







1992/07-2001/12 貴州省貴陽醫學院,講師
2007/01-2008/05 貴州省貴陽醫學院,副教授
2008/05-2013/03 貴州省貴陽醫學院基礎醫學院,副院長,教授
2013/03-至今 貴州省貴州醫科大學生物與工程學院院長,大健康學院黨委書記兼常務副院長,貴州省健康大數據研究院常務副院長,教授,博士研究生導師


1988年-1992年 貴州大學物理系,獲理學學士學位
2001年-2006年 北京大學基礎醫學院,獲理學博士學位,師從文宗曜教授
2006年-2008年 美國加州大學聖地亞哥分校(UCSD)生物工程學院,博士後,師從ShuChien教授




承擔包括國家自然科學基金(31260227,11162003,1057207 , 30770532)和教育部科學技術重點項目(210196)等在內的各類科研項目15項,發表科技論文數50餘篇,其中SCI收錄25篇,學術專著《Dendritic cells: Biophysics, Tumor Microenvironment and Chinese Tradition Medicine》於2015年由Springer集團出版並全球發行。
  1. 國際生物流變學會和國際臨床流變學會聯合頒發的“Chien-Fung”獎(國際生物流變學會和國際臨床流變學會為獎勵在生物物理學和生物流變學領域具有傑出貢獻的青年學者而設立)
  2. 貴州省高層次創新型人才“百層次人才”。
  3. 貴州省第八批優秀青年科技人才
  4. 第十屆貴州省青年科技獎
  5. 北京大學“學生五四獎章” (北京大學學生最高榮譽)
  6. 北京大學“五四”獎學金
  7. 北京大學“三好學生”
  8. 北京大學“優秀畢業生”
  9. 北京大學“優秀共產黨員”
  10. 貴陽醫學院“優秀共產黨員”
  11. 貴陽醫學院“學科建設先進個人”


  1. Xiaoli Xu, Xianmei Liu, Jinhua Long, Zuquan Hu, Qinni Zheng, Chunlin Zhang,LongLi, Yun Wang, Yi Jia, Wei Qiu, Jin Zhou, Weijuan Yao, Zhu Zeng(corresponding author)Interleukin-10 reorganizes the cytoskeleton of maturedendritic cellsleading to their impaired biophysical properties and motilities. PLoS One. 2017,12(2):e0172523.
  2. Zuquan Hu,Hui Xue, Jinhua Long, Yun Wang,Yi Jia, Wei Qiu, Jin Zhou, Zongyao Wen, Weijuan Yao, Zhu Zeng(corresponding author) Biophysical Properties and Motility of Human Mature Dendritic Cells Deteriorated by Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor through Cytoskeleton Remodeling. Int J Mol Sci. 2016, 17(11). pii: E1756.
  3. Zhu Zeng, Xiaofeng Xu, Dan Chen. 《Dendritic cells: Biophysics, Tumor Microenvironment and Chinese Tradition Medicine》.Springer, 2015, DOI:10.1007/978-94017-7405-5_1, ISSN: 2211-9353,Library of Congress Control Number: 2015350874.
  4. Qinni Zheng, Jinhua Long, Binbin Jia, Xiaoli Xu, Chunlin Zhang, Long Li, Zongyao Wen, Weijuan Yao,Zhu Zeng (corresponding author) (2014) Transforming Growth Factor-β1 Deteriorates Microrheological Characteristics and Motility of Mature Dendritic Cells in Concentration-Dependent Fashion. Clinical hemorheology and microcirculation,56(1):25-40.
  5. Rong Dong, Jinhua Long, Xiaoli Xu, Chunlin Zhang, Zongyao Wen, Long Li, Weijuan Yao, Zhu Zeng (corresponding author) (2014) Investigations of the functional states of dendritic cells under different conditioned microenvironments by Fourier transformed infrared spectroscopy. Biomedical Engineering Online. 13(1):2, doi:10.1186/1475-925X-13-2.
  6. Long Li, Yuewei Zhao, Jiashun Zeng, Fang Fan, Xue Wang, Yixia Zhou, Zhu Zeng (corresponding author) (2013) Rituximab Regulates the Expression of RKIP via NF-κB in Renal Tissue of Rats with Diabetic Nephropathy. Genetics and Molecular Research, 12(3):2973-81.
  7. Xu Xiaofeng, Zeng Zhu (Co-author), Yao Weijuan, Wang Xainwei, Sun Dagong, Ka Weibo, Zhang Yingyu, Wang Xifu, Chen Xiaopeng, Zha Li, Sun Li, Xie Lide, Wen Zongyao, Chien Shu. (2010) Biomechanical alterations of dendritic cells by co-culturing with K562 CML cells and their potential role in immune escape. Journal of Biomechanics,43(12):2339-2347.
  8. Zeng Zhu, Yao Weijuan , Xu Xiaofeng , Xu Guoqiang, Long Jinhua, Wang Xainwei, Wen Zongyao, Chien Shu. (2009)Hepatocellular Carcinoma Cells Deteriorate the Biophysical Properties of Dendritic Cells. Cell Biochemistry and Biophysics, 55(1):33-43
  9. Zeng Zhu, Xu Xiaofeng, Zhang Yingyu, Xing Junjie, Long Jinhua, Gu Li, Wang Xainwei, Sun Dagong, Ka Weibo, Wen Zongyao, Chien Shu. (2007). Tumor-derived factors impaired motility and immune response of dendritic cells through derangement of biophysical characteristics and reorganization of cytoskeletons. Cell Motility and Cytoskeleton 64(3):186-198
  10. Zeng Zhu, Liu Xiao, Jiang Yuhui, Wang Guotao, Zhan Jun, Guo Jun, Yao Weijuan, Sun Dagong, Ka Weibo, Wen Zongyao. (2006) Biophysical studies on the differentiation of human CD14monocytes into dendritic cells. Cell Biochemistry and Biophysics, 45(1):19-30.
  11. Zeng Zhu, Wang Guotao , Xu Xiaofeng , Long Jinhua, Xing Junjie, Zhang Yingyu, Xiao Jun, Duan Xueyan, Tang Yan, Tang Junmin , Sun Dagong. (2006) The Suppressive Cytokines Derived From Cancer Affect Microrheological Properties of Dendritic Cells Leading to Deteriorated Immune Response. Progress in Biochemistry and Biophysics.33(6):548-555.
  12. Yuhui Jiang, Zhu Zeng, Danggong Sun, Wen Zonyao. (2005) Adhesion of monocyte-derived dendritic cells to human umbilical vein endothelial cells in flow field decreases upon maturation. Clinical hemorheology and microcirculation , 32 (4): 261-268.


他以北京大學和貴陽醫學院為作者單位,在其專業內的國際權威雜誌《Cell motility and cytoskeleton》發表了一篇有研究價值的論文,該文章用翔實的實驗結果提出了:在用基於樹突狀細胞的腫瘤疫苗治療腫瘤之前,必須要對荷瘤宿主機體內的微環境進行改造,才有可能提高這一療法的治療效率,這對腫瘤的研究和治療具有重大的基礎研究和臨床指導意義。


