



  • 外文名:precursor
  • 詞性:名詞
  • 英式讀音: [priˈkɜːsə(r)]
  • 美式讀音: [priˈkɜːrsər]


英 [priˈkɜːsə(r)] 美 [priˈkɜːrsər]
n. (事物)先驅,先兆;(尤指經新陳代謝形成另一種物質的)前體,前質


precursor chemicals 易製毒化學品
Precursor mRNA 前信使RNA ; 前體mRNA
earthquake precursor [地震] 地震前兆 ; 地震預兆 ; 地震先兆現象
seizure precursor 占線前標
Oligodendrocyte precursor cell 少突先驅膠質細胞 ; 少突膠質前體細胞 ; 突膠質前體細胞
amyloid protein precursor 澱粉樣蛋白前體 ; 澱粉樣蛋白前 ; 澱粉樣前體蛋白 ; 前體蛋白
pigment precursor 色素前體物 ; 色素母體
neural precursor cells 神經前體細胞 ; 或神經前體細胞 ; 神經幹細胞 ; 胞在神經前體細胞
Precursor Ion Scan 母離子掃描 ; 前體離子掃描
precursor cell 前體細胞 ; 前驅細胞 ; 詳細翻譯


  • He said that the deal should not be seen as a precursor to a merger. 他說這次交易不應該被看作是合併的前兆。
  • Error is often the precursor of what is correct. 錯誤常常是正確的先導。
  • We talked about the artificial hip, which is a modern precursor of the splint I talked about before. 我們說到的人造髖關節就是我之前講過的夾板的現代前身。
  • Precursor ion scanning refers to monitoring for a specific loss from the precursor ion. 前體離子掃描是指監測前體離子的特定損失。
  • You may have to control the precursor gases. 你還得控制在反應中產生它們的氣體。
  • That kind of surge may be a precursor to inflation. 這種飆升也許是通脹的前兆。
  • They alter the way it cleaves amyloid precursor protein. 它們改變了這個酶切割澱粉樣蛋白前體的方式。
  • It won only five of 13 seats held by its precursor. 他們只贏得了先前13個議席的5席。
  • Byron could have even been a precursor to the modern rock star. 拜倫也許正是現代搖滾明星的先驅。
  • Corporations have had the precursor of social networks for ages. 很長時間以來,企業都是社會化網路套用的先驅。
  • So, she had a precursor. So what? Does that make any difference? 所以,在她之前有過別人,那有怎樣,會造成不同嗎?
  • LILO was the precursor to GRUB, but you can still find it booting Linux. LILO是GRUB的先驅,但是我們可能發現它依然可以引導Linux。
  • Hence, choosing the right team is a precursor to all the above factors. 因此,選擇一個正確的團隊是上述一切因素的先決條件。
  • Early scribbling is one precursor to early writing which can lead to reading. 幼兒的塗鴉是一種書寫,也是閱讀的前兆。
  • Pearson likens the colonial medical consultation process as a precursor to email. 皮爾森認為殖民時代的醫療諮詢過程,就象網路會診的前身。
  • In this way, it's sort of a precursor to Apple's new GarageBand application. 這樣,它成為蘋果公司的新garageband應用程式的先驅。
  • The stabilisation of prices turned out to be a precursor to broader economic recovery. 因此,此時住房價格的重新趨穩被視為整體經濟恢復的一個前兆。
  • In the 1970s many people wrote off the precursor to the World Trade Organisation. 20世紀70年代許多人為世界貿易組織寫下了序篇。
  • The meeting is a precursor to a full G20 summit in Pittsburgh on 25-26 September. 這次會議是9月25至26日在匹茲堡舉行的G20峰會的預演。
  • Impatience is often a precursor to self-punishment, so stop way before the red light hits. 焦躁通常是自我懲罰的前兆,因此,你得趕快在紅燈亮起之前停下來。
  • He would have been what Nietzsche in an interesting precursor text calls "historical man." 他就像是尼採在他的一篇有趣的,有關先驅者的文章里提到的“歷史上的人。”
  • The precursor to the stop error screen, which became known as the 'Blue screen of Death'. 預報器停止錯誤螢幕,這就是有名的“藍屏當機”。
  • To date, no so-called quake precursor has achieved anything like that degree of reliability. 到目前為止,任何所謂的地震前兆都遠未達到這個準確率。
  • The meeting was a precursor to the larger G-20 meeting taking place in Seoul on November 11 and 12. 這次會議將是於今年的月的11日至12日在漢城召開的較大的20國集團會議的前兆。
  • The interference of the precursor and the slightly delayed main waveform can explain this structure. 前驅的干擾和主波形輕微的延遲可以解釋這個結構。
  • Uh-oh! The precursor to the stop error screen, which became known as the 'Blue Screen of Death'. 啊喔!預報器停止錯誤螢幕,這就是有名的“藍屏當機"。
  • One such substitute was a salty paste of fermented grains, an early precursor of modern soy sauce. 其中之一的替代品就是鹹的貼上糧醅,它就是現代醬油的祖先。

