


  • 外文名:repairing
  • 釋義:英文單詞


Repairing cell 細胞修復 ;
Repairing the Wire 修復通訊線路 ; 修復通信線路 ; 電線 ; 修理電話線
Repairing & Maintenance 修理業 ; 補綴業


  • 1He was busily engaged repairing his bike.他正忙著修他的腳踏車。《牛津詞典》
  • 2They were very worried about the cost of repairing the leaky roof.他們非常擔心維修漏雨屋頂的費用。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 3It was up to the US to take the initiative in repairing relations.在修復關係方面應由美國採取主動。《牛津詞典》
  • 4Blacksmiths spent most of their time repairing tools and shoeing horses.鐵匠們把他們大部分時間用來修理工具和給馬釘蹄鐵。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》
  • 5The rickety barn needs repairing.搖搖欲墜的穀倉需要修理。
  • 6He is very expert at repairing TV sets.他修理電視機很內行。《新英漢大辭典》
  • 7That fence does need repairing, I'm afraid.恐怕那籬笆的確需要修理。
  • 8The old man continued his repairing work in his suits.老人穿著西裝,繼續著他的修理工作。
  • 9The old man continued his repairing work in his suits.老人穿著西裝繼續修理。
  • 10So he always saved money by repairing bikes to help them.所以他總是通過修理腳踏車節省錢來幫助他們。
  • 11The prophet appropriately appropriated the fund for repairing propeller.提倡者恰當地為修理螺旋槳撥專款。
  • 12He wandered about with his hammer and nails, repairing whatever was in need of fixing.他帶著鐵錘和釘子四處閒逛,修理任何需要修理的東西。
  • 13Extreme athletes expend lots of energy breaking down and repairing and building muscles.極限運動員消耗大量能量來分解、修復和塑造肌肉。
  • 14It will also gnaw at Mr Summers, who leaves his job of repairing the economy unfinished.它也會折磨薩默斯,因為他的經濟修復工作尚未完成。
  • 15He kept FBI agents on call 24 hours a day to do random tasks around his house—like repairing his lawnmower.他讓 FBI 特工每天24小時待命,圍繞著自己的房子去執行一些隨機的任務——比如說修理他的剪草機。
  • 16For example, an old man named Qiu Qingnian is good at making natural paints for repairing ancient paintings.例如,有一位叫邱青年的老人,他擅長用天然顏料來修復古畫。
  • 17Nick, Tommy Costello, and I were all repairing cars at the time, and approached his car from different angles.當時,尼克、湯米·科斯特洛和我三個人都在修車,我們從不同的位置向他那輛車走過來。
  • 18The railways also provided thousands of new jobs: building carriages, running the railways and repairing the tracks.鐵路也提供了數以千計的新工作:製造車廂、運營鐵路和維修鐵軌。
  • 19Young Iraqis are to be encouraged to participate in the country's reconstruction, by cleaning the streets and repairing schools.通過清理街道和修復學校,鼓勵伊拉克年輕人參與國家重建。
  • 20An analogy I like to think about is that when you're repairing your car, the first thing you do is to stomp it and shut off the engine.我想打個比方,當修你的車時,你首先要做的是剎車,關掉引擎。
  • 21This paper introduces the research and development of sliding plate repairing technology and the benefits obtained by using the technology.本文介紹了滑板修復技術的研究與開發以及套用該技術所取得的效益。
  • 22On Mondays, eight servants, including an extra gardener, toiled all day with scrubbing-brushes and hammer and garden-shears, repairing the ravages of the night before.每到星期一,有八個僕人,包括一個額外的園丁,用硬毛刷、錘子和花園剪刀幹了一整天,修補前一天晚上的破壞。
  • 23As a way of repairing some of that damage, a group of conservation biologists has proposed an ambitious, or some might say, a radical plan, involving large vertebrates, or, megafauna.一群自然保護生物學家提出了一個雄心勃勃的計畫——或者有人會說,這是一個激進的計畫——即,把大型脊椎動物或巨型動物包含在計畫中,作為修復部分損害的一種方法。
  • 24I was repairing my son's model plane.我在修我兒子的飛機模型。
  • 25An old man was repairing a bike.一位老人正在修腳踏車。
  • 26My bike is broken, my father is repairing it.我的腳踏車壞了,我爸爸正在修理它。
  • 27An hour later, Tony finished repairing the car, getting his shirt dirty.一個小時後,托尼修好了汽車,襯衫也弄髒了。
  • 28Repairing things at such a cafe costs nothing but donations are welcome.在這樣的咖啡館修理東西是不用花錢的,但也歡迎捐款。
  • 29After repairing his son's bike, he stood up and felt a sharp pain in his knee.修好兒子的腳踏車後,他站起來,感到膝蓋一陣劇痛。
  • 30It took the engineers a whole day to make a weekly plan for repairing the bridge.工程師們花了一整天的時間制定了一份修理這座橋的周計畫。


