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Thunder dragons are the masters of electricity. Their wings gather energy as they soar through the clouds, and when they clap their wings together they can create devastating archs of lightning. They can stay airborne nearly indefinately, landing only to sleep and breed; they catch their prey from the air and take moisture from the clouds. A Thunder dragon's roar is considered to be an omen of misfortune.
Ice dragons are fierce predators who hunt using their extremely cold breath. The breath of an ice dragon can freeze its prey solid in seconds. The body of an ice dragon is so cold that icicles will form along its skin no matter the outside temperature.
It's a cute baby dragon. Icicles keep forming on its body, but it doesn't seem to be bothered by the cold.
And look! It's grown its wings! It must be close to maturing.
Magma dragons are capable of withstanding the intense temperatures of their element. They live in volcanic regions, their bodies coated in the red hot magma which clings to their scales. They must leave the lava fields in order to hunt, requiring surprisingly little food to sustain their lumbering mass.
Christmas dragons are a very mysterious breed. They are only seen during winter, and even then it is hard to catch a glimpse of one. They are responsible for the general cheer that spreads during the holidays. In essence, they are the 'Spirits of Christmas.'
It's very festively colored.
And look! It's grown its wings! It must be close to maturing
Valentine eggs are only seen once a year. Adults' mating seasons are very short, usually spanning the middle of the month of February. These dragons were once reputed to be omens of good luck in love.
It's a cute baby dragon. It seems shy, but loves attention.
And look! It's grown its wings! It must be close to maturing.
Sweetlings are a small, flightless breed of dragon. They are herbivores who favor sweet fruits and honey, and have been known to go to great lengths to obtain their favorite treats. Their long, prehensile tails allow them to grab onto branches and give them superior balance. Sweetlings are expressive dragons and have a large array of calls to communicate with others. They become very vocal during breeding season and sing long, melodies to attract a mate. Inquisitive in nature, Sweetlings are known to investigate anything that piques their interest, and are quick to flee if the object of their curiosity strikes back.
It's a cute baby dragon. It's very curious and fond of sweets. And look! It's grown feathers! It must be close to maturing.
Rosebud dragons are a fun and social breed found most often in the spring. The petal-like feathers that grow on their sides spread their sweet and floral scent. Although they have poor eyesight, they have ribbon-like extensions that extend their olfactory abilities to help create a map of the area around them. When flying, Rosebud dragons tend to hover, using their wings to fan their scent throughout the air. Being widespread, they go to great effort to visit as many flowery fields as possible.
Aww... It's a cute baby dragon. It's chubby and pink with a faint rose-like smell. And look! It's grown wings and the flower is blooming! It must be close to maturing.
Vampire dragons are members of the undead. They sustain themselves by drinking the blood of others. It is said that they are only "alive" at night, and seem dead or asleep during the day, as they cannot endure sunlight for long periods of time. Vampire dragons can only reproduce by changing the eggs of other dragons, puncturing the shell with theirs fangs and injecting a venom that kills the baby inside.
Pumpkin dragons are a very small breed, named after their affinity for pumpkins. They are always found living inside hollowed-out pumpkins, and are only seen during the harvest season. Young children often hollow out and decorate their pumpkins in the hope that a Pumpkin dragon will make it his or her home.
Black Marrows are named for their dark colored hides which are encased in a distinct exoskeleton. Their skull and the top edges of their spine push out from under the skin as they age. As such, their young need excessive amounts of protein for this armor to develop. The older a Black Marrow dragon is, the more skeletal their appearance. They often use their skeletal looks to lure in foolish scavengers or terrify predators. These vicious dragons love nothing more than to crack open bones with their stony beaks and eat the marrow inside. Voracious scavengers, Black Marrows will swarm and devour corpses both old and fresh, sometimes even dragging larger finds to the water to allow them to "ripen". Despite their dreadful demeanour and often horrid stench, Black Marrows are devoted mates and parents.