- 外文名:pretended
- 詞性:形容詞、動詞
- 英式發音:[prɪ'tendɪd]
- 美式發音:[pri'tɛndɪd]
I wish my ex-girlfriend didn't cheat, she pretended to be my lover 多希望我的前女友能用心愛我 而不是欺騙我 In front of the camera screen 在那相機的鏡頭前 I make it look just like a movie scene 我讓自己看起來...
三點l a mr ciger 在準備 葡萄酒杯等候侍奉著人類 邂逅曖昧模糊又try 帶點悽美 啼笑皆非誰報復了誰 我到底是誰坐在昔日戀人的身旁 卻不懂得去防備 我到底是誰 播著jack johnson 的歌 Pretended 我是你的dj 餵你lafite 的滋味 ...
《Weak In The Knees》是Serena Ryder演唱的歌曲,由The Crystal Method作詞,Serena Ryder作曲,收錄於《If Your Memory Serves You Well》專輯中。歌曲歌詞 Would you mind if I pretended we were somewhere else Doing something we...
So many nights I pretended That she was a doing me wrong But whatever she’s done oh it’s forgotten ’Cause right now I’d come back And melt in her arms Oh yes right now I’d come back And melt in her ...
kindliness,英語單詞,主要用作名詞,作名詞時譯為“親切;厚道;友好”。短語搭配 sea kindliness 海上航行平穩性 ; 耐波性 kindliness loving-kindness 慈愛 kindliness and amiability 和睦親善 manifest a little pretended kindliness 虛...
1.V to sob or pretend to sob noisily (假裝)號哭 2.N distressed or pretended sobbing 憂傷的或假裝的哭泣 短語搭配 Boohoo Bardot 褶皺袖筒背心 boohoo fever 翻譯 BOOHOO O 開叉短袖裙 Boohoo o Lana 蕾絲上衣 ...
not immediately.他確實回復了,不過不是立馬回復。She didn't love him, though she pretended to.她並不愛他,雖然她裝出愛的樣子。He was there, though, for the official opening.然而,他到了那兒是為了參加正式開幕。
So I pretended up a person who was fitting in 所以我假裝配合 And now you think this person really is me and I 現在你認為這個人就是我而我只是在 (Trying to bend the truth )搬弄是非 Yo the more I push I'm ...
As the evening wore on, the rest of us adopted alogical, if immature, course ofaction: We all pretended to go home and thenreconvened at another bar withouther.那個晚上對我們簡直太煎熬了,於是我們做了一個合理但有...
The Walkmen,中文名稱:渥克人樂團。一支來自紐約的樂隊,成立於1999年,是由兩個解散的樂隊Jonathan Fire*Eater和Recoys重新組合起來的。2002年首張專輯《Everyone Who Pretended to Like Me Is Gone》。2002年發行了第一張專輯《...
And pretended not to know...He started stealing, to supply the feeling,Found out he pulled a knife, on someone's wife...And held it to her throat.But I can still remember what his face looked like,When I found...