The doctors have successfully concluded preliminary tests. 醫生們已成功完成了初步化驗。
Preliminary results show the Republican Party with 11 percent of the vote. 初步結果顯示共和黨得到11%的選票。
It was agreed that another round of preliminary talks would be held in Beijing. 商定了又一輪預備會談將在北京舉行。
Our preliminary results suggest that people do subjectively find the speech clearer. 我們的初步結果表明人們的確主觀地覺得這個演講更清楚。
The Italian government has said in a preliminary report that the plane was hit by a heat-seeking missile. 義大利政府在一份初步報告中說道,飛機是被一枚熱追蹤飛彈擊中的。
Preliminary studies are all very good, Paul. 初步的研究都很好,保羅。
Absolutely! Maybe you should do some preliminary research on that. 絕對的!也許你應該對此做一些初步的研究。
In a preliminary talk, the teacher introduces them to the material to be covered, but does not "teach" it. 在初步的談話中,老師向他們介紹要學習的內容,但並沒有“教授”。
In their preliminary design, an astronaut is strapped into the seat of a machine that resembles an exercise bike. 在他們的初步設計中,太空人被綁在一個類似於健身腳踏車的機器座位上。
A preliminary study of a shoal of ten flesh-and-blood sticklebacks shows that they do indeed mingle with therobot. 對一個有十條鮮活的棘魚魚群的初步研究顯示,他們確實和那條機器魚混在了一起。
A preliminary study in New Zealand has shown that classroom noise presents a major concern for teachers and pupils. 紐西蘭的一項初步研究表明,教室里的噪音是老師和學生最關心的問題。
Its lawmakers gave preliminary approval last week to a law that would make it a crime to employ ultra-thin models on runways. 上周,立法者初步批准了一項法律,規定雇用過於瘦弱的模特走秀是犯罪行為。
This is part one of the preliminary transcript and video clips of Warren Buffett's appearances on CNBC's Squawk Box on Monday, March 9, 2009. 這是沃倫·巴菲特2009年3月9日(周一)在美國全國廣播公司財經頻道的 SquawkBox 上露面的初步記錄和視頻片段的第一部分。
A preliminary review of Mexico's taxation found a fall in purchases of taxed drinks as well as a rise in sales of untaxed and healthier drinks. 對墨西哥稅收的初步審查發現,徵稅飲料的購買量下降了,而未徵稅以及更健康的飲料銷量上升了。
Take plenty of breaks, because they offer a double bonus: the time off gives your mind a chance to do some preliminary consolidation and it also gives a memory boost to the learning. 多休息,因為休息有雙重好處:休息能讓你的大腦有機會進行一些初步的鞏固,也能提高學習的記憶力。
Take plenty of breaks, because they offer a double bonus. The time off gives your mind a chance to do some preliminary consolidation, and it also gives a memory boost to the learning. 多休息,因為這會收到事半功倍的效果。休息能讓你的大腦有機會進行一些初步的鞏固,也能提高學習的記憶力。
After a few preliminary remarks he announced the winners. 說了幾句開場白之後,他即宣布優勝者名單。
We have had several preliminary sittings in various poses. 我們已經預拍了幾種不同的姿勢。
Research will be needed as a preliminary to taking a decision. 作出決定之前需要進行研究。
A preliminary hearing was due to start today before Justice Hutchison, but was adjourned. 預審原定由哈奇森法官今天開始審理,但延期了。
Researchers say people are more likely to use text-based communication at the preliminary stages of projects. 研究人員表示,人們更有可能在項目的初始階段使用基於文本的交流方式。
The Biotechnology Industry Organisation (BIO), a trade group, assured members that this was just a "preliminary step" in a longer battle. 貿易組織生物技術產業組織向其成員保證,這只是一場長期鬥爭的“前奏”。
An endophytic fungus resistance to penicillin was isolated from hyacinthus orientalis by culturing on a preliminary screening medium. 通過在初步篩選的培養基上培養,從風信子中分離出對青黴素的內生真菌抗性。
They use these development tests to find any preliminary bugs. 團隊成員使用這些開發測試來發現bug。
A systems requirements review (SRR), preliminary design review (PDR), and critical design review (CDR). 系統需求檢查(systems requirementsreview,SRR),初步設計檢查(preliminarydesign review,PDR),和關鍵設計檢查(critical design review,CDR)。
Proficiency in some preliminary asanas will speed your learning and go a long way toward preventing problems in Headstand. 熟練的掌握一系列初級體式才能讓我們順暢地進入頭倒立的學習,並預防潛在的危險。
To gather some preliminary data on men's toilet habits, a pilot study stationed an observer in a public toilet at a US university. 為了得到男性排尿習慣的初步信息,研究者在美國大學公共廁所里安排了一個觀察者。
Preliminary tests reveal no significant changes in the pandemic (H1N1) 2009 virus based on investigations of samples taken from patients in Ukraine. 根據從烏克蘭病人身上採集的樣本做出的調查,初步檢測顯示2009年H1N1流感大流行病毒並沒有出現顯著變化。
Because function point counters frequently have to deal with specifications that contain use cases, some preliminary data is also available from them. 因為功能點需要不斷地處理包含用例的規格,所以還可以從中得到一些初步的數據。
Some preliminary research shows that green tea's polyphenols, particularly ECGC, stop the free-radical damage that may lead to cancer and heart disease. 某些初步研究表明,綠茶的茶多酚,尤其是ECGC可以防治可能導致癌症和心臟病的自由肌對於人體的損壞。