巡演的開始Nicki穿著黑色的斗篷,這是她的另一個自我--Roman Zolanski。在“ Roman's Revenge”的歌聲響起時,Nicki出現了!!然後在節奏快朗的“Roman Holiday”響起時,Nicki站立在舞台上。在一個以教堂為主題的大背景下,伴舞們身著黑色斗篷。“Roman Holiday”結束後,Nicki脫下黑色斗篷,她的演出服展現在觀眾眼前,其中包括粉色和黑色的的波爾卡圓點高層內褲,黃色和黑色的圓點上衣,還有以塗鴉為主題的夾克。伴舞們也迅速換裝:他們脫下斗篷,然後和Nicki一起開始了的臀部跳段“Did It On’Em”。然後“I Am Your Leader”繼續響起。“Beez In The Trap”也接著出現!然後螢幕放出了“Stupid Hoe”的片段,最後出現的是和Big Sean合作的“Dance (A$$)”然後Nicki進入後台換裝。Part1
1."Roman's Revenge" 2."Did It on 'Em" 3."I Am Your Leader" 4."Beez in the Trap" 5."Stupid Hoe" 6."Dance (A$$)" "Right by My Side" 8."Moment 4 Life" 9."Starships" 10."Pound the Alarm" 11."Whip It" / "Turn Me On" 12."Where Them Girls At" 13."Fire Burns" 14."Save Me" 15."Go Hard" / "Sweet Dreams" / "Slumber Party" / "Beam Me Up Scotty" / "I Get Crazy" / "Itty Bitty Piggy" 16."Come On A Cone" 17."Up All Night" / "Make Me Proud" / "My Chick Bad" / "Bottoms Up" / "Monster" / "Freaky Gurl", "Letting Go (Dutty Love)" / "Hold Yuh" / "BedRock" / "Roman Reloaded" / "Roman in Moscow" 18."Super Bass"U.S.A
1."Roman's Revenge" 2."Did It on 'Em" 3."I Am Your Leader" (with Cam'ron) ."Touch It Or Not" (with Cam'ron) 5."Beez in the Trap" 6."Stupid Hoe" 7."I Luv Dem Strippers" / "Dance (A$$)" 8."Right by My Side" 9."Moment 4 Life" 10."Starships" 11."Pound the Alarm" 12."Whip It" 13."Turn Me On" 14."Fire Burns" 15."Save Me" 16."Itty Bitty Piggy" / "Go Hard" / "Sweet Dreams" / "Can't Stop, Won't Stop" / "I Get Crazy" 17."Roman In Moscow" 18."Born Stunna" / "Roger That" 19"Come On A Cone" 20."Letting Go (Dutty Love)" / "Hold Yuh" / "My Chick Bad" / "Bottoms Up" / "5 Star Chick" / "Freaky Girl" / "Slumber Party" / "Out of My Mind" 21."BK Anthem" / "Oh Yeah" (with Foxy Brown) 22."Tables Will Turn" (with Foxy Brown) 23."Up All Night" (with Drake) 24."Make Me Proud" (with Drake) 25."Take It to the Head" (with Lil Wayne) 26."The Motto" (with Drake and Lil Wayne) 27."Roman Reloaded" 28"Super Bass"