- 外文名:reorganize
- 詞性:及物動詞、不及物動詞
- 英式發音:[riˈɔːɡənaɪz]
- 美式發音:[riˈɔːrɡənaɪz]
5R指的是5個英文單詞的縮寫,即:Reduce(減量化)、Reuse(再利用)、Recycle(再循環)、Reorganize(再組織)、Rethink(再思考)。綠色消費也被稱為5R即:Reduce、Reevaluate、Reuse、Recycle、Rescue。歷史淵源 5R管理模式由我國著名管理專家陳向航先生於2003年引入國內,陳向航先生通過研究大量的成功成長型企業,這些企業...
改組是一個漢語詞語,動詞,拼音是gǎi zǔ,意思改變原來的組織或更換原有的人員。基本信息 【詞目】改組 【讀音】gǎi zǔ 【意思】改變原來的組織或更換原有的人員:~內閣。【詞性】動詞 基本解釋 [Shake up;Reorganize]政府、機關、政黨、社團等改變原有組織體系,變更其組成人員 改組內閣 改組領導班子 引證...
基因直接重組基因直接重組是細胞遺傳學科學家利用病毒作為載體攜帶外來基因送入已經高度分化的皮膚細胞內而直接參與基因重新編排的技術或方法。使用該基因重新編排技術可以誘導普通的皮膚細胞產生變化而轉化為帶有胚胎幹細胞性質的細胞。定義 基因直接重組(The gene reorganizes directly;direct reprogramming)。基因直接重組是...
5. [reorganize]∶整頓 整齊風俗 例句 1. 有秩序,有條理。《商君書·賞刑》:“當此時也,賞祿不行,而民整齊。”宋 楊萬里 《題望韶亭》詩:“金坑津頭看韶石,十十五五不整齊。”明 王廷相 《慎言·潛心》:“整齊嚴肅,正衣冠,尊瞻視,以一其外。”明 馮夢龍 清 蔡元放 《東周列國志》第七十五回:...
instead,英語單詞,主要用作副詞,作副詞時意為“代替;反而;相反”。短語搭配 waiter instead服務員相反 ; 而不是服務員 ; 服務員 instead d代替 ; 改為 ; 反而 ; 頂替 instead increases反而增加 elements instead元素取代 Home Instead護明德 Slowly Instead慢慢改為 Cigars Instead換抽雪茄 reorganize instead...
not believe and did not burn more with Christ's love. Now a new beginning is to be made in our churches. Based on the holy Scriptures, earnestly loyal to the exclusive headship of the Church, the Church seeks to separate and sanctify itself from influences strange to faith and reorganize...
齪,漢語二級字,讀作齪(chuò),部首是齒,五筆是HWBH,意思是〔齷齪〕見“齷”。基本字義 ● 齪 ◎ 〔齷~〕見“齷”。English ◎ narrow, small; dirty 詳細字義 ◎ 齪 齪 chuò 〈動〉(1) 整治;整頓 [renovate;reorganize]。如:齪燈(持燈。也指持燈人);齪茶(送茶水)(2) 戒備 [guard]。如:...
a new plan for using my time wisely. I have set my alarm clock ahead half an hour. This will give me a head start on the day. I have also decided to keep a log of what I do and when I do it. Looking back on what I’ve done will give me some ideas on how to reorganize ...
3.1.1 Reorganize:重新組織內容 3.1.2 Rewrite:重新編寫內容 3.1.3 Retire:撤除過時的內容 3.2 5Q 優質內容判斷法則 3.2.1 Question1: 你的內容易於閱讀嗎?3.2.2 Question2: 你的內容易於理解嗎?3.2.3 Question3: 你的內容能引起目標客群的行為嗎?3.2.4 Question4: 目標客群會去分享你的...
Strategy Institute of State Oceanic Administration. It is one of the volumes of the series of China’s Maritime Development which is the publishing program sponsored by the National Publishing Fund as well as the Twelfth Five-year Guideline of National Important Books. This book reorganizes the ...
加水使(脫水食物)復原 短語搭配 structure reconstitute 矽酸鹽 reconstitute hematopoiesis 重建造血 reorganize reconstitute 將壞重新整備 culture reconstitute 文化重構 Reconstitute Table 從新構建表 human immune reconstitute 人免疫重建 The Reconstitute Tables feature 導入表格 reconstitute the committee 重組委員會 ...
Promptly files away, the standard reorganizes, the centralism storage, improves the quality. 及時歸檔、規範整理、集中保管、提高質量。In practice, represent two extremities that the Centralism of AGM and the Centrism of the Board. 實踐中表現為“股東會中心主義”和“董事會中心主義”兩種極端。The ...
第一節 路徑:再組織化(reorganize) 第二節 著力點:鄉村公共性(A+S) 第三節 目標:內生動力(ego) 第七章 希望的田野:高校扶貧在路上 第一節 銜接後扶貧時代:減貧、城鄉融合與社區營造 第二節 演好新角色:尋找高校扶貧的新坐標 第三節 鄉愁反哺:守望鄉村的未來圖景 附錄一 華南理工大學教育脫貧...
16It is the mother who is expected to reorganize her busy schedule.應該讓媽媽來重新安排她繁忙的日程。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》17We drew up a schedule of payments for the rest of the monies owed.我們制定了一個剩餘欠款的還款計畫。《柯林斯英漢雙解大詞典》18He was back in the office, updating...
In 1974 Ven. Liao Chung invited Ven. Ching Laing to participate in the reorganization of the Eighth the Buddhist Association of ROC. He took the responsibility to reorganize the administrative matters, integrate the personnel and assist Ven. Bai Sheng’s re-election for the president. In 1980 ...
5Once you create a component, you cannot reorganize it into sub-components.一旦你創建了一個構件,就不能將其重新組織為子組件。6Sternberg argues that this is a required component of a love relationship.斯騰伯格認為這是愛情關係的必要組成部分。7It could also be broken down into its component parts...
《Hell Up in Harlem》是由拉瑞·柯恩執導的犯罪類電影,由拉瑞·柯恩擔任編劇,由弗雷德·威廉森、Julius Harris主演。劇情簡介 Tommy comes from a forced rest period due to injuries suffered in Harlem's gang warfare. With the help of his girl, he will reorganize his gang, and overcome his rival ...
Interleukin-10 reorganizes the cytoskeleton of maturedendritic cellsleading to their impaired biophysical properties and motilities . PLoS One . 2017,12(2):e0172523.Zuquan Hu,Hui Xue, Jinhua Long, Yun Wang,Yi Jia, Wei Qiu, Jin Zhou, Zongyao Wen, Weijuan Yao, Zhu Zeng*. Biophysical ...
11That's why I wrote this book, which is about how to reorganize the economy for the future when technology brings about destructive changes to what we used to consider high-income work.這就是我寫這本書的原因,這本書主要討論的是在未來社會,當技術給我們曾經認為高收入的工作帶來破壞性的變化的...
macropaedia,英語單詞,主要用作為名詞,用作名詞譯為“大百科全書”。網路釋義 百科詳編 三、百科詳編(Macropaedia):主體,19卷 惹朕嫣鄹憨娑漠鄶每圬爹竿賠扛鄹潘絞點脾叛葬晚鹿氡淳練賃繚靜商糾矗婺牆浙擋哇供撼肀憷荸非時塬晨園岬瞬癲綃瓜骱度 權威例句 Reorganize into three distinct parts: the...
breathes new life into our conceptions of property, justice, and law by viewing them not only as institutions but as dynamic activities as well. Frank's innovative approach to Aristotle stresses his appreciation of the tensions and complexities of politics so that we might rethink and reorganize ...
in earlycytokinesis. Cytoskeleton (Hoboken), 2010,67(6): 346-364.30. Crowley Jessica L, Smith TaraC, Fang Zhiyou, Takizawa Norio, Luna Elizabeth J*. Supervillin reorganizes theactin cytoskeleton and increases invadopodial efficiency. Molecular Biology ofthe Cell. 2009, 20(3):948-962.