



  • 外文名:permitted
  • 詞性:動詞
  • 英式音標:[pəˈmɪtɪd]
  • 美式音標:[pərˈmɪtɪd]


英 [pəˈmɪtɪd] 美 [pərˈmɪtɪd]
v. 允許;(使)有可能;批准;可能有;允許有(permit過去式過去分詞


Parking permitted 允許停車 ; 答應停車 ; 允許泊車 ; 停車
transhipment permitted 允許轉運 ; 答應轉運 ; 理睬轉運 ; 同意轉運
permitted rent 準許租金 ; 核准租金 ; 批准租金
Auto Not Permitted 禁止汽車 ; 制止汽車
permitted plot ratio 準許地積比率 ; 核准地積比率 ; 核准建造比率 ; 準許
permitted level of return 獲準營利額 ; 準許利潤水平
permitted area 許可地區
permitted transition [天物] 容許躍遷 ; 容許遷躍
maximum permitted load 最大容許負載量 ; 最大容許荷載 ; 最大容許荷載量
Flash photograph is not permitted 不準用閃光燈拍照


  • The use of antibiotics is permitted only in extremis. 只有在萬不得已的情況下才允許使用抗生素。
  • Mitchel's schedule had not permitted him to take time off. 米切爾的日程表已不允許他休假。
  • The guards permitted me to bring my camera and tape recorder. 守衛允許我帶上相機和錄音機。
  • Only then was publication permitted. 直到那時才允許出版。
  • Mixed bathing was permitted on British beaches. 英國海灘允許混合浴。
  • No one is permitted to take books out of the building. 任何人都不得把書帶出大樓。
  • Mixed bathing was permitted on British beaches in 1901. 1901年,英國海灘允許混合沐浴。
  • But no one is permitted to take books out of the building. 但是任何人都不允許把書帶出大樓。
  • Only under special circumstances freshmen are permitted to take make-up tests. 只有在特殊情況下才會允許大一新生參加補考。
  • Interestingly, such a design would not be permitted under current Japanese building regulations. 有趣的是,根據日本現行的建築法規,這樣的設計是不允許的。
  • It was because he was of an argumentative mind that in their cabin at night he permitted himself to carp. 正是因為他愛爭辯,所以晚上在他們的船艙里,他才允許自己吹毛求疵。
  • With the exception of using a small microwave oven to heat food, students are not permitted to cook in their rooms. 除了使用小型微波爐加熱食物之外,不允許學生在房間裡做飯。
  • Unlike the original form used in early pendulum clocks, the anchor escapement permitted the pendulum to travel in a very small arc. 與在早期擺鐘中使用的原始形式不同,錨擒縱裝置允許鐘擺沿非常小的弧線運動。
  • New regulations increase the maximum permitted vehicle weight; these regulations will therefore allow onto the highway trucks capable of doing even more damage than those currently permitted. 新規提高了許可車輛重量的最高標準。因此,這些規定將導致高速公路上的卡車比目前允許的卡車造成更大的破壞。
  • Ekman and his colleagues more recently obtained similar results in a study of ten cultures in which participants were permitted to report that multiple emotions were shown by facial expressions. 埃克曼和他的同事最近在對10種文化的研究中也得到了類似的結果,研究中允許參與者報告多種面部表情表現出來的情感。
  • Successive governments have permitted such increases on the grounds that the cost of investing in and running the rail network should be borne by those who use it, rather than the general taxpayer. 歷屆政府都允許這種增長,理由是投資和運營鐵路網路的成本應由使用者承擔,而不是一般納稅人。
  • Jim permitted himself a wry smile. 吉姆勉強苦笑了一下。
  • Radios are not permitted in the library. 圖書館內不許使用收音機。
  • Perhaps I may be permitted a few suggestions. 也許能容許我提幾條建議。
  • Visitors are not permitted to take photographs. 參觀者請勿拍照。
  • We were not permitted any contact with each other. 我們不許彼此有任何接觸。
  • The use of cellular phones is not permitted on most aircraft. 大多數飛機上不許使用手機。
  • There are fines for exceeding permitted levels of noise pollution. 噪音超標會處以罰款。
  • Since deregulation, banks are permitted to set their own interest rates. 解除管制後,銀行獲準自定利率。
  • Coincident with the talks, the bank was permitted to open a New York branch. 會談的同時,該銀行已獲準在紐約開設一家分行。
  • It is not permitted to sell or otherwise distribute copies of past examination papers. 不準出售或以其他方式散發過去的試卷。
  • She received the Guinness World Record for being the first person permitted to fly an airplane with only her feet. 她獲得了金氏世界紀錄,成為第一個被允許只用腳駕駛飛機的人。
  • My connection with pandas goes back to my days on a TV show in the mid-1980s, when I was the first Western TV reporter permitted to film a special unit caring for pandas rescued from starvation in the wild. 我與熊貓的聯繫要追溯到20世紀80年代中期,那時我在一個電視節目上作為西方電視記者,首次被允許拍攝一個這樣的特別機構,它們護理從野外的飢餓中解救出來的熊貓。
  • Students living in buildings that have kitchens are only permitted to cook in the kitchen. 如果學生居住在帶有廚房的樓層中,他們就只能在廚房裡做飯。


