

  • 外文名:purityscan2.exe
  • 進程檔案:purityscan2.exe or purityscan2
  • 進程名稱:Adware.W32.PurityScan
  • 間諜軟體:Yes
purityscan2.exe is a process belonging to an advertising program by Clickspring LLC. This process monitors your browsing habits and distributes the data back to the author's servers for analysis. This also prompts advertising popups. This process is a security risk and should be removed from your system.
Recommendation for purityscan2.exe:
DISABLE AND REMOVE purityscan2.exe IMMEDIATELY. This process is most likely an adware or spyware.
Author: Clickspring LLC
Part Of: Adware.W32.PurityScan
安全等級 (0-5): 2
病毒: No ( Remove purityscan2.exe )
木馬: No ( Remove purityscan2.exe )
Memory Usage: N/A
System Process: No
Background Process: Yes
Uses Network: Yes
Hardware Related: No
Common purityscan2.exe Errors: N/A
進程名稱: purityscan2.exe
詳細名稱: Adware.W32.PurityScan
具體描述: purityscan2.exe is a process belonging to an advertising program by Clickspring LLC.
能否關閉: 間諜或木馬進程,建議關閉!
其他信息: 無


