



  • 外文名:piles
  • 詞性:名詞
  • 英式發音:[paɪlz]
  • 美式發音:[paɪlz]


pile /paɪl/ CET4 TEM4 ( piling, piled, piles )
1.N-COUNT A pile of things is a mass of them that is high in the middle and has sloping sides. 堆
2.N-COUNT A pile of things is a quantity of things that have been put neatly somewhere so that each thing is on top of the one below. 疊
3.V-T If you pile things somewhere, you put them there so that they form a pile. 堆放
4.V-T If something is piled with things, it is covered or filled with piles of things. 堆滿 [usu passive]
5.V-I If a group of people pile into or out of a vehicle, they all get into it or out of it in a disorganized way. 湧入/出
6.N-COUNTPiles are wooden, concrete, or metal posts that are pushed into the ground and on which buildings or bridges are built. Piles are often used in very wet areas so that the buildings do not flood. 地樁
7.V to drive (piles) into the ground 將(地樁)打進地里
8.N-PLURALPiles is an informal word meaning haemorrhoids. 痔瘡
9.N-SING The pile of a carpet or of a fabric such as velvet is its soft surface. It consists of a lot of little threads standing on end. 絨面
10.PHRASE Someone who is at the bottom of the pile is low down in society or low down in an organization. Someone who is at the top of the pile is high up in society or high up in an organization. 處於...的下層或上層 [非正式]


piles of 一大團 ; 一大堆 ; 一大批 ; 成堆的
bored piles 鑽孔灌注樁 ; 鑽孔樁 ; 灌注樁 ; 壓漿
driven piles 打入樁
narrow piles 窄材堆
internal piles 內痔 ; 痔瘡
external piles 外痔 ; 代孕費用 ; 䥠
friction piles 摩擦樁
precast piles 預製板樁 ; 預製管樁
cedar piles 杉木樁


