adj. 精神的;心靈的;靈魂的;超自然的
n. 通靈者;靈媒;巫師
I believe everyone is innately psychic. 我相信每個人都天生具有超自然能力。
He declared his total disbelief in psychic phenomena. 他宣稱他完全不相信通靈現象。
She claims to be psychic and helps people to contact the dead. 她自稱有通靈術,能幫助活人與死者溝通。
Hanging onto dead stuff has a higher psychic cost than most of us realize. 抓住死去的東西不放會比我們所能意識到的耗費更高的精神代價。
Ahead of us lie technical, psychic, and social transformations probably much more dramatic than those brought about by Gutenberg, the German inventor in printing. 在我們面前的是技術、精神和社會的變革,這些變革可能比德國印刷術的發明者古騰堡帶來的變革更引人注目。
How am I supposed to know—I'm not psychic! 我怎么會知道呢,我又沒有特異功能!
The woman helped police by using her psychic powers. 那位婦女用她的特異功能幫助警察。
First there was Paul the octopus, now there's Bo Si, the "psychic" panda. 先是有個章魚保羅,現在又冒出個熊貓預言帝博斯。
It turns out there's no economic benefit to just having a goal—you just get a psychic benefit and that's quite motivating in itself. 事實證明,僅僅擁有目標是沒有經濟利益的——你只會得到精神上的好處,而這本身就是一種激勵。
Are you psychic or clairvoyant? 你是通靈還是透視啊?
I yelled, give me your best psychic! 我大聲嚷道,我要你們最好的心理顧問,多貴都不要緊!
Well, the psychic got the first claim wrong. 好的,靈媒的第一個宣稱就錯了。
From New York Post titled, "Psychic Nailed it:". 紐約郵報這樣標題:靈媒測中了。
And if psychic powers do end the war on terror? 特異功能的能力真會結束反恐戰爭嗎?
Sometimes this is described as psychic blindness. 有時候我們將此稱之為精神性失明。
"You must be psychic," he said, before telling her. “你一定是個通靈的人。”在告訴她結果之前他說。
Yet in a powerful, psychic sense, they never parted. 然而在一個強大的精神世界中,他們從未分離。
She is not a psychic, nor a homicide detective, nor a kook. 她既不是靈媒,也不是罪案偵探,也不是怪人。
Phoebe's psychic tells her she's going to die this week. 菲比去算命,據說她一周內會死。
Why don't you ever see the headline! "Psychic Wins Lottery"? 為什麼你從來沒見過頭版頭條寫! “算命師中大獎”?
My dad is so cute, he tells everyone about his psychic daughter. 我的父親是那么的可愛,他跟每個都說他這個靈媒女兒的事情。
But is listening to our dreams right up there with calling a psychic hotline? 但是傾聽我們的夢境僅止於像打一個靈媒熱線嗎?
There's some kind of weird psychic link between showering and creativity. 洗澡和創造間有著某種詭異的聯繫。
You're really going to run this whole psychic thing into the ground, huh? 你是真打算靈媒做到底了哈。
And that killing goats with psychic powers was just the tip of the iceberg. 而用特異功能使山羊斃命僅僅是冰山一角而已。
When I talk about having an IT vision, I'm not talking about being psychic. 我在討論IT願景的時候,並非是指精神上的。
If you are a fellow psychic, what has been your experience of coming out publicly? 如果你是個靈媒,在公開後有什麼經歷?
The rest of us have to help each other as best we can without psychic abilities. 其餘不夠聰明的人只能盡力互相幫助。
For anyone who is thinking about coming out as a psychic, this article is for you! 這篇文章是為那些想知道靈媒是什麼樣子的人寫的。