英 [rɪˈtriːv(ə)l] 美 [rɪˈtriːv(ə)l]
n. 找回,取回;(計算機系統信息的)檢索;恢復,挽回
retrieval /rɪˈtriːvəl/ CET6 TEM8
1.N-UNCOUNT The retrieval of information from a computer is the process of getting it back. (電腦中信息的) 讀取
2. N-UNCOUNT The retrieval of something is the process of getting it back from a particular place, especially from a place where it should not be. 找回; 取回
information retrieval
retrieval system
document retrieval [計]
文檔檢索data retrieval
Image Retrieval
圖像檢索 ; 圖片搜尋 ; 圖 ; 像檢索
Content-based Image retrieval 基於內容的圖像檢索 ; 一款基於內容的圖像搜尋 ; 檢索 ; 技術
Documentation Retrieval
文獻檢索 ; 信息檢索
topological retrieval [計]
拓撲檢索text retrieval [計]
文本檢索 ; [計] 正文檢索 ; 全文檢索 ; 文
Sections for subjects such as history, technology or fiction might make their retrieval easier. 歷史、科技或小說等科目的分類可能會使檢索更容易。
In a sense, forgetting is our brain's way of sorting memories, so the most relevant memories are ready for retrieval. 從某種意義上說,遺忘是大腦對記憶進行分類的一種方式,這樣聯繫最緊密的記憶隨時可以被檢索出來。
What is in question is not the retrieval of an absolute, fixed or "true" meaning that can be read off and checked for accuracy, or some timeless relation of the text to the world. 問題不在於檢索那些能夠讀出且能檢驗正誤的絕對的、固定的或“真實的”意思,也不在於找出文本與世界的某些永恆聯繫。
The ship was buried, beyond retrieval, at the bottom of the sea. 船已葬身海底,無法打撈。
Its real purpose is the launching and retrieval of small aeroplanes in flight. 它的真正目的是發射和找回飛行中的小型飛機。
In the wild, these birds store food for retrieval later during periods of food scarcity. 在野外,這些鳥會儲存食物以備日後食物短缺時再取用。
This view is supported by a variety of factors that can create mismatches between very young children's encoding and older children's and adults' retrieval efforts. 這一觀點得到了多種因素的支持,這些因素可以導致嬰幼兒轉化信息的方式與年齡較大兒童和成年人回憶的方式出現不一致。
Set a default data retrieval mode. 設定一個默認數據檢索模式。
Table 1. Content retrieval options. 表1.內容檢索選項。
Example connector: Content retrieval. 使用連線器:內容檢索。
This retrieval is an expensive process. 這個檢索過程的代價是非常大的。
Create a cursor to contain the retrieval. 創建游標來處理檢索。
This increase the speed of data retrieval. 這可提高檢索數據的速度。
The next step initiates the retrieval process. 下一步將初始化檢索流程。
Allows you to save a post for later retrieval. 允許您為日後檢索保存帖子。
Am I to lose all, without a chance of retrieval? 難道我就得失去一切,沒有挽回的機會嗎?
Table 1 below shows some interface retrieval commands. 下面的表1介紹了一些接口檢索命令。
Yet again, the retrieval algorithm might not be helpful. 但是,檢索算法可能同樣也幫不上忙。
Dynamic WSDL and Schema retrieval from simulation instance. 從模擬實例動態地檢索WSDL和模式。
Constant and frequent retrieval of the same redundant data. 頻繁地檢索相同的冗餘數據。
Namespace URIs are not for retrieval, as described in Part 1. 正如第1部分所描述,名稱空間uri不是用於檢索的。
Some users, however, might prefer waiting for the retrieval. 但是,某些用戶可能希望等待獲取操作完成。
You only have to develop one DTO and retrieval method per entity. 這樣您只得為每個實體開發一個DTO和一個檢索方法。
When it comes to memory retrieval, self-testing can be beneficial. 當涉及到記憶檢索時,自我測試可以是有益的。
It also provides an abstraction on top of data storage and retrieval. 它也提供一個抽象的頂端數據存儲和檢索。
The application used for testing is a seismic data retrieval service. 用於測試的應用程式是一個地震數據檢索服務。
So, indexes speed the process of retrieval but slow down modification. 因此索引加快了檢索過程的速度,但減慢了修改的速度。
Table 2 below shows interface flags and some attribute retrieval commands. 下面的表2介紹了接口標誌和一些屬性檢索命令。
Data storage and retrieval is an essential aspect of application development. 數據存儲和檢索是應用程式開發的重要方面。