


主要研究方向為滑坡災害的發育、啟動和運動機制及計算模擬,滑坡碎屑流/土石流-結構動力相互作用,滑坡、高邊坡及崩塌滾石災害工程防治技術。獲得國家自然科學基金項目資助3項(青年科學基金項目1項、面上目2項),參加了國家“973”計畫、國家科技支撐計畫、重點研發計畫等項目多項。在本領域國際知名期刊上發表SCI論文30多篇,EI論文20餘篇。現為SCI期刊《Journal of Mountain Science》科學編輯,《International Journal forNumerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics》、《Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences》、《岩石力學與工程學報》等期刊審稿人。


  • 中文名:李新坡
  • 外文名:Li Xinpo
  • 國籍中國
  • 民族:漢族
  • 籍貫:山東莘縣人
  • 任職單位:中國科學院水利部成都山地災害與環境研究所
  • 職稱:研究員
1996/09 – 2000/06,西南交通大學,土木工程學院,學士
2001/09 – 2003/09,西南交通大學,岩土工程系,碩士
2003/09 – 2006/06,中國科學院成都山地災害與環境研究所,博士
2006/07 – 2007/03,中國石油大學(華東),儲運與建築學院,講師
2007/07 – 2010/11,中國科學院成都山地災害與環境研究所,山地災害與地表過程重點實驗室,助理研究員
2012/02 – 2013/02,Colorado School of Mines,訪問學者
2010/12 – 2020/07,中國科學院成都山地災害與環境研究所,山地災害與地表過程重點實驗室,副研究員:
2017/12 – 2018/12,Colorado School of Mines,訪問學者
2020/07 – ,中國科學院成都山地災害與環境研究所,研究員:
Li Xinpo*, Tang Xiong, Zhao Shuxi,Yan Qiwei, Wu Yong. MPM evaluation of the dynamic runout process of the giantDaguangbao landslide, Landslides,2021, 18: 1509–1518.
Yan Qiwei, Li Xinpo*, Tang Xiong, Wu Yong*, Siming He.Investigation of the strength recovery characteristics of a red-bed landslidesoil by SHS and ultrasonic experiments. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and theEnvironment, 80, 5271–5278.
Li Xinpo*, Yan Qiwei, ZhaoShuxi, et al. Investigation of influence of baffles on landslide debrismobility by 3D material point method, Landslides,2020, 17(5),1129-1143.
Li Xinpo*, Zhao Shuxi,He Siming, Yan Qiwei, Lei Xiaoqin. Seismic stability analysis of gravityretaining wall supporting c–φ soil with cracks. Soils and Foundations, 2019,59(4):1103-1111
Li Xinpo*, Xie Yanfang,Gutierrez Marte. A soft–rigid contact model of MPM for granular flow impact onretaining structures. Computational Particle Mechanics,2018, 5(4): 529-537.
Li Xinpo*, Wu Yong, He Siming, Su Lijun. (2016).Application of the material point method to simulate the post-failure runoutprocesses of the Wangjiayan landslide. EngineeringGeology212: 1-9.
Li Xinpo*,Su Lijun, He Siming, Xu Jun. Limit equilibrium analysis of seismic stability ofslopes reinforced with a row of piles. International Journal for Numerical andAnalytical Methods in Geomechanics, 2016; 40:1241–1250.
Li Xinpo*, Pei Xiangjun,Gutierrez Marte, He Siming. Optimal location of piles in slope stabilizationby limit analysis. Acta Geotechnica, 2012, 7(3): 253-259.
Li Xinpo,He Siming*, Wu Yong. Limit analysis of the stability of slopesreinforced with anchors.InternationalJournal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 2012,36(17): 1898–1908.
Li Xinpo,He Siming*, Luo Yu, Wu Yong. Simulation of the sliding process ofDonghekou landslide triggered by the Wenchuan earthquake using a distinctelement method. Environmental Earth Science, 2012, 65(4): 1049-1054
Li Xinpo, He Siming* andWu Yong. Seismic displacement of slopes reinforced with piles. Journalof Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 2010, 136(6): 880-884.
Li Xinpo, Wu Yongand He Siming*. Seismic stability analysis of gravity retainingwalls. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2010, 30: 875–878.
Li Xinpo, He Siming*, Luo Yu, Wu Yong. Discrete element modeling ofdebris avalanche impact on retaining walls. Journalof Mountain Science, 2010, 7: 276–281.
Li Xinpo*, He Siming. Seismically Induced SlopeInstabilities and the Corresponding Treatments: the Case of a Road in theWenchuan Earthquake Hit Region. Journal of MountainScience, 2009,6(1): 96-100.
973項目,汶川地震次生山地災害形成機理與風險控制, 2008CB425803,參加,2008年10月-2010年12月
國家自然科學基金青年項目,邊坡地震位移預測與位移控制設計研究, 主持, 2011-01--2013-12
973項目,大型滑坡長期演變的地質力學行為及成災模式研究, 專題, 2013-01--2017-12
國家自然科學基金面上項目,高速遠程滑坡解體破碎與動力演化機制研究, 主持 , 2015-01--2018-12
中科院STS項目,川藏鐵路山地災害分布規律、風險分析與防治試驗示範,課題負責人, 2015-01--2017-12
國家自然科學基金面上項目,滑坡碎屑流-結構動力相互作用計算模擬及災害定量風險分析, 主持 , 2019-01--2022-12
國家重點研發計畫重點專項,大範圍自然災害交通網信息全息感知與智慧型控制及安全誘導技術裝備研發(2020YFC1512005),專題,2021年01月至 2024年 12月


