sawakenedthismorning,friskilyas acolt...
Gong, Y., Zhou, J., & Chang, S. (2013). Core knowledge employee creativity and firm performance: The moderating role of riskiness orientation, firm size, and realized absorptive capacity. Personnel Psychology, 66, 443-482.Zhou, J., & Su, Y. (2010). A missing piece of the puzzle: ...
外文書名: Bank's Riskiness over the Business Cycle 叢書名: 中國金融專家專著系列 平裝: 121頁 正文語種: 簡體中文 開本: 16 ISBN: 9787504738912 條形碼: 9787504738912 尺寸: 24 x 23.4 x 16.4 cm 重量: 281 g銀行風險與經濟周期:基於我國14家上市商業銀行的實證研究內容簡介 編輯 語音 《銀...
Lu, R., Cheung, A., Vu, T., and Islam, S. (2021) "Which measure of systematic risk should we use? An empirical study on systematical risk and Treynor measure using the economic index of riskiness and operational measure of riskiness", International Journal of Finance & Economics 26(2)...
The interaction between perceived control, reciprocity, and riskiness. Congress of Psychology (ICP2012), Cape Town,South Africa. International Journal of Psychology, 47(S), 374-374. (IF= 0.632, SSCI 3區)中國文化的自尊與西方文化的self-esteem之比較。通訊作者(舒首立、盧會醒、張露、楊銀芳、丁...