- 軟體名稱:Poweramp
- 軟體平台:安卓andriod
- 軟體語言:英文
- 全稱:PowerAMP Music Player

4. 支持直接從PowerAMP的鎖屏中解鎖到主螢幕的功能,支持Scrobble共享功能
5. 支持從SD卡中選擇音樂的功能
6. 支持查看和編輯ID3標籤、歌詞功能
7. 支持快速掃描檔案(每秒約1000個檔案)
8. 支持均衡器(EQ)設定功能
9. 支持使用自建解碼器功能
10. 支持耳機線控功能
11. 內置幾套精美的主題
12. 支持資料夾/音樂庫中啟用“返回到播放器”選項功能
13. 支持橫屏模式中隱藏均衡器面板選項功能
- fixed issue with occasional vibrate to ring switching
- Poweramp now resets back to default skin on 3rd party skin failure to load
- fixed crash in lists for Samsungs @ 4.3
- Album Art/Mobile User Agent option
- improved RemoteControlClient (BT/lockscreen) seek support for Android 4.3+
- other small fixes and improvements
- 539: fixed tone/vol button
- 538: stability fix
- Bluetooth track info for Samsungs @ 4.3
- Persian and Greek translations/translation updates
- skin devs: changed skin search query (please see Poweramp dev. forum)
- Settings/Look and Feel/Player UI/Filename as Title option
- other small fixes and improvements
- 535: Yandex.Store
- 534: Android Lock Screen option for 4.3
- 534: updated translations, added Romanian
- 533: Headset and Bluetooth buttons configuration (single, double/triple, long). “Single” is useful for devices with << >> controls, so Poweramp reacts on button presses faster
- 533: CyanogenMod Metachanged Intent option for Bluetooth metadata options under Settings => Headset / Bluetooth. Also useful for some other ROMs (e.g. Sony devices)
- 533: faster reaction on headset button presses
- 533: Android Lock Screen option is now always enabled and hidden on Android 4.3+, as this is required for Bluetooth track info
- 532: improved compatibility with exFat/NTFS sd-cards for some ROMs
- 532: workaround for 3rd party skin issue on Sony 4.2.2 ROMs (update is required for skins)
- 532: Intel (x86) builds now have build number prefix “860″, e.g. this build is 860532 for Intels and just 532 for ARMs
- 530: Action Bar on bottom option not supported anymore for Android 4.3
- 530: fixed few other Android 4.3 related issues
- 530: translations added/updated
- 529: added support for FLAC Composer tag
- 529: Look and Feel/Status Bar/Notification/Notification Priority option (Android 4.1.2+)
- 529: fixed 4×4 widget on Androids 2.x
- 528, 529: translations updated
- 527: 4×4 widget Album Art background is now hidden when Shadow Opacity is 0
- 527: (beta) Arabic translation (BLueBLaze, mohjif)
- 527: (beta) Vietnamese (alienyd, robot_boy_tn, thanhtai2009)
1. HTC One X支持
2. 支持HTC 杜比效果
3. 設定改革,最佳化蜂窩/ ICS
4. 動作條支持蜂窩/ ICS
5. 額外的動作條選項,為ICS
6. 改進建立在皮膚片
7. 背景資料夾掃描
8. 額外的掃描選項
9. BT簡歷/暫停支持(ICS)