



  • 外文名:residence
  • 詞性:名詞
  • 英式音標:[ˈrezɪdəns]
  • 美式音標:[ˈrezɪdəns]


英 [ˈrezɪdəns] 美 [ˈrezɪdəns]
n. 住宅,住所;居住,定居;(在某國的)居住權,居留許可;(大學的)學生宿舍樓
[ 複數 residences ]


residence time [物理]停留時間;[化]逗留時間(等於residence)
permanent residence 長期居留
residence permit 居留證
former residence 故居
in residence 住校;住在任所
official residence 官舍,官邸
country of residence 居住國
residence booklet 戶口簿
residence community 住宅小區
temporary residence permit (card) 暫住證
registered residence 戶籍
habitual residence 通常住址;慣常居所
legal residence 依法登記的住址;法定住所
residence card 居留證
hall of residence 學校公寓,大學宿舍


  • 1He's got to learn how to navigate his way around the residence.他應該學會如何繞過這片住處。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 2They had entered the country and had applied for permanent residence.他們已進入了那個國家,並已經申請了永久居住權。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 3You have to have proof of residence in the state of Texas, such as a Texas ID card.你必須有在德克薩斯州的居住證明,例如一張德克薩斯州的身份證。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 4The house was terribly small and cramped, but the agent described it as a bijou residence.房子十分狹小擁擠,但經紀人卻把它說成是小巧別致的住宅。《牛津詞典》
  • 5The house is currently run as a country inn, but could easily convert back into a private residence.這棟房子目前被當作一家鄉村客棧用,但可以容易地改回成一所私用住宅。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 6There were significant differences among women based on age, place of residence, and educational levels.基於年齡、住處和教育水平,婦女們之間存在顯著的差異。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 7This raises the matter of a lake's residence time.這就引起了湖泊的“停留時間”問題。
  • 8This past week, a plumber completed work at my residence.上周,一位水管工在我的住所完成了工作。
  • 9A given lake's residence time is by no means a fixed quantity.某一湖泊的“停留時間”並不是一個固定值。
  • 10Meet outside of your residence hall and wait for further instructions.請在住所外集合,等待進一步指示。
  • 11It's my home. Being an orphan, my office is also my permanent residence.這是我的家。作為一個孤兒,我的辦公室也是我的永久住所。
  • 12Migration is usually defined as "permanent or semipermanent change of residence".移民通常被定義為“永久或半永久的居住變化”。
  • 13Climate change is dramatically affecting the residence times of some lakes in northwestern Ontario.氣候變化嚴重影響著加拿大安大略湖西北部一些湖泊的停留時間。
  • 14Climatic change is dramatically affecting the residence times of some lakes in northwestern Ontario, Canada.氣候變化正嚴重影響著位於加拿大安大略省西北部的一些湖泊的停留時間。
  • 15They found that longer residence correlated with more adoption of improved plant varieties but less adoption of chemical herbicides.他們發現,居住的時間越長,採用的改良植物品種越多,而使用的化學除草劑越少。
  • 16The residence times for the Great Lakes of North America, namely, Lakes Superior, Michigan, Huron, Erie, and Ontario, are, respectively, 190, 100, 22, 2.5, and 6 years.北美五大湖,也就是蘇必利爾湖、密西根湖、休倫湖、伊利湖和安大略湖,它們的停留時間分別是190年、100年、22年、2.5年和6年。
  • 17If two flying insect populations took up residence in separate nearby valleys, chances are that individuals from each population would fly back and forth, continuing gene flow.如果有兩個飛行昆蟲種群居住在相距不遠的不同山谷中,那么任一種群中的個體都有可能來回飛行,從而使基因流動繼續。
  • 18The 1990 Census revealed that "a majority of immigrants from each of the fifteen most common countries of origin spoke English 'well' or 'very well' after ten years of residence."1990年的人口普查顯示:“來自15個最常見的原籍國的大多數移民在居住10年後,英語水平為‘好’或‘非常好’。”
  • 19The flag flies when the Queen is in residence.女王的王宮及駐蹕處均有國旗飄揚。《牛津詞典》
  • 20The king and queen of Jordan are in residence.約旦的國王和王后住在宮邸。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 21They have been denied residence in this country.這個國家不給他們居住資格。《牛津詞典》
  • 22A freshman adviser lives in each residence hall.每棟學生宿舍樓里住著一位新生指導老師。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 23The rebels laid siege to the governor's residence.叛亂者們包圍了那座總督官邸。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 24The area of the president's residence is a no-go area after six p.m.總統官邸區下午六點鐘後禁止進入。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 2510 Downing Street is the British Prime Minister's official residence.唐寧街10號是英國首相的官邸。《牛津詞典》
  • 26They were not able to take up residence in their new home until the spring.他們到第二年春天才住進了新家。《牛津詞典》
  • 27Slater remained at the house, acting as its caretaker when the family was not in residence.這家人不在的時候,斯萊特留在這幢房子裡看家。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 28The deceased pioneer's residence is a humble wooden house which is under restoration, and visitors are likely to see its real look at the end of June.這個先驅的故居只是一個不起眼的小木屋,正在修復,遊客們有望在六月底一睹其真容。
  • 29In 2007, China Paper-cuts Museum opened to the public in the back garden of the Wang's Residence, Yangzhou, greatly helping the development of Yangzhou paper cutting.2007年,中國剪紙博物館在揚州王府後花園向公眾開放,極大地促進了揚州剪紙的發展。
  • 30I'm living in a hall of residence.我住在學校宿舍里。


