



  • 外文名:ripen
  • 詞性:及物動詞、不及物動詞
  • 類別:英語單詞
  • 單詞發音:英[ˈraɪpən]美[ˈraɪpən] 


to ripen成熟
Ripen Starfruit成熟
ripen fruit熟果
after ripen追熟 ; 後熟成
ripen n成熟
unceasing ripen不斷走向成熟
seed ripen種子成熟
reluctant ripen貪青


  • 1I'm waiting for the apples to ripen.我在等這些蘋果成熟。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 2This helps to ripen new growth and makes it flower profusely.這有助於新植物成熟並且開出繁茂的花朵。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 3They've got fruit retailing down to a fine art. You can be sure that your pears will ripen in day.他們精於水果零售之道。你可以放心,你那些梨一天之內就會熟。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 4Vegetables in Cornwall ripen as much as a month earlier than flowers.康沃爾的蔬菜比花早熟一個月。
  • 5Don't worry. Time will soon ripen.別著急,時機即將成熟。
  • 6These apples ripen in late autumn.這些蘋果晚秋才成熟。
  • 7They expect things to ripen within two years.他們希望事情在兩年內成熟。
  • 8The wheat doesn't need rain, nearly to ripen.小麥不需要雨了,就要熟了。
  • 9Crops to ripen because farmer uncle gave them love.莊稼成熟是因為農民伯伯給了它們愛。
  • 10She applied some ointment to ripen the abscesses on the gums.她塗了點藥膏使齒齦膿腫成熟以便去膿。
  • 11When you try to ripen fruit quickly, it loses its flavor.如果你嘗試著來催熟果實,它就失去了原來的味道。
  • 12When you try to ripen fruit quickly, it loses its flavor.若我們提早採收果實,只會令它們失去原本味道。
  • 13These dances had ripen by the end of the primitive society.到原始社會後期,舞蹈日趨成熟。
  • 14You have to mature and ripen enough to handle that level of relationship.你必須得成熟,成熟到可以應付自如這種關係。
  • 15As they ripen, a delicious soft- to near-liquid layer forms below the rind.它們成熟時,表層下面會形成綿軟而近乎流體的一層,口味極美。
  • 16To help these fruits ripen faster, keep them on the counter for 2 to 5 days.為了使這些水果成熟得更快,要把他們放在柜子上2至5天。
  • 17Crops ripen earlier and rot more frequently than they did 10 years ago.莊稼比十年前更早熟也更容易腐爛。
  • 18Good locations with long growing season are required to ripen the fruit.生長期長的好位置,必須成熟的果實。
  • 19Best kept in open brown bags if you don't want them to ripen too quickly.不想讓鱷梨太快熟透的話,最好把它放在開口的棕色袋子裡。
  • 20For example, when fruits start to ripen, they release a chemical called ethylene.比如,水果在成熟時會釋放出一種叫乙烯的物質。
  • 21Grown in glasshouses, pineberries start offgreen, gradually turning paler as they ripen.它們生長在溫室里,未成熟的時候呈現的是綠色,慢慢地就越變越白,直至完全成熟。
  • 22We ripen intellectually by letting in as much of the universe's complexity as we can.心智上的成熟要靠儘量吸取宇宙萬物的複雜性;
  • 23The Grain Budding shows that crops that will ripen in summer start to show plump seeds.小滿表示在夏季成熟的農作物籽粒開始飽滿了。
  • 24Fredonia is a blue-black Concord-type grape with very large berries that ripen about two weeks Concord.弗里·多尼亞是一個藍黑色康和式非常大的漿果的成熟大約兩個星期康葡萄。
  • 25The peaches, plums and nectarine nectarines themselves release enough of the gas to ripen successfully.桃子,洋李和油桃本身可以釋放足夠的氣體來成功催熟。
  • 26A woman is having a hard time getting her tomatoes to ripen so she goes to her neighbor with her problem.譯文:一位婦女很難讓她的西紅柿成熟,所以她就向她的鄰居求教這個問題。


